Legal Corner

Re:Question about sting operations.
merzina 12324 reads
1 / 42

If you are a working escort in Manhattan, New York, is it hard for undercover cops to set up a sting operation if you just do incall from your apartment during the day?.The apartment is  a doorman building.
Please someone help me and let me know. Thanks!

rodmewell 12 Reviews 10735 reads
2 / 42

Nope; it's easy.  They get a warrant to bug the place, go to the owners and bug the phone and the premises.


Clam Digger 10895 reads
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Generally there are two vice operations the police use that can be described as stings.  One is where an undercover female officer loiters around an area that is notorious for street prostitution.  She waits for a potential customer, john, to approach her and strike up a conversation.  During the conversation she will try to get the john to offer money for sex. Once the violation has occurred, she directs the john to a nearby hotel/motel.  The backup police either arrest the john as soon as he gets out of his car, or if the undercover female officer directs the John to a specific room, the backup officers arrest him as soon as he enters the room.

The second type of sting targets escorts and goes something like this: The police rent two adjoining rooms in either a hotel or a motel with a common door connecting the two rooms. Several officers wait in one room while one officer operates in the other room.  The single officer will call several escorts, usually from ads in one of the street sex papers.  He will tell the escort that he is in town on business and would like her to come to his hotel/motel room

When the escort enters the room, the officer attempts to get a violation by having her quote a price for providing sex. As soon as the officer gives a signal the other officers come in from the adjoining room and arrest her. In some states if the escort does not commit the violation of solicitation, the police can still arrest her based on the probable cause of the circumstances of the meeting.  The police will use the sex paper ad; the taped conversation between the escort and the officer and the fact that the escort went to his hotel/room, etc. to demonstrate the motive of the defendant to the court.  

It is possible, but very rare for the police to go a single escort’s in-call location to arrest her for prostitution.  It is very time consuming to arrange an appointment with just one escort, plus going to her location requires additional travel time.  Undercover vice officers usually are not armed and seldom carry a badge or identification when attempting to arrest an escort.  They depend on well armed back up officers who are very close by as in the hotel/motel sting.  The police want to be in total control of the situation.  Therefore, it is very risky for an unarmed vice officer to enter an apartment or a hotel/room when he is not sure who is going to be inside.  He might enter and have a gun put to his head by some thugs who intend to rob him: A situation that virtually no cop wants to be in.  There is no logical reason for the police to spend the same, or more time, to arrest one escort than it would take to arrest dozens as in the sting operation previously described. Also, the danger factor is too great for a simple misdemeanor arrest. Police departments are like any other business in that they want to realize maximum results from the lease amount of energy and resources expended.

About the best way for an escort to operate is to rent a hotel/motel room herself.  That way she would be in more control of the situation than she would be going to someone else’s room.  The police are not going to send a single officer to a room without sufficient back up.  That would require several officers entering the hotel/motel, getting out of the elevator, or staircase, and being in the hallway when the escort opens the door.  As soon as the escort sees the back up officers, the cops are burnt.  She can immediately slam and lock the door.  The only justification the officers would have to force entry is if there were exigent circumstances.  In this case the officers would be making an illegal entry into the room if they forced the door. Any subsequent arrest(s) and evidence they recovered would be inadmissible in court. There is also the civil liability factor.  The officers would be exposing the police agency and themselves to a lawsuit.

I belong to a professional organization that provides constant updates on how law enforcement works, and the procedures they use. Law enforcement includes local police, state police, the FBI, the DEA, the IRS and many more. The topics focus on procedures like vice stings and other ways the police operate. There are many other sources that provide information on the law and its application, but this is the only organization that I am aware of that deals specifically with police operations. All the information that is submitted is verified for accuracy before it’s published. The organization and its members are very careful to keep its existence and its members confidential.  The reason for the cloak of secrecy is because charges could possibility be filed against the members for aiding and abetting in the commission of a crime.  The reason for the existence of the organization is to provide valuable information for the preparation of a defense, not to facilitate crime. Of course that is subject to interpretation by a court.  There is case law wherein a publisher was prosecuted and sued successfully for publishing a book called “Hit Man.” It was proved in court that a person who murdered a family used the book as a guide.  The method he used to commit the murders was almost outlined verbatim in the book.  The defendant was Paladin Press, but I don’t recall the name of the plaintiff.

