Los Angeles

day job vs. part time
blondiegirlxxxx See my TER Reviews 495 reads

i have a full time day job and do this part time and it can be stressful keeping the two separated.  on another site, i had someone i worked for years ago contact me through email because he recognized me on the site. I never saw him as a client and we keep in touch via email from time to time.  

another time, i had an appointment with a guy and when and when i saw him i thought he looked really familiar.  after our date we were chatting about some of the firms he has worked for and when he mentioned one in particular i knew instantly where i recognized him from because we worked together at the same firm a few years back before the firm shut down completely.  it was a little uncomfortable at first but we both just smiled and said oh well, no big deal but we never saw each other again.  

last year i moved into a new apartment and the guy who is married with three kids who lived directly across from me called me from one of my ads one day and i figured out it was him when i received his screening information.  i did not see him because i don't s^%$ where i eat and we both agreed to keep this between ourselves.  to this day, i see him around the building and we waive hello and so far he has kept our secret between us and to show my appreciation for keeping it under wraps i gave him a gift card and told him to take his wife out with it and he did because his wife came by a week later to thank me.

A post on another thread got me wondering:  

How many ladies do this for part-time income, and for how many is this a full-time gig?

For those of you who have a 'day job,' do you ever worry about running into a co-worker, either as a potential client or when you're out on with a client? Surely some situations (20-something hot girl out with 60-something guy) beg questions, while others don't. Or has it happened to you, and if so, what did you do? And what do you do when the guy one cube over (who needs directions to their shower) tries to set an appointment?

I can imagine scenarios where a lady gets caught up in an uncomfortable situation, which leads to discomfort at the day job. Must be a level of stress I can't comprehend....even worse if you're with an agency, and so have no idea where your going until you get there and the door opens....to your boss.

i have a full time day job and do this part time and it can be stressful keeping the two separated.  on another site, i had someone i worked for years ago contact me through email because he recognized me on the site. I never saw him as a client and we keep in touch via email from time to time.  

another time, i had an appointment with a guy and when and when i saw him i thought he looked really familiar.  after our date we were chatting about some of the firms he has worked for and when he mentioned one in particular i knew instantly where i recognized him from because we worked together at the same firm a few years back before the firm shut down completely.  it was a little uncomfortable at first but we both just smiled and said oh well, no big deal but we never saw each other again.  

last year i moved into a new apartment and the guy who is married with three kids who lived directly across from me called me from one of my ads one day and i figured out it was him when i received his screening information.  i did not see him because i don't s^%$ where i eat and we both agreed to keep this between ourselves.  to this day, i see him around the building and we waive hello and so far he has kept our secret between us and to show my appreciation for keeping it under wraps i gave him a gift card and told him to take his wife out with it and he did because his wife came by a week later to thank me.

but it's not full time either. It would be hard for me to do this full time trying to work a regular job, go to school, and intern. I don't know how the other ladies can juggle so much, but I'll learn. Having a co-worker or boss as a potential client would be unlikely where I'm working now. However, that could be a possibility when I go back to school. You never know. I would be pretty uncomfortable if a professor at my school, boss, or a coworker booked me. I wouldn't go through with our meeting and let them know why.  

This is something that I've wondered about and how one would go about handling it. I like how Blondie went about handling the situation with her neighbor. Glad it worked out 😊

I have a full time day job.  Once I had a co-worker kid me about seeing me dance on a table the night before.  I laughed it off like it was joke when he brought it up.  I had been at the BH Hilton  the night before but the only thing I was on top of was my lover.  He might have seen me at the hotel but I will never know....  Another time a guy and I were relaxing post fun when we figured out that he was friends with my boss.  It is something neither of us shared with my boss.... The only other time was when I ran into a old boss at LAX.  I was flying to SF for the weekend with a client.  I ran into my boss in the boarding area.  We chatted and I told him I was going to SF.  He was going to Denver so were not on the same flight.  When I returned to sit next to my friend, I did not chat him up.  The way I figure if I do run into someone I know, it would be a secret that both of us would keep.

There are a few ladies that I knew their situation.

One did not have another job but felt that 1-4 clients per day was a full time effort.  She said 4 was really too busy.  Another was high volume and 4 was definitely not near her maximum.

Another does this as a day job and does not do nights or overnights, except on rare occasions.

Still another now has a job and has gone semi-retired UTR.  She has been recognized by others.

Still another used to do this as a full time job but now is in the field saleswoman so has to juggle her two different kinds of appointments.  She accidentally sent me an e-mail from her work e-mail account and hasn't acted strange since then.  Instead, she just is more careful which e-mail account she uses.

There have been news stories of college students outed.

LongerMonger357 reads

In my experience I’ve seen full time and part time and everything in between.  Bored housewives, single moms, sales reps that will do this on the side when in town for a few extra bucks, models, actresses, musicians, artists, students, teachers, para legals, EMT's and certifiable nymphomaniacs. Some do it one day a week and some do it five times a day. Some build a clientele and then go UTR and some self promote like an infomercial. Most do it for the money but I've seen a few that do it mostly for the thrill.  But as John Lennon so aptly put it,  "In my life, I've loved them all"

I actually came across some pictures of someone who I know from my days as a photographer in the not so distant past.  
 I have actually thought about scheduling with her but it might be awkward if I disclose Who I am she for a brief time was friends with an ex girlfriend

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