Legal Corner

Silly rumor. LE can run a sting that offers illegal sex, so why do you think
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they can't also include some racist window dressing for realism? They aren't actually running a legit business and refusing to provide a wonderful service to black guys.

That  ads made by the police  aren't allowed to say no A.A/black men? I remember reading that somewhere about how to spot an LE ad.  Just wondering if it's true. Like some people still think that LE  have to tell you that they are the police if you ask them.

but I also doubt LE would place an ad that would eliminate some segment of the market they'd like to bust.

Since only a small number of ads have such language, it really isn't very useful to know one way or the other either

there have been busts in st paul,mn where no black men was in the ad. LE will use any trick in the book

they can't also include some racist window dressing for realism? They aren't actually running a legit business and refusing to provide a wonderful service to black guys.

for the replies. We gotta stay safe out there. Can't let  LE ruin the fun.

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