Legal Corner

Re:Am I Lucky?
3GP 11636 reads

Jenni, thanks for sharing your experience and wish you the best of luck :)

3GP11701 reads

Hi everybody, I am new to this board.  I have an experience that I wanted to share with you and hope to hear your opinions.

A couple of days ago, I went to a incall session in a hotel.  The front desk called in the middle of the session and said two cops were coming up to the room.  Immediately, the provider and I started to get dressed and, meanwhile, the cops knocked on the door.  We both were dressed when the provider opened the door.  The cops came in, said someone (either the hotel management or the resident in the next room?) filed a complain.  Honestly, we weren't loud or anything, so I don't know why we had bothered whoever the person filed the complain.  Anyway, the cops came into the room.  Checked the bathroom, probably looking for used cover (or drugs?) and didn't find anything.  Then, one of the cops asked what we were doing in the room.  Both the provider and I insisted that I was there to work on the provider's laptop.  Finally, the cop let me go.  My question is: Is it because the cops have not enough evidence to charge me, so they let me go?  Nevertheless, I count myself very lucky and dodged a bullet this time.

I've been a hobbyist for more than 2 years and never encounter something like this before.  I know the risks of being involved in this hobby and thought that I'll never be busted (what a wishful thinking!).  Now, after I've been so closed to being busted, I realize that I NEVER truely understand the risks (or I had underestimated them).  It really made me look at the participation in this hobby from a whole new aspect.

Play safe!

-- Modified on 2/27/2005 11:50:24 PM

The Law Doctor9607 reads

If you and a provider are in a room together for sex or whatever..and there is no L/E on your side or hers..what you do is your own business..provided no money changes hands in the minds of L/E.

Evidence or offerings of money for sex..are the reasons..people get in trouble with L/E or posession of illegal drugs.

Be wise and be careful  and go with your gut feelings.

As mentioned above, if the woman was not with the cops (which she was not in this case), you could have been in the middle of passionate sex, and nothing can probably be done to either of you.

Your story is that she is an old friend, and you are just hooking up one more time.  Her story could be the same.

Unless one of you talks about sex-for-money, nothing can really be done.  It sounds like either someone in the next room complained, or a former customer called the cops on her.

Anyways, that is a very helpful front desk clerk.  I would have given the front desk person who called up a nice tip for helping out.

Clam Digger9298 reads

I cannot imagine why the police would respond to such a situation.  They must have been hotel security.  Did they identify themselves as police or hotel security?  Did you ask them for identification?   If the police already knew the room number, why would they identify themselves at the desk?  If they really were the police they would be required to have either a search warrant or an arrest warrant to enter the room without your permission.  The only exception would be exigent circumstances which would not apply in this case.  Either you or the girl could have told the police at the door that you did not call the police and there was no problem in the room.  Thank them for their concern and bit them farewell.  The police know full well that there is nothing they can do in the situation you described and would not waste their time and expose themselves to a civil rights lawsuit doing what you said they did.  I have been involved in criminal defense for over thirty years and what you described is the first time I have heard of the “real” police doing what you said they did.

I agree. The fact that the hotel desk clerk would risk notifying you (and possible arrest for interfering with an investigation) that 2 cops were on their way up tells me that there is more to this than you may have realized. It could have been another provider or the girls ex pimp trying to scare this girl by sending a couple of guys up there.

adore10121 reads

Clam digger, thanks for your intelligent answers! Also in your previous postings you state you have a publication for providers, i would like to send my email [email protected] if could you send this publication 2 me. thanks! Your statements in regard to LE  "by law" could not proceed with illegal acts, is it correct that if a witness covers for another officer that no illegal acts occured and if an legal discription(from the provider) is stated in court about how the officer looks uncovered is made, could that be used in court? Thanks Again

Clam Digger12358 reads

The only copy of the publication I have is a printed version. I thought I had the information on a disk, but I am unable to locate it. The only way I can email the booklet is if I scan it onto my hard drive and right now I don’t have the time.  

I am unsure as to what you are asking in your question.  Could you please rephrase it?  

3GP7710 reads

First of all, I appreciate you all have taken the time to reply.

