Los Angeles

Does unintentionally "got too drunk to fuck" count? lol
GaGambler 307 reads

I have NEVER, NONE. ZERO, ZIP paid a hooker to go on a sexless date with me, but I have accidentally gotten a hooker too drunk to fuck and since it was my fault for forgetting it was too much to expect a 98 pound girl to go shot to shot with me for hours, I had to live with the consequences.

If I want to pay a girl to listen to all my problems, but NOT fuck me, that's why they invented bartenders at a twentieth of the rate. It's still not free, but a fifty dollar tip to a bartender to listen to me whine for a couple of hours is money much better spent than giving a hooker a grand to do the same thing for the same amount of time.

But as they say "each to their own" if the OP gets off paying hundreds of dollars an hour to "talk" so be it. It's just not for me.

Includes having no BJ...

Me - about half...  

Of those -  the majority were because I was so mesmerised & smitten - I didn't want to fuck it up by "transactionalising" / commoditising  it...

Sometimes a GFE experience is balls to the wall sex and sometimes it's just hanging out...

If I just wanted to hang out and talk I can do that at a local gym or at work when it's slow for free.  I guess it's true then.  Some providers have told me about this "just hanging out" phenomenon though it is hard for me to understand.  Heck if I could get $300 or $400 an hour just for talking to someone, I would have to seriously consider cross dressing and putting an ad up.  I would just have to figure out how to know which guys would keep things in their pants and stick with them.  

Haha - I guess you're not as disturbed as I am...

IRL I get lots of great sex and almost no empathy - so like others I am just paying to "fill a void" :))

Be careful with your offer Amigo because I have been known to spontaneously pull out my cock and say "let's do this"...  Although I'm not interested in a sword fight...

Its easy to get a gym girl to go have a beer or a cup of coffee and talk.  Getting them into bed it a little more of a challenge.  This is the first I ever heard a hobbyist speak of an entirely sexless PAID date.  I know guys that book multiple hours and spend most of it hanging out, watching a movie, or going out to dinner, but there is STILL some sex involved.  

...understand your question.   If there is no sex it's not a "hobby date".  

Paying for not having sex is called marriage, isn't it?  

Her ad was great, her reviews were good, she had the body I liked..so WTF went wrong??? We met at the bar at my hotel and the minute I saw her I hated the way she dressed and the was her hair was made up. And on our way to my room, she wanted to take pictures of us, like it was a prom date. It was overly corny. She stopped people to take the pictures of us. Then in the room I had candles lit and a room with a view, again she wanted to take pictures. OMG! At that time I mentally checked out. We then tried to get intimate but she kissed like shit, she sucked my whole face...that was it and I just drank champagne while she did a expensive lap dance for me.

I was jet lagged and nervous as hell so we just talked and she gave me a massage and I think a lap dance or two and that was it. Paid her the full amount because it was on me to decide not to go thru with it. But that was the only time and I cut myself a lot of slack on it, all things considered.

I'll bet there are lots of first timers that are so nervous that they never even make it to meet the girl. Between the paranoia and mind fucking that occurs on a first session it's understandable. But I don't understand the "mesmerised & smitten" thing. That's a bit odd.

GaGambler308 reads

I have NEVER, NONE. ZERO, ZIP paid a hooker to go on a sexless date with me, but I have accidentally gotten a hooker too drunk to fuck and since it was my fault for forgetting it was too much to expect a 98 pound girl to go shot to shot with me for hours, I had to live with the consequences.

If I want to pay a girl to listen to all my problems, but NOT fuck me, that's why they invented bartenders at a twentieth of the rate. It's still not free, but a fifty dollar tip to a bartender to listen to me whine for a couple of hours is money much better spent than giving a hooker a grand to do the same thing for the same amount of time.

But as they say "each to their own" if the OP gets off paying hundreds of dollars an hour to "talk" so be it. It's just not for me.

My first one ever. He would hire me to get dressed up like Marie Antoinette with garters and stockings while he talked. He came to me for about 3 months and he never wanted anything more than a massage.

at least let you touch their hairs? lol

Some are here for straight suck & fuck, but others love quality companionship.  Adult conversation is arousing.   You can release without having sex.  Stress relief is a must, but there are other fun ways to get you there that maybe you have never been open to trying.  You just need a new cheerleader.  lol Smile 4 me!

With providers I have known who have told me about such visits, it seems they were more often really old guys who's plumbing no longer worked well.  So in that case they were looking for arousal a different way.

Bree Daniels/Jane Fonda plays a high end escort and one of her client is an older gentleman who just likes to watch and they do nothing...cool movie.

thinks up for us.  After about 10 minutes of conversation I'd say, "We can keep talking for as long as you want to, but the clock is ticking", and then I'd put some moves on the guy.  If he didn't respond, I guess we could keep talking, but I'd try again every 5 or 10 minutes to take things to the next level.

A guy paid me for a four hour date and all we did was cuddle and watch movies

As.Good.as.It.Gets311 reads

I felt really sick the morning of my appointment and it was an early morning appointment so I can either do a NCNS or a last minute cancellation. I didn't want to do either because I would like to see her in future so I went to the appointment and explained my situation and pay the full session. Her reaction told me that's really unusual thing to do, but I probably will do the same if it happens again.

Are really funny...

I guess the bigger question is - How often do you cats get laid IRL (without an exchange of $$)?

For me it's 3-4 times a week - It's just the connection that I've lost along the way and that connection isn't solely predicated on fucking...

Pfffttttt.... (French Flat Tire)

Cheers - The 100 Year Old Virgin

Sorry tankbinding, I really could not resist that one.

-- Modified on 2/27/2017 6:32:05 PM

That just wanted to talk and cuddle.  

My ultimate goal is to make the gentlemen feel comfortable.  

Lick Lick,


That is because you are the very top echelon of providers (like many that I see)...

Many men feel lucky just to be breathing the same air as you :))

Sorry but anyone who saw Ashley's videos and read her reviews and didn't give her a chance to gobble their whopper must be insane!

Brother you have to do something about those tiny hands...

Hobby dates without sex?  What is that?  Sorry, don't understand the question.

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