Los Angeles

Airmobile 52 Reviews 657 reads

If three-a-day is low volume, I shudder to think what high volume is.
Most, if not all, the ladies I visit say that they only see one a day... Yeah right..  Like I believe everything they tell me.
With that in mind...  I usually don't visit ladies on tour, unless I know I 'm " first guy up" and otherwise schedule my appointments early in the day.
  This player is a lead-off hitter.  I don't (knowingly) bat clean-up.

-- Modified on 3/17/2014 3:34:53 PM

low volume providers (about 3 quality meetings oer day) or high volume providers....for the discretion of my whereabouts and when I tour, I tend to be satisfied with 2-3 quality meetings sprinkled throughout the day. I don't burn out and don't raise a flag to the hotel...and believe me I prefer to keep it that way. I don't knock a provider who is higher volume, admirable if you can be busy all day and be discreet...care to share advice on how to do so without making the maids that lurk all day suspicious?  

I wondered if hobbyists prefer lower volume providers or don't care? Penny for your thoughts. Kori.

-- Modified on 3/17/2014 2:13:48 PM

Maybe if you're touring and have to cover your expenses, but not generally.  It's more like "medium volume."

-- Modified on 3/17/2014 11:40:48 AM

If three-a-day is low volume, I shudder to think what high volume is.
Most, if not all, the ladies I visit say that they only see one a day... Yeah right..  Like I believe everything they tell me.
With that in mind...  I usually don't visit ladies on tour, unless I know I 'm " first guy up" and otherwise schedule my appointments early in the day.
  This player is a lead-off hitter.  I don't (knowingly) bat clean-up.

-- Modified on 3/17/2014 3:34:53 PM

Thanks everyone for your pm's and replies! It is a personal opinion on what we consider is "low volume" or "high"...I do have close girlfriends in the business that do see 5-6 people per travel day that they are in a city. It is all about how much you can handle without becoming a mechanical robot with no feelings, lol.

In reality, that not realistic unless the rates are high. When it comes right down to it, the quality of the time spent is most important. I know you are top notch and certainly into the session

I totally agree.  A good provider knows what she can handle and still provide that only guy in the world fantasy we all look out for.

Why thank you! Looking forward to reuniting very very soon!

Posted By: EasyGoing4U
In reality, that not realistic unless the rates are high. When it comes right down to it, the quality of the time spent is most important. I know you are top notch and certainly into the session.    

if a provider sees 3 clients per day, one hour each, for $500/hr......

That's $1,500 a day, $7,500 a week, $390,000 per year.

That's a NICE income. Of course, it's all cash which presents other problems. But, ignoring that.....

I don't think that 3 a day is 'low volume' either. Heck, 1 a day gets you $120,000 annually.  

OK, back to work I go.

It does depend on the provider's hourly consideration...not everyone is at 500 or more. Also when touring there are other expenses: hotels, flights, cabs, food. I have never really been a "based: out of a city girl, always touring. I love to travel and love going to new places! A mind is a terrible thing to waste! :) Thanks everyone for your opinions!

I really don't care.  Over all my years playing, I have seen both types of providers.  
And the only thing I expect from the lady I do choose to see, is that she makes me feel like I am the only guy in the world for my session.  

The rest is your personal business

Its tough to be on a one-a-day plan without your own incall, so I feel you. Makes a difference to the client as well as your own vibe. Just sayin.

...especially with L.A. traffic!

oddly I agree with everyone so far. If you are based at home or travel and stay for a month or 2 at a time and have a price point 400 and over 1 a day is adequate for you to pursue any and all of your passions. Whether school, work, pleasure and allow you a 5 day not 7 day work week. But thats just me. We must consider no W2 nor 1099 all income!:) If you only travel and your price point is too low at 1 you may not enjoy your stay overhead may eat it all up, plane,car rental, all obligations in your civilian home lifestyle, if your in a 5 star hotel.etc...
Adrianna Azzure

I would venture to say that generally among hobbyists and providers 3 a day would not be considered low volume. However, 3 a day and then no appointments the rest of the week is lower volume than a girl that sees one guy a day, seven days a week. Based on what I've encountered and read, Low volume would be something like one a day and no more than 5 appointments in a week.  High volume would be 5+ in a day and maybe doing that 3 to 4 days a week.