There is an excellent publication on how prostitutes should operate.  It goes into great detail on the laws related to prostitution; how to run your operation; how to avoid being harmed by potential customers who are really out to hurt you; how to screen; how to avoid being arrested; what to do if you are arrested; where to conduct your business and much much more.  The author is someone who has specialized in defending prostitutes for over thirty years.  He is also an expert on the business of prostitution, and related police procedures.  Needless to say, he has to remain anonymous to avoid a possible charge of aiding and abetting in the commission of a crime. It is a must read for anyone who is a prostitute. If you would like a copy of the publication emailed to you, include you TER handle in the thread and I’ll email a copy to you.

Good luck and play safe, CD

Clam Digger 11922 reads
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I am not familiar with the laws in New York regarding wire taps, but wire taps are illegal in California.  The only exception is for certain drug related investigations, and would require a warrant.   Until recently not even drug related wire taps were legal in California.  Of course, this is state law and does not apply to Federal law enforcement agencies.

merzina 12443 reads
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What if you just do incalls and you close up early everyday as oppose to doing outcalls where you don't know if a sting is already set up waiting for you. And lets say that you have a website with a contact reservation form for all first time clients. You do not see any one if they do not fill out the contact form,that is how you book all your appointments. You also ask people for drivers license that match the form when they walk through your door.  The info they fill out on the contact Reservation form contains: Their full name, Age, Occupation, Name of the company of their job, Email, Home phone, work phone, Home address, Length of session, How did you hear about me?, Type of Massage, What date would you like the appointment, Have you seen another massage therapist or escort, If yes what is her name, Is yes where is she listed, Method of payment, Comments, Submit request.

After Client fill out the Reservation form and you do the research by looking their company up in the yellow pages or google on the web. Calling their job to see if their name exist. and calling the other escort, who has reviews they listed to see if they are not a cop. Everything on the form must be filled out or they get a kick back on your site that says they  missed a blank space to fill out something.After reviewing the form and doing all the screening process you get back to the cliet and decide if you want to see them by the info they filled out.  Can you still get busted? Is there away for undercover cops to fill out the form and plan something that looks legitimate when you do all the screening process?

rodmewell 12 Reviews 8993 reads
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Read my post: "they get a WARRANT etc.  The laws of every state require a warrant before wire/phone taps or bugs may be placed by LE

8ezpmpn 10044 reads
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please give me the info on that book!
I saw that show on A&E reguarding the hit man

IF possible PM me your # & a time I can call you. I got some issues as of today I need to deal with

Schmohawk 56 Reviews 8903 reads
8 / 42

would you e-mail me a copy?
woneye is my TER handle,

my e-mail is [email protected]

kfink 10008 reads
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What about a sting op or something if you are having an escort come to your apt (outcall)?

Clam Digger 10944 reads
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Read my statement: I just assumed it was common knowledge that a warrant was required for law enforcement do a wiretap. I did not state that a warrant was not required.  I said that with the exception of an extreme set of circumstances, wiretaps are not legal in California.  

At this time warrants to conduct a wiretap in California are only approved by the court for certain types of drug related cases where it is virtually impossible to investigate without doing a wiretap.

In the affidavit submitted to the court to obtain a warrant to conduct a wiretap, the affiant must articulate why it is virtually impossible to conduct the investigation without a wiretap, in addition to showing probable cause.

Unlike a non wiretap search warrant that only requires the affiant to articulate that probable cause exists to conduct the search, a warrant for a wiretap requires that an investigation cannot move forward without evidence obtained via a wiretap.  It is also much easier for the defendant to have a search warrant to conduct a wiretap ruled inadmissible by the court on a pre-trial motion.

In regards to electronic surveillance, law enforcement is not required to obtain a warrant if the conversation occurred where there was no reasonable expectation of privacy.  Uniformed officers routinely tape record their encounters with traffic violators with hidden tape recorders, and video recorders mounted in the police car.  An undercover officer attempting to buy drugs on the street can transmit the conversation via a body wire to other officers without obtaining a warrant.  The courts have ruled that there is no reasonable expectation of privacy during a conversation in a public place like a public sidewalk, restaurant open to the public, etc.

Law enforcement can also record the conversation without a warrant between an undercover officer and an escort if the hotel/motel room was rented by law enforcement for the purpose of arresting escorts.  If the room was rented by the escort, then law enforcement would be required to obtain a search warrant for tape recording and/or transmitting the conversation.  California law prohibits electronic surveillance or tape recording in the case where the room was rented by the escort.  Therefore, a warrant cannot be obtained in the above example.  Any state can restrict the authority of law enforcement beyond Federal law, but no state can restrict the rights of an individual beyond Federal law.

merzina 9078 reads
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Hi this is Merzina. I decided to write on TER and asked this question about sting operations because I just wanted all the Escorts to be careful right now. Many escorts who I know have called and emailed me who advertise on various sites,  telling me how they got set up this year at hotels in New York and other states who booked travel outcall appointments and got busted by sting operations.

