Legal Corner

Re:The Real Reasons
lior 2 Reviews 9589 reads

so if there is proof you use escort agencies your wife can not take all your assets, correct.i am from new york state

lior13001 reads

if wife finds out can this proven in court of committing adultery

sidone10424 reads

There is no need to prove adultery in a divorce case.  California has no-fault divorces, which means either spouse can get a divorce without having to explain his or her reasons.  This system was put in place so that courts wouldn't have to hear the salacious details behind so many divorces, and so there would not be public records revealing what should be kept private.

Maybe.  The two real reasons were that people lied constantly as to the others adulterous behavior or hired Sam Spade types to do it for them.  So, to prevent perjurios citizens, the no-fault came along.

The other reason was that the secular humanist types thought - correctly - that making marriage no more than a civil contract  was a great way to tear down the family.

so if there is proof you use escort agencies your wife can not take all your assets, correct.i am from new york state

sidone10468 reads

I don't know how the law works in New York, and I don't know the specifics of your finances.  For example, it may make a difference whether you accumulated a particular asset before or after you got married.  You should probably consult with a New York lawyer.  

And I'll resist the temptation to respond to rodmewell's peculiar view about why California law works the way it does.

I'm not a lawyer, but I've had several friends go through divorce because of adultery and such...

I'm most North-Eastern states (such as New Jersey), there is no "no-fault" divorce, adultery can be sited as a reason, and that usuually does effect the settlement.

Anyway, if you're in this situation, get a laywer ASAP.  If not (yet), you better hide your hobbying really well and hope your wife isn't suspicious already.

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