Legal Corner

That's not a smart idea. Geez EOM
Dickydick 79 Reviews 3270 reads
1 / 17

I saw a provider and we really hit it off we texted each other for about a week maybe 20 times a day.  One day she indicated a side business took a hit due to some water damage and she lost her equipment.  I asked if I  could LOAN her some money to get her business jump started,  I LOANED her $1,000 cash (no promissory note was executed) and at the time I said that she could pay me back with several appointments where she could work off the LOAN we agreed on 3 visits.  We texted back and forth for about a week and then she stopped abruptly.  She went incommunicado and I was out $1,000 as she never delivered on paying me back with some appointments.   Well about a month later  she changed her name and reappeared I was thinking of seeing her and pretend I didn't know her and change my look so she would not readily identify me.  I was going to book 2 to 3 hours and pay her with counterfeit money that way we would be even Steven.  What is my risk from a criminal law standpoint?  If she called the Secret Service or FBI they would learn she is a prostitute so I don't think she would call the authorities..If she did what chances do I have getting caught?

carndakine 11 Reviews 897 reads
3 / 17

If she ripped you off a grand then you should give her a few chances to make good and then just write it off.  Don't use counterfeit money.  Why expose yourself to so many risks just to get even?

If you really feel put out then tell her that you are going to post about it on TER and then do it.  But in the end, I think you are much better just to move on and chalk it up as a learning experience.

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 790 reads
4 / 17 be repaid.

Would you explain how you can readily lay your hands on counterfeit money?  IOW, I call bullshit.

harborview 10 Reviews 1009 reads
5 / 17

or prepay a session.  It's predictable that she will change her name or suddenly become hardtop reach.  Your Bad!   I know there are many...  maybe as high as 50% who have done just what you did but knew (as you should have) that they might well lose it.  Many will say "Consider it a gift".  Or, if you want to help a gal out but not get stiffed...  schedule appointments & pay as you go.  Or book her for over night or a weekend!  
You did a dumb thing...  don't try to get even.  I gifted money to GFs...  and walked away...  

If you get really good fakes...  and many MERCHANTs are good at spotting them...  but certainly they'd get found when she tries to spend them or take them to a bank.   Do you want to get her busted?

tristater45 16 Reviews 799 reads
6 / 17

Offenses involving U.S. currency are taken incredibly seriously by federal law enforcement (and your local U.S. Atty's office). Merely possessing bogus currency will cause you a shitload of trouble. If you are found to have created/manufactured it, your life will get even worse.

You made a mistake, you lent/gave a substantial sum to a working girl & got taken. Chalk it up to experience and move on. Don't commit a federal crime and put yourself at risk. Move on....

GaGambler 936 reads
7 / 17

You are asking for the boards permission to commit a federal crime in order to recover a few bucks you loaned a hooker.

Just to play along for a moment, what do you suppose your hooker friend (excuse me EX friend) is going to do when she is locked in the rubber room with the Secret Service? You don't really think she is going to take the fall for you, or claim "I don't remember where I got this thousand dollars worth of funny money" do you?

This of course is assuming any of this is the truth to begin with, I tend to agree with BP, I doubt you have access to any counterfeit money in the first place, and if you do, you are an even bigger idiot than I first thought.

blondiegirlxxxx See my TER Reviews 835 reads
8 / 17

i can tell you from experience that the secret service is all over that shit because when i first started i was payed by a customer with fake money.  when i tried to deposit the bills along with some other bills the fake ones kept spitting back out at me so i went into the bank and the bank took away the fake money and the next day the secret service called me at home and started interrogating me about where i got the money.  whatever you decide to do be careful.

AnotherDonJohn 837 reads
10 / 17

Or just a stupid thought experiment.

The only believable part is being stupid enough to front $1000 to a hooker as a business loan.

You're like the fat gay guy in Sopranos who got offed and everyone was thinking: damn, I wished I had borrowed from Vito...

GaviaImmer 731 reads
12 / 17

Did you really believe you could "loan" a hooker $1000 and expect to pay you back in some way?

Where have you been all this time?

Did you really believe her story was real and not some sort of scam she has pulled on a million other guys to get cash from?

Like2EatU2 33 Reviews 697 reads
13 / 17

Go ahead and do it and let us know how the surprise sex in prison works for you

Deen 712 reads
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Tobi Telford See my TER Reviews 911 reads
15 / 17

I swear, my faith in humanity is tested when I read shit like this.  

Posted By: Dickydick
I saw a provider and we really hit it off we texted each other for about a week maybe 20 times a day.  One day she indicated a side business took a hit due to some water damage and she lost her equipment.  I asked if I  could LOAN her some money to get her business jump started,  I LOANED her $1,000 cash (no promissory note was executed) and at the time I said that she could pay me back with several appointments where she could work off the LOAN we agreed on 3 visits.  We texted back and forth for about a week and then she stopped abruptly.  She went incommunicado and I was out $1,000 as she never delivered on paying me back with some appointments.   Well about a month later  she changed her name and reappeared I was thinking of seeing her and pretend I didn't know her and change my look so she would not readily identify me.  I was going to book 2 to 3 hours and pay her with counterfeit money that way we would be even Steven.  What is my risk from a criminal law standpoint?  If she called the Secret Service or FBI they would learn she is a prostitute so I don't think she would call the authorities..If she did what chances do I have getting caught?

HooktardGold 779 reads
16 / 17

If she ripped you off and you did not change YOUR name, you don't think she has your information saved to know not to see you again? Even if you create a new handle and email, you don't think she is going to screen you again? What about that phone call the day of... your voice will probably be remembered too.  Wow... dumbest shit I have ever read on here, and that's hard to accomplish.

Deal_Me_In 551 reads
17 / 17
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