Los Angeles

And to make the situation even more unpleasant...
DBJHunter 294 reads

95% of the times, they're not even the girls in the pictures

Contacted a provider, a Russian, to set up a date.  I had checked her profile, and websites, including rates.  There wasn't any indication the anal was an extra charge.  I sent my request and references, cleared verification, received the OK, and thought we were set.  Nevertheless, I sent her booker an email to confirm the rate and, as she lists as a Greek goddess, stated my interest.  The booker responded that Greek would be +$200.  This is the second Russian that has pulled this stunt on me.  Why not list the additional donation for Greek on TER or websites?  Many providers do that and I appreciate their thorough explanation so I can make a timely decision to request or not request a date.  Full disclosure is helpful so time and effort, mine and provider's, isn't wasted.  Buy American anyone?

brings up Russian providers, I have added that I quit seeing them because they are masters of the upsell.  It destroys the fantasy when you have to talk about the price of specific sex acts to be included or not.  A total turnoff for me.  I saw at least a half-dozen Russian girls and all but one tried to upsell me.  Things we take for granted in a session, like BBBJ, CIM, and DFK were extra, so a $400 session becomes $600 real fast.   The price is not the issue, as most of us can afford $600,  its the turn off of having to negotiate everything .  A little too much business reality for me when what I really want is a fantasy.

Well said but worth repeating.
Fantasy is the goal not negotiating; I do enough of the latter in the real world.

HelpAGuyOut210 reads

Ditto on both posts.  We are looking for fantasy, not negotiating.  There is enough negotiating in the real world.  

...those are not the same as anal.  There's prep time involved with anal; therefore, probably 90% of providers charge an additional fee for anal.  Also, asking about a fee for anal is discussing sex for money.  The OP should be thanking his lucky stars the booker wasn't LE.

DBJHunter295 reads

95% of the times, they're not even the girls in the pictures

1.  I'm talking only about face blurring, or photoshopping.  Its done to provide safety and security for the girl.  Providers that travel internationally know that immigration and customs in many countries are now using facial recognition software and can match them to their escort ad if they don't conceal, blur or alter their face photos.  OTOH, photos that are shopped to take off 30 pounds are deceitful and are the only reason I would ever walk out of an appointment.  

2.  Many of these girls have families, friends, or civvie careers that they don't want connected to their escorting, so hiding/blurring/altering their faces, and removing identifying things like moles or tattoos can keep their escort identity a secret from those close to them.

Please bring back Italy! LOL... Hope she is enjoying her new life...

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