To: All You Escort
Please be Very Careful and be Safe!

Clam Digger 11418 reads
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Cops are very adept at defeating forms and inquiries of all descriptions.  That is part of what they do for a living. “The police can get anyone they really want to get. The key is not letting them know you exist” Carlo Gambino, circa 1970. I believe that if the police really wanted to get you, they could do it. The question is would they expend the time and energy to go after an independent escort? For the amount of time and energy it would take to arrest an independent escort, who is not responding to a sting location, they could arrest at least a dozen street walkers.  The public would notice the temporary absence of the street walkers, but no one would know that an escort had been arrested in her apartment.

As I mentioned earlier law enforcement agencies are no different than any other enterprise in that they want to achieve maximum results from the least amount of energy expended. If an independent escort is reasonably cautious and refrains from doing outcalls, especially to hotels, she should be able to avoid arrest.  

Most large city police department have a vice enforcement policy. The policy is sometimes referred to as the three C’s, Commercial, Conspicuous or Complained of.  If prostitution is a commercial enterprise like a large agency, that could be considered Commercial.  If prostitutes are walking the streets in public view, that would be considered Conspicuous.  If someone complains to the police about a possible prostitute operating in their building or their neighborhood, that would be considered complained of. Complaints are also initiated by disgruntled clients and other escorts.

Most law libraries have a section that contains operations manuals for the local police departments.  Many police departments have a manual that deals specifically with vice.  I have checked out and studied most of the local police department manuals in order to get a better idea on how they operate.  You don’t have to be an attorney to use a law library. I would suggest to anyone who is an escort to familiarize herself with the vice enforcement policy of the police department where she lives or works.

Just about anything we do has a certain amount of risk involved.  We need to be reasonably cautious in every thing we do, but we need not withdraw from life for fear of making a mistake.

-- Modified on 10/28/2004 11:22:12 PM

TinaPink See my TER Reviews 10705 reads
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TraderBilly 3 Reviews 11457 reads
14 / 42

Please send me a copy of the publication. Thank you.

Elegantp See Agency Profile 11532 reads
15 / 42

would you e-mail me a copy?
My TER handle is ElegantP

my e-mail is [email protected]

Kat_Walker 9660 reads
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I just signed on here and read this post/Thread.  Very informative.  I am in the Houston, Tx area.  I have always felt that doing outcalls were very risky.  I am a registered member of as Kat Walker.  I am an indy in Houston.  Please email me a copy of this publication that you are speaking of.  I would like to purchase it.  You should see the posts that they have on their boards regarding the views on providers screening and how some feel about it.  Very interesting and informative, thank you so much for the free knowledge!


Kat_Walker 8918 reads
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A couple of things that I have seen posted on here in Houston.... Indies being busted base on their websites, and yahoo instant messages..

Also, does the same apply based on your earlier posts to Indies working out of their home?

I could not imagine LE making a bust like that and have not heard about it, although it could happen... but I would think that no matter how you screen or how careful you are.. could they do a sting operation if they felt there was a human trafficking situation suspected at your house???

poonhntr 11 Reviews 9075 reads
18 / 42

Please email me a copy of it.  TER handle is poonhntr.

accts 11631 reads
19 / 42

A very interesting and informative read!.
This would serve to be a productive resource
to not only empower, but protect I and those
affiliated with me.
I'd most deffintly appreciate a copy.

My Ter handle is : accts
My Email is as follows: [email protected]

Much thanks!

Hot Hannah 14209 reads
20 / 42

Clam Digger,

Would you please email me a copy of this publication my TER handle is Hot Hannah.

You can email me at [email protected]

Thank You and Hugs
Hot Hannah

jentleman1 10 Reviews 9265 reads
21 / 42

Hi.  Man, that was educational.  I would like an email copy of the publicaton.  I work with several escorts for whom I drive for, I know we can use the info.  Hell, they may even give me freebies because of it.  hehehehe


Thanks in advance.

runaroundstu 25 Reviews 9349 reads
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doubledouble 12332 reads
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prendebp 10126 reads
24 / 42

Please email me a copy as well.  TER Handle is prendebp.

