Legal Corner

Re: It has become abundantly obvious that you are an activist
bigsky 3199 reads
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A john brings home HIV he got from a provider to his monogamous wife?  I'm this case, the wife is a big time victim as her life changes dramatically.

mrfisher 108 Reviews 902 reads
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After all, there is a lot more risky sex involved with casual hookups then there is in the hobby where condom use is at a much higher rate.

2236707 3 Reviews 944 reads
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opposed to the hobby. Probably consider yourself a feminist.  You might take note that the women on this board want the right to make decisions for themselves.  

For anyone who has not already seen them, several of the OP's posts have been deleted from the Newbie board. Other posts on the Newbie board and General board add up to my conclusion.

GaGambler 968 reads
4 / 28

You aren't a guy at all, are you? I bet you are that monogamous wife who's husband brought home the "gift that keeps on giving"

Are you positive he got it from a hooker? He may very well have picked up what ever he gave you from your best friend who's been fucking him on the side, or some skank he picked up in a bar, or any one of over 3 billion women on this planet who are NOT hookers.

Believe it or not, you would have been a LOT safer if your lying, cheating husband had stuck with hookers, his chances of catching something from a pro who would lose her livelihood by catching an STD, are much lower than fucking even a single civvie bareback. I've seen literally thousands of hookers, and never caught a thing. and for the record, just so you don't let your panties get into an even bigger twist, I don't have an SO, so I am not lying or cheating on anyone.

Have you ever considered WHY your cheating husband is/was cheating on you? You might want to look internally for that answer and the by and large pretty honest hookers alone. They didn't do this to him, he did it to himself, and unfortunately to you.

GaGambler 937 reads
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So why are you still here? It's plain that you don't like anybody here, and even more plain that no one likes you, so???

Or do you really think that through your eloquence you are going to save some hookers and/or johns from this life of debauchery that we have chosen for ourselves? In that case, you really are delusional.

FWIW you still haven't convinced me that you are a guy. I still think there is a huge chance that you are a "woman scorned"

bigsky 1086 reads
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Dream on.  Just a guy that signed up when thinking with my little head.  I have started thinking with the big head.  personally, no need for marriage if you cannot be monogamous.

bigsky 924 reads
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gee, I thought you people were the ones tolerant if divergent viewpoints:). taking down posts just because you do not like them is bad form.  Not a feminist, but I love women and do not think it is fair a john inflicts his innocent wife with an STD and her or the whore get off Scott free.

2236707 3 Reviews 906 reads
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because they violated some posting policy. I would have preferred they stay up so you could be exposed. Your ilk are the ones that won't tolerate another viewpoint / lifestyle.  Moreover, if I were TER I would cancel your membership because you did not join for the offered service.

bigsky 967 reads
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I think you confuse disagreement with not liking.  I find your posts interesting.  I really do.  This is all new and interesting to a dude that has a good life but still stuck in the corporate world and starting to count the years to retirement.  I am friends with people I totally disagree with.  I have no personal animosity but just wanted to present some opinions to make people think.  I do not know all the answers.  But I do know how to ask provocative and thought provoking questions.  Actually I have learned aloft here.  The higher end providers have better business skills than 80-90 percent of the people in corporate America.  I actually wish there was a way for those who would like to use those skills in such an environment.

2236707 3 Reviews 869 reads
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Notice how s/he repeatedly attempts to maintain a dialogue, on her grounds. Maybe I should waltz into your church and try to get a friendly chat going about priests butt fucking altar b0ys.

bigsky 954 reads
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First, only Catholics have priests.  Other denims do not.  Second, you would be very surprised if u met me because I ain't what you described.  Not by a country mile.

bigsky 1021 reads
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Can't we pull a Rodney King and just all get along:)

bigsky 864 reads
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Either my point raised issues you never considered or you are so busy defending your hobby or profession it is keeping you from an honest and unbiased answer.  For the record I am not an activist but I love to get discussions going where people have formed their world view without the benefit of all points of view.

bigsky 844 reads
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Foodyguy 29 Reviews 789 reads
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Catholics are not the only religion with priests.  Not sure how your jeans fit in the discussion.

magicsam 881 reads
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This poster, whether male or female, has been posting several comments on STDs on the other boards: General, Newbie and Legal. Sumbitches like him are more of a disease than an STD. He is posing as someone who is just asking questions, but he his a plague on this house. TER Administration should shut this motherfucker down.