Clam Digger, you questions are right on money and raised my doubts about the "cops" real identity.  First, the two "cops" were in causal dress, so I think they weren't hotel security.  Secondly, I was in the far side of the room and the provider blocked my view of the two "cops" when she opened the door.  Therefore, I couldn't see or hear the "cops" indentified them or shown their IDs.  Anyway, they acted like they have arrested the provider before and fully aware what line of work that she is in.  I saw both of them carrying hand cuffs, but I didn't see their guns.  I knew that wasn't enough to prove they were "cops" and I thought about asking for their ID but didn't because they were either real cops or the provider and the guys were in this together.  If they were real cops, asking ID wouldn't gain me anything.  If it was the latter case, confronting them in their faces might put me in a harm way, but, most of all, I had never been in that kind of situation and was too panic to ask.  Moreover, the provider answered the phone call and claimed it was from front desk, but it might as well from her associate.  Funny thing is, the provider called me about an hour later to apologize for what happened and hope to meet sometime again.  So, when looking at it now, it seems like a family member or friend who isn't happy about what the provider does for living and sent those guys over to make trouble, rather than a real police bust.  Anyway, I glad I got out of there safely.  I always see girls from well established agencies, but made an exception this time (due to a last minute urge).  I felt a bad vibe when I was driving to the appointment and I should have trusted my gut feeling (it is so true).  Well, I have lost some money over the appointment, but at least I learned a lesson from it.

Now, should I call the provider and find out the truth?  What would you do if you were in this situation?  Also, is there any resourceful web-site to learn more about our right as a civilian (especially related to this hobby)?

Thanks again for all your help and insightful opinions.

-- Modified on 3/1/2005 10:03:22 PM

Sounds like either the cops themselves or the hotel wanted to give you a heads-up, basically making this only a shot across the bow.

Next time, ask them for ID and a search warrant before you let them in and tell them that you will not answer any questions without a lawyer, then politely but determined close the door. Or don't even open it without the lock in place to begin with....

Sounds like either the cops themselves or the hotel wanted to give you a heads-up, basically making this only a shot across the bow.

Next time, ask them for ID and a search warrant before you let them in and tell them that you will not answer any questions without a lawyer, then politely but determined close the door. Or don't even open it without the lock in place to begin with....

Oh, yes: an LE would never get naked with you, so you're pretty save on the inside of the room once that happens. And you know the drill: grab and let her grab you before anything happens....

You don't say how far into the session you were when the "clerk" called to say the cops were on the way but if it was fairly early and you to had not progressed much past getting naked it occurs to me this might be an elaborate rip off scheme

You presumably got nothing sexual for your money(I assume she left with her fee?) and your only concern is if SHE is OK

This would be  a great way of screwing with hobbiests and not getting an immediate rep as a rip off lady

For instance are you CERTAIN the person who warned you was really the clerk?  Could he of been one of the "cops" sent to roust you and give the woman an opportunity to leave with the money?

I could of course be overly suspicious...only you can know if the scenario I describe could be possible but you might want to go over it in your memory with this in mind and see if it flies

3GP11153 reads

I am not sure if that was the clerk warned me because it was the provider who answered the phone.  However, the "cops" came about half way through a 2-hour session, after we had the 1st cup of coffee.  Yes, the provider left with the donation and there was a loss of money, but it wasn't a total loss.  If it was a rip off scam, I expect the "cops" would had come much sooner.  Also, the provider has some good reviews on TER, so I guess it is less likely a rip off, but still possible.

Thanks for your input.

When I first started escorting in SD I was working a full time day job, so I would do incall on my days off.  I provided the room, and saw 4 or 5 guys a day.  One time I was confronted by vice because I think a maid noticed the traffic and complained.   He couldn't do anything of course, but he did do his best to let me know to "get out of town" intimidation act.  It sounds very possible this could have been the same scenario. Also, just for information sake, when I did get stung, the cop did get NAKED, and stated so in the arrest report.  So do not think they won't.  Doubt that women detectives will, but there is one here in SD that has no problem at all getting naked, kissing, having you give him a back rub while you are both naked, then....starts negotiating for anal, or facials to get the dialogue going.....

3GP11637 reads

Jenni, thanks for sharing your experience and wish you the best of luck :)

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