Legal Corner

Re: Why didn't you screen
wiscjim 395 reads

I can see her need for safety. But with all the extortion by Providers and threat of LE getting your personal I would never give anybody anything but a Hobby Phone number. There is too much to loose if the info gets out. Its getting to be a nasty conundrum.

ok, I'm new & the provider I'm seeing is young & fairly new. the details are alittle rough. she told me about a guy that called & she saw a couple of weeks ago. she saw him again a week later. this time, he pulled a badge out. she asked if he was a cop & he said yes. he told her that she would have to pay taxes if she wanted to work in the area. she said that she already pays to work in the area & wasn't going to pay twice. he told her that he could take her to jail & she said to go ahead, she would tell them that the cop had seen her & paid for services. he backed down but told her that if he caught her working in the area again, he would take her in. has anyone else ever heard of or had that happen to them. or was that guy trying to pull one over on her to pay up. I told her about TER & to look into it for help & guidance. I hope you all can help her. I'll probably see her next week. if she allows me, I will show her how to sign up. she was really interested in the site when I showed her. she's sweet & a good-hearted person, I don't want anything bad to happen to her. I don't want to lose my little provider, we connect so well. thanx in advance for any help & advice.

First off, local law enforcement doesn't enforce tax laws.  The IRS and their Federal Agents do, and they most certainly DON'T do it like that.  

She should have took a really good look at his badge (or asked to see it again) and told him she was going to call the police and report him for impersonating a Federal Law Enforcement Agent - that's a fairly serious crime and one the Federal Government does care about and takes pretty seriously.

Good luck to your friend!!

he said taxes but actually meant more of a payoff, like what the gangs do to business'. I think you were right, he was trying to scare her into paying him a fee to work there since she's young & new. I'll let her know. as for now, I got her some pepper spray & getting her a personal alarm. any other suggestions & idea's would be helpful. I hope what I did is the right thing to do. there has to be more she can do to protect herself.

schedule any more time with her under any circumstances what-so-ever.

If it's an actual cop trying to get a pay-off to leave her alone, that also a pretty serious crime on his part if he gets caught.  Sounds to me like some clown with a badge impersonating a cop - another pretty serious crime in most jurisdictions.

I'd say this guy has a hell of LOT more to worry about than she does if it ever got reported to LE.  I'd say her best bet is just to avoid him completely under any circumstances and chalk it up to lessons learned.

It also occurred to me after my last post that if it really was a "tax" situation, he wouldn't even know whether she reported the income and paid taxes on it until AFTER she filed her tax returns.

GaGambler498 reads

My advice to her is to first off put him on every DNS list she has access to, secondly change her name and number, block his and move to a different part of town.

If he is a real cop he can make her life miserable, but just like most cowardly bullies, he probably only targets girls he thinks are weak and helpless. The truth of the matter is, he has more to lose than her. No one really gives a shit about one more hooker more or less, but crooked cops are something no department wants to be publicized.

I think you are somewhat hung up on his use of the word tax, in this case it's simply slang for "Cash or ass, no one rides for free" lol He sees what he thinks is an easy target and is trying to extort her under color of authority, what a loathesome individual.

HobbyCity568 reads

She did well by standing up to him and not backing down. The threat to "take her in" was probably an empty threat.

Just in case he was a real cop, he could still be a nuisance behind the scenes. Screening, picking the right locations to work and choosing the right places to advertise are important. I agree with the rest, getting a new name, phone number and email are also good starts

Had you known who the man was, and where he worked or had verified a reference you wouldn't have been in this situation.  Its not just about "not getting arrested" its about not being robbed, raped or murdered.

There are tons of men running around with fake badges and many more bad cops trying to exploit freebies from providers.

If anyone ever threatens me, I would pull out my phone snap a pic of them and ask them "do you want me to dial 911"  fake cop or bad cop, he will get out of their fast, as most states can't convict a women if she has been threatened, forced or exploited.

Escorts have a 60% higher chance of being murdered.  Screening is to ensure the safety of the provider and the client.

wiscjim396 reads

I can see her need for safety. But with all the extortion by Providers and threat of LE getting your personal I would never give anybody anything but a Hobby Phone number. There is too much to loose if the info gets out. Its getting to be a nasty conundrum.

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