Legal Corner

websites and pictures on the internet as evidence in a civil case
Payton_premier 10502 reads

would it be authnetic (can't spell) to present websites and pictures, even Wayback Machine to court to prove your profession??? What defense would you have w/o hiring forrenic expert???

Just go back into the wayback and go back in time to just before you got busted.

As for a defense, there are too many "it depends on the circumstances"  things to be able to know.

That's what the lawyer is for.  (Hopefully one who knows more than just how to make a white flag.)

(Still not a lawyer)

let me rephrase this.  Is there anything or anyway information about you posted on the internet that can be authencated; meaning that you are the only one that could have put it on the internet other than a website subpoened sending a receipt where you had paid for that information to be put up. Just curious....

bookpieces9433 reads

You are being too vague in regards to the situation.  Your question is far too confusing, thus far.

Try coming back with a very specific question.

sidone6844 reads

Whether something can be used as evidence is a complicated question and depends on the facts of the case and on what the evidence is being offered to prove.  Asking whether something from a website can be used is like asking the same question about something from a breeting card.  What matters isn't that it came from a card, but rather what it proves and how.

How you would defend yourself depends on the charges and the prosecutor's arguments.  Knowing generally what the evidence might be isn't enough to form the basis of a defense strategy.

ClassInAtl7830 reads

Assuming, as you state, that this is a civil case, then no prosecution is involved and most constitutional issues are moot (not all!).

The short answer is that, yes, a good attorney will find a way to getthe information in.  It may be for only a limited purpose, but if there is a jury, they can use it for whatever they like.  (Not legally, but in reality).

I'd need more information on the website and the issues involved to give a better answer.'s a custody battle and one party has tons of pictures and websites that he is saying is absolute truth that you are a prostitute.  The judge rules its hearsay (actually, at this moment she has stepped down stating that the accuser has maliously and with fabrication mudded this case that she has to turn it over to another judge) question...what could authenticate hearsay material if the accuser decides to attack back?  

inquiring minds want to know...


Backup plan9192 reads

I am guessing here but I think you are trying to validate or discredit information found on the internet. I.E. Can it's original publish date be determined.  The wayback or some similar site where old websites are archived is probably going to be the most reliable validation.  Information on that site would be or should be listed with a date.  Anything more than that would require some type of legal paperwork to obtain from the Internet Service Provider.  Log files would be important but likely not available after a short period of time.  Original creation dates on the computer that made the site might be of value, however, it is highly likely that those dates will be altered by continued maintenance on the site. Don't know if that helps, but based on the 411 given, thats all I can guess about.

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