Legal Corner

My favorite AMP got raided and I was there...
MRPIMP 6 Reviews 13127 reads

Its a legit massage parlor but its female messeuses donot have their licenses and its near a school zone. The cops got my drivers License and cell phone number and now the NYC district Attorney is trying to contact me as a witness on this case saying they want me to "confirm the cost of the massage". I donot trust them and I believe they are trying to get me to admit something I didn't do nor deserve. Looks like the DA is trying to jam me up and I am thinking of not responding to any of their requests. They donot know where I work nor any other info. except my Drivers License and cell phone number. Any opinions as to what I should do. Do I have to attest to their requests.

ClassInAtl9462 reads

No, you are not required to give them any information.  However, as a practical matter, the police will see that as an indication you're hiding something.
Talk to a local attorney, it's probably worth the cost of the consultation.  He may be able to help getthe cops to back off.

Why do I need a defense lawyer for. I am not being charged with anything. The DA is just asking me to testify to the cost of the massage. Do I have anything to worry about. Have there been anyone who was or know someone who is in my shoes??? need advice. or information on what will happen next.

bookpieces8375 reads

Often times, the DA/Police try to target a man who is married, or has something to lose by being associated with such an organization as the one that was busted.  They promise not to tell the wife (or the employer) in exchange for simple testimony. And they do not want you to have an attorney.  They'll often tell you that if you get a lawyer, any deals are off.  They own you then, and they will keep changing the deal because they know you are so scared.  My hunch:  As soon as you get an attorney, they'll leave you the hell alone.  They hate it when their witnesses get lawyers.

Call the NYC bar association's referral line and get a free consultation, and fast.

Were you read your rights?  If so, then beware.

Even if you weren't you're not out of the woods.

I've heard of cops being sneaky and getting people to admit stuff thinking that they were just being witnesses, then the next thing you know you're being printed and photographed.

It would be nice if you could know what they've said to your AMP friend.  Is she a legal alien (or citizen) by the way?  If not, that could spell trouble as they have a strong fulcrum to get her to turn evidence against you.

Speak to a lawyer.

(Still not a lawyer)

Look at the original post.  It was a "legitimate massage parlor" that was raided.  If it was "legitimate" then nothing relating to prostitution was going on, and the ladies should have just been busted for practicing without a license.  They won't be hit with the "being to close to a school zone" ordinance; that's what the owner(s) have to deal with.

Further, if the OP was just getting a massage, then he was doing nothing wrong.  There is no evidence that can be turned against him.

bookpieces10040 reads


Lots of people like to kid themselves by reserving the "it's a legitimate place" thing in the back of their heads.  If this place was truly a "day spa" or within the Four Seasons hotel, he wouldn't be worried or on TER asking for advice.

I remember having been to a few truly " legitimate" places and done less than legitimate things within the walls of those places.

catch it before it gets out of control.  CAll your county bar referral.  Our county gives 3 names of people who have agreed to a free half hour consult.  That's a steal.

Asked and answered. Heed the advice - get the lawyer.  
 -- Deep 'you dont hear the ticking' Heat

braziliancoco10102 reads

i think that if the police have your drivers license then they basically have all of your info that they can use to get more info about you and the LE do not have to go by the rules. i think that they are trying to corner you and if you happenend to trick off...keep in mind that they do report johns and are about to start putting faces on billboards make sure you always be safe and have fun thanks lots brazilianchocolate

eatakitty8657 reads

Since its in NYC I wouldn't panic.  My company (I am a professional salried so I don't have certain hours) called me at home and stated that the DA was looking for me and had called me at work.  Well, off I went to the DAs office and found my resume sitting on the desk.  They wanted me to be a witness to a stripper assaulting an officer (she was high on drugs and was abusive and went for his gun).  A 5'8" blonde haired gorgeous stripper, that he initially didn't take seriously. Well, I declined.  She was an alcoholic and needed to be put into Bellevue, not locked up.  I politely declined without aid of a lawyer and that was the end of it.

bookpieces9402 reads

Most DEFINITELY hire an attorney.  If they want to find you and get in touch with you, trust me THEY WILL FIND A WAY. Best to have your attorney be the one who gets back to them.  Answer NOTHING without him there. Just telling them you have an attorney might even scare them off. When cops try to get johns to testify, they usually try to get you before you have an attorney.

So WTF, was this one of those asian places?  The cops specifically target them because many of the workers are working there to pay off debts to immigrant smugglers.  But indies usually have free reign in NYC. In nYC, remember, the nail that sticks out, gets hammered.

if they have your cell phone and drivers license - they have lots of information...

bookpieces6674 reads

True true true.  NYC cops regularly bust these Asian places as a matter of habit.  You can have 15 white-chick FS brothels running brazenly throughout Manhattan and then one Asian massage place opens and WHAM, it is shut within a week. It has been this way for years. I'm not sure if it is a protection thing or if it has more to do with the cops trying to combat the human trafficking thing.  Stay away from them places.

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