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You mean like...all you have to do is wear a dress? EOM
DT_lover 188 Reviews 507 reads


Thetruth652154 reads

With the new transgender bill in MA will post op TS be able to advertise as a woman?  Or is that already happening?

...but I've recently been told that on TER at least, if a post-op trans person advertises as a woman, then the reviewer can not say she is a post-op trans in the review. If this is true, it needs to be changed.  The reviews are required to be detailed, and this is a fundamental detail. I have absolutely no problem with a person expressing their sexuality in any way that pleases them and doesn't cause harm to anyone else, I for damn sure want to be able to express my sexuality the way I want, and that does not include having sex with a man, regardless of the medical procedures that have taken place.

That if u were attracted to a so called man as u claim... Then you're gay. So it's not her fault for attracting gay dudes like you. So stop trying to blame your gayness to someone else lol.  

I swear Boston was awesome for me but the amount of ignorant poeple always astonishes me. Geez

I'm not sure what you're referring to, I didn't claim I was attracted to a man.  I have a lot of respect for you and how open and honest you are about your sexuality.  A trans gender man that claims to be a woman is for whatever reason afraid of who they are and hiding.  This is no different than if I were to spend a fortune at the tanning salon and claim I was a black man. If s/he can't be honest about who and what s/he is, that's where the problem lies, not with the people who are rightly upset about being deceived.  

Posted By: sasha2cute
That if u were attracted to a so called man as u claim... Then you're gay. So it's not her fault for attracting gay dudes like you. So stop trying to blame your gayness to someone else lol.  
 I swear Boston was awesome for me but the amount of ignorant poeple always astonishes me. Geez

As a member of this site since 09, I cannot believe that the post board has gotten so ignorant in its pursuit of causing defamation to all the women that provide us a service. Whether it's woman against woman, man against woman, or woman against man. I read reviews some times and laugh. If the women could respond truthfully back and say this one really had a small dick or he couldn't perform at all, how would we feel? They really have no recourse to their honor in this profession. Remember they are all people like us trying to make a living. I understand if they are ripping you off or providing a bad service. We all have our favorites past and present. There is no best. So stop with all this bullshit. Thanks Taras.

Posted By: Thetruth65
With the new transgender bill in MA will post op TS be able to advertise as a woman?  Or is that already happening?

Unlike your original discriminatory post, which I can safely assume is an attempt at sarcasm.  I'm SURE the Bill had TER advertising guidelines in mind when it was amended.

"Any public accommodation including without limitation any entity that offers the provision of goods, services, or access to the public that lawfully segregates or separates access to such public accommodation or other entity based on a person’s sex shall grant all persons admission to and the full enjoyment of such public accommodation or other entity consistent with the person’s gender identity."

Educate and evolve.

look it up.  I love it when my airline discriminates... between people who are pilots flying the plane, and people who merely identify as pilots.  A world without discrimination would be a terrible thing.

Calling something discrimination doesn't end the argument or solve a problem it begins the discussion.   Everything is discrimination.  You need to do better if you want to assert that discriminating between Men and Women in restroom use is perfectly OK, but discriminating between 'women' with penises who are 'women' because they say they believe they are, and women with two x chromosomes, a vagina and a womb is not OK.  Both are discrimination, explain your reasoning.   Think and Evolve!  Education is supposed to help you think btw, not just give you the right pious doctrine to Shout! with exclamation marks!

Thetruth65507 reads

I'm not sure who you are calling names but it's unbecoming. I asked a very simple question in an effort to find out information. As others have said, and I believe, ones sexuality is an individual choice and I have no issue with it whatsoever. What I do have an issue with is truthfulness. It is only fair for someone to advertise the truth. If in fact someone is post op there is a section on the review that requires a response. To lie about it is unfair to anyone and everyone that reads it  in fact, it is unfair to those post op TS that do advertise truthfully.  
As we have found out, one of boston's top providers has lied to her clients and potential clients (and other providers). That is wrong and she should be barred from TER until she changes the profile.  
Just one guys opinion. If you want to call me names for that, have at it.

In my response to your comment at the top of the thread, I said I had a lot of respect for you.  I gotta say, it's less now.

Posted By: sasha2cute
I may be a TS... But you're the faggot here.

Posted By: sasha2cute
I may be a TS... But you're the faggot here.
-- Modified on 6/12/2016 5:10:01 AM

-- Modified on 6/12/2016 5:27:06 AM

who would lead social change. I appreciate the forthrightness of Sasha and those in our TS community here on TER. Things are changing as a result of their efforts; tolerance, acceptance, more people speaking out.

However, deceit and manipulation does a great disservice to our entire community. It breeds everything that stands in the way of the efforts being made by those in the TS/TG community to earn respect and acceptance.  

Honesty, integrity and PRIDE will ultimately win; deception is an impediment to progress.  

If we do in fact have TG women advertising as GG women, honest reviews removed or suppressed and threads pulled - how does this serve the betterment of the TS community or the TER community at large?

I have no direct knowledge of any particular situation, but I have seen posts disappear quickly and I see great angst over the topic. Some might say that usually where there is smoke there is fire.

I also have no dogs in this fight, except a desire to see greater tolerance and acceptance of varied expressions of sexuality - greater sexual freedom and acceptance that precludes the need for deception.

stucaboy484 reads

she was ever a man?  Plus, once the male parts are removed they are no longer TS they are
females....or am I missing something?

GaGambler549 reads

but your point is still well taken. Forcing a post OP TG person to use the men's bathroom seems to be the opposite of what they claim to be promoting.

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