Los Angeles

body hair
specialist1 21 Reviews 489 reads

this is always an interesting subject, i fine you amazing ladies have all different preferences, for me i wax i fine the ladies love it, been doing it for years, i Wax everything inside and out, except arms and legs. for the ladies who  like to rim a guys ass, women love a nice hairless butt inside and out. so men do what your comfortable with, and enjoy the process

Alright so I'm from Eastern Europe and I'm really freakin hairy.

Don't get me wrong, I'm very clean and perfect hygiene wise.  I just happen to have body hair everywhere.

What are your preferences?  I'm definitely getting the short end of the stick with providers, it's fairly obviously other clients are getting more out of the session (such as rimming, longer BBBJs) than I am.  I'm still rating highly because I'm not holding it against anybody and know how unnerving a hairy dude is but really....I just want to even the playing field.

I can trim but it won't do much good in the parts that really matter


Hiii, fellow EE'er! :D

I honestly prefer guys to not have hair on their chest, back, and down there. If a guy really likes his body hair, I prefer it to be trimmed at least and not waving in the wind. I'll be very blunt, if a guy has his balls shaven especially then I can do more down there.  

If you want things to be even, then you'll have to do something about it! And yes, you can trim down there but you just have to be very careful. Other hair removal opinions: shaving, waxing, laser hair removal. It just really depends on how much you want to work on it.

Thanks for the reply

My only concern is looking ridiculous.  I have really hairy legs and behind and I really don't want to trim those

Given the choice between looking ridiculous and having my balls licked until I get light-headed, I know which one I would choose.  Listen to the lady.  She speaks for most providers, except the ones that don't shave either.  if you go back a few weeks (Not sure when board, could be LA, SF or LV), you will find a thread that talks about manscaping and you can ID a few providers that like all that shrubbery and will even lick your hairy armpits.  It was a new one on me.

Hey, it's your body and your choice to have body hair or not. I personally don't care for hairy legs or behinds on guys, but if your behind is also referring to your butt and you're specifically looking for rimming you may need to trim it at least for the occasion :)

It really does make attention to that area MUCH easier. Balls and the base of the penis, if applicable, especially in terms of rolling a condom all the way down. Besides those areas, bring on the hair! That's what a lint roller is for! :D

If you're concerned, trim up your privates, don't worry about looking silly or unnatural.  You don't have to shave it completely. But depending on your marital or relationship status in real life, I wouldn't change it too much because that might make your spouse suspicious. Unless you regularly trim it every so often...

Another thing I would suggest is taking a shower and thoroughly scrubbing the area when you get to her place. Not that I'm suggesting you are unhygienic but perhaps if the provider feels you are extra clean, it will set her mind at ease.  All the body hair can only add to the sense of one not being as clean as they should be. And if there's the slightest of smells, forget about it.  


I am an older gent who is old school and unapologetic when it come to body hair. I don't nip, trim or shave. I always shower when I am with a lady so as to be as fresh as possible. Frankly I miss the days when women had a lovely bush, but I see there are beautiful ladies who are returning to their natural state. Ahhh yes the memories . . .

Wait until you smile and someone tells you that you have pubic hair in your teeth.

Thank you for the advice

I'm a young single guy so looking suspicious is not my concern :)  I just don't want to look like a half man-half goat demon because the contrast between my trimmed upper body/privates and hairy legs would be way too much

-- Modified on 11/19/2015 5:34:37 PM

braver man than me.  Don't mind keeping things trimmed and tidy, but wax?  No way!

I will admit to my double standard on this one.  I love my K-girls waxed.  Lol

Based on what I have heard I would do whatever HC says...

How are you Hannah - My Future Lover??

I confess that when I first started in the hobby, I focused mainly on being very clean but neglected the man-scaping.  I'm an Asian guy, so am generally light on the body hair to begin with.  But when I took the plunge and performed some crotch-grooming, I found the service much more willing and exploratory, particularly in regards to attention to the boys.  

Since then I've developed a ritual of getting everything as smooth as possible down there, usually about 48 hours prior to the date and NEVER at the last minute to avoid the chance of small cuts or irritated skin increasing risk.  I might see where the contrast would be more stark if you are of a more hirsute persuasion, but providers seem to be more practical than romantic.  In the end, I think you'll be more glad you went 'scaped than not.

Thank you for the amusing post, VS!  

I am a licensed esthetician and waxing is one of my specialties! I can do it very gently without any measurable pain. :)  I am an expert in manscaping with a very happy ending!!!!

I've not had a comment from a provider.  
I'm newly separated from my SO and  I had a civilian date. The lady stopped and said "No way, I'm not doing that!" because of my body hair. I was stunned and embarrassed.
I guess i will stay with the provider

FIDCUOF501 reads

To me this ia very simple.  If you were in bed with a date or a provider and you went down on her and saw a huge jungle or bush (hair) would you like it?  If not, you should shave or trim yourself.  All of my dates and providers I see are cleanly shaved or trimmed.  Does that make sense.  I shave my balls, asshole, and trim my body hair.  A provider that responded to this post said it best, too much hair sometimes give the appearance of not being clean or smelly.  My two cents

this is always an interesting subject, i fine you amazing ladies have all different preferences, for me i wax i fine the ladies love it, been doing it for years, i Wax everything inside and out, except arms and legs. for the ladies who  like to rim a guys ass, women love a nice hairless butt inside and out. so men do what your comfortable with, and enjoy the process


(it must have been invented by a misogynist.

I now shave the boys smooth and trim back the hedge 12 hours prior to meeting with a lady

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