You can email me at [email protected]

New hobbyist

Elaina See my TER Reviews 9428 reads
25 / 42

Hello Clam Digger,
I would very much apreciate a copy of the publication you mentioned in your post. Thank you for all your valuable insight.
TER handle: Elaina
My email address is: [email protected]
Thanks so much!

gemi 4 Reviews 9239 reads
26 / 42

I would like a copy also, if you don't mind...

Although this begs a question. This took place in Ca, LA area last week.I was told this by an AMP girl I visit routinely. She noticed that her customer had laid his clothes off to the side next to a wall rather than on the table, she went and picked them up to move them to the table and in doing so, noticed that there was a microphone and wire that looked like an antenae to her.. She gave the customer only a legitimate massage, but noticed that he was trying very hard to get her to verbally offer services..  her feeling was that he was an undercover cop and didn't offer anything else.. The part that struck me odd about putting the clothes next to the wall is that the walls are not the thickest, you can hear some of the more vocal activities.

She assumed he was a cop, do you know if there is a change of policy or even if the evidence of the wire tap is inadmissable, it would give probable cause to go back ?? or I guess it is also possible that this guy was just trying to record the session...
Or is there an interpretation that a MP is not afforded the same rights as a hotel room or private property ?? Just trying to make sense of it.


SweetTina 7424 reads
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but I'll still try. Email me at [email protected] please. My handle is SweetTina. I would love a copy of that book. Thanks.

jayej 12079 reads
28 / 42

hi there -- i just read this and hope it is not too late to get a copy.  i am brand spanking new and would love to know how to protect myself.

thank you SO much!

email:  [email protected]

cowgirlrider See my TER Reviews 10942 reads
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It might be illegal in california for wire taps but they still do it because cops get away with it and they know.

KissMyDDs 10129 reads
30 / 42

Please send a copy of the publication to

[email protected]

Thank you

5750 11250 reads
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would you email me a copy? my TER handle is 5750

5750 11410 reads
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5750 10501 reads
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STACYSTAR 8348 reads
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clam digger
thank you so much fo the info you have given, just today and i believe there is a possible sting about to happen in the next few days ,i know in my ''gut'' as well as knowing what to look for  not to mention the info you gave really really tweeked it up a notch!!
once again thank you for the info
i would like to know more if you could send me the info on the book !
be safe everyone

-- Modified on 11/29/2004 2:14:53 PM

robsul2004 123 Reviews 9603 reads
36 / 42

One partial solution is to buy one or more of the "countersurveillance devices sold for $100 to $200 (or more to be really sophisitcated) and readily available via google search of the internet. Search "technology" "spyware" "counterserveillance" "devices" and you will readily find many online stores such as  There are a variety of devices, some portable (for "outcall use"), some than can be installed/hidden in an incall location.  There are also devices to detect hidden cameras (they detect the transmission signal), that generate "white noice" to obscure any voice conversations.  If you detect a recording/listening device, simply give a nice legal massage, pocket the money, and have a good laugh.  While there is always personal testimony as to conversations, any LE is not likely to enter a strange location without some type back-up/listen in device.

If in doubt about the location of a sender, simply run their web url thru the ISP/DNS "whois features" offered for free by sites such as, and you can locate the server, usually get the name of the true domain owner, find out much more.

You can also send an email reply with an image that is not included, but rahter accessed via link back to you web site - when the email is opened, your website can have (most web hosts offer these programs for free or you can readily find them for low cost or for free (the developers will usually install for a low price if you can't do it yourself)thru sites such as or many of the other free perl script sites.  Then you can determine the true IP of each viewer, run a "whois" on that IP address and learn generally who (actually under what IP viewed your image).  visit the local LE/government website, then run an IP whoid on that so you can recognize visits from there.  if you start getting a lot of views from that IP - time to be extra wary

andre@ 9146 reads
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lk2plsu 2 Reviews 9968 reads
39 / 42

I would like a copy emailed to my address: [email protected].
TER name is lk2plsu.  Thanks

listo 4 Reviews 8022 reads
40 / 42

CD, please forward a copy.  Thank you...

morristhecat 9430 reads
41 / 42

Clam Digger, I'd like a copy of this publication.

TER handle:  morristhecat
Email: [email protected]

Sweet_Karmen 7782 reads
42 / 42

Hello Clam Digger,

I would very much apreciate a copy of the publication you mentioned in your post. Thank you for all your valuable insight.
TER handle: Sweet_Karmen
My email address is: [email protected]
Thanks so much!

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