And I forgot to state my preference...I prefer low volume.  :)

Hobbyists will unanimously prefer a 'low volume' provider; but they want her available and ready to rock 24/7. Many other geniuses wan't to be "first plane on the runway" but they don't want to take off until late in the work day.  

  Simply keep your volume to what you feel is comfortable and profitable for you. And if some guy asks just tell him he's the first gentleman you've seen that day.

Posted By: KoriZen
low volume providers (about 3 quality meetings oer day) or high volume providers....for the discretion of my whereabouts and when I tour, I tend to be satisfied with 2-3 quality meetings sprinkled throughout the day. I don't burn out and don't raise a flag to the hotel...and believe me I prefer to keep it that way. I don't knock a provider who is higher volume, admirable if you can be busy all day and be discreet...care to share advice on how to do so without making the maids that lurk all day suspicious?  
 I wondered if hobbyists prefer lower volume providers or don't care? Penny for your thoughts. Kori.

-- Modified on 3/17/2014 2:13:48 PM

Men concerning themselves with what a woman does with her her hot pocket is why there's a need for ter in the first place.

First on the runway?- What's to say she doesn't have a significant other who gave her something to remember before seeing her off to your city? Also the guy who books 9am doesn't necessarily get "the best" or most energetic session of the day.  

As long as the session is good why care about her volume, again, as long as your session is good. Paying for it with a professional then concerning yourself with how much sex she has is asinine at best.

When birth control coverage was under real attack a year or so ago and scared libs and fems were using it's other benefits (e.g. lowering the risk of cancer and endometriosis relief) to argue it's necessity I did not get on board. Enjoying sex and not wanting to get knocked up should have been reason enough in my book.  

Similarly I'm comfortable with who and how many I see but won't air it out here because it doesn't make me any different from the lady seeing one a week or 7 a day. If it weighs on the quality of the session I understand but how would you ever know if she was worn out that day or having a bad day or just a bad provider?  

Selling yourself the illusion that volume makes a difference in the quality of the woman or the nature of the fact that you P4P is juvenile imo.

i will say that it's not actually the act itself that is effected by the volume of clients in a day, at least not for me.  if a woman is into what she is doing, and able to convince me she is, then no probs when we are doing the deed.

but man, high volume (3 a day is high volume, sorry!) girls tend to slack off in other important areas like....

is the bed freshly made?  are your clothes picked up?  is the bathroom clean?  is your hair dry?  are you dressed and ready, and more importantly, are you focused on me, and not distracted by what the last guy did/didn't do, or will you be able to get me out the door and clean up in time for the next guy?

unfortunately, and this goes for every discipline (not just the hobby) if you have too many jobs in too short a time, something's going to get short shrift.  i wouldn't expect to be the only kidney operation my surgeon performs that day, but i also don't want to be one of 15, either.

just saw a lady a few weeks ago, who was sexy as hell, and a pretty good time, but the room was a mess, it was obvious the bed had been used earlier (and i saw her at 1 in the afternoon!!!) and even worse, piss and blood stains on the toilet.  damn, what great time i had with her was totally brought down by the obvious lack of focus on my total enjoyment.

sorry but full disclosure:  i'm no longer a spring chicken so stuff like, is your hair dry and is the toilet clean means a lot to me.

just sayin'

That is about your style as a Provider.  None of a hobbyist's business.  I would assume you see your clients one at a time so your service is based on that "customer experience".  The maids KNOW.  Even if NO ONE came to your room!!!
 Ama#1, "La Prostituta esta tienindo una dia mala."  
 Ama#2, " Si, yo se, pobrecita".  
 You have to understand that this business is legal where they come from and they're WAY out ahead of ya.  disclaimer(the majority of hospitality workers are new immigrants).    
  I had one Provider a little upset because after our three hour romp.  She was DONE for the day. :)

It's a one on one service (well mostly), he he he . . .


swish44370 reads

This is the reason why I would never see touring girls .. 3 guys is low volume .I THINK NOT !!!

God bless you for being able to handle 3 sessions in a day. I would never last touring if I saw 3 people in a day. I give so much energy in a session, thats amazing you can handle that!. And wow, how do you keep from getting sore? I guess I just prefer longer sessions with 1 person. Get it though girl!!!


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