2236707 3 Reviews 800 reads
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Hopefully after Father ButtFucker's existing troll-o-grams "peter" out, we can all ignore new ones. However, I wonder how many soul saviors are in his merry band of infiltrators.

Heathergfe See my TER Reviews 960 reads
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In order for the john to get HIV he would first have to have unprotected/dangerous sex with an HIV positive provider. I know a lot of providers and none of the ones I know have HIV. What we consider a provider on this board is not the stereotypical traficited hooker you see on TV. It is a providers job to be healthy and play safe. The John in your example had the choice to play healthy and safe but it was his fault for not doing so.  Knowingly giving someone HIV is a crime. It has nothing to do with money being exchanged. His careless behavior would have the same results whether he paid for the sex or not.  
Your "How can prostitution be a victimless crime?" makes no sense. That would be like me saying "How can you call marriage a victimless crime when occasionally a husband beats up or kills his wife?"
Not all sex results in HIV just like not all marriage results in death.

hott_brie See my TER Reviews 818 reads
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The whore????  First off, I tell everyone in this hobby to use condoms for everything.  I know a lot of them don't listen, but I do my part.  And I do use condoms.  Second, not all of us are scum.  Thirdly, what makes you think his wife is "innocent"?  Who's to say that she didn't marry a guy for his money and have his kids to keep him on the hook for the money?  A lot of "wives" are whores too as you call them. Lastly, nobody who is infected with HIV gets off scott free.  You need to study up on the complications associated with aids and medications you have to take.

hott_brie See my TER Reviews 766 reads
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Well said, HeatherGFE.  And, bigsky, I did argue valid, unbiased points if you read my previous posts.  I, also, don't like that you say that monogamy is the only way to love the opposite sex.  There are people who have multiple partners and love them all.  Why does love always have to equal monogamy?  Why do religions always have to be anti-sex?

sweetman 93 Reviews 783 reads
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Sorry, I hit send on my last post before writing the following:  We know that driving drunk is unsafe, and it often puts innocent third parties at grave risk,  so we pass laws against driving drunk.  We don't outlaw driving.  There are many activities that carry risk, which can be minimized or exacerbated by the behavior of the participant.  We have to be very careful we don't trample on people's civil rights in the name of safety.

FoxyNC See my TER Reviews 732 reads
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The cheating husband is surely as much to blame if not more so.
If he hadn't cheated, neither one would be infected.  

Yes, the wife is surely a victim, but don't just point the finger at the hooker1

HannahHeresy See my TER Reviews 642 reads
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You sound like you have a "virgin/whore" or "madonna/whore" complex.  Your black and white thinking is indicative of a host of mental problems that it would serve you well to seek counseling for.  You say you "love women" but then use derogatory slang to refer to a sex worker.  Do you not agree that sex workers are women? And if sex workers are not "true women" but married women are then where does that put the women that are both married and sex workers?

HannahHeresy See my TER Reviews 678 reads
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For the record, I actually don't believe that prostitution is an entirely victimless crime, I just don't think it should be a police matter as long as it's between consenting adults. But that's a very long discussion and this isn't really the place for it.

HannahHeresy See my TER Reviews 659 reads
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I don't agree with OP on a lot of things they mention but I'm generally against silencing people that have a minority opinion.  If what the person is posting is drivel then it will be ignored, mocked, or debated against successfully.  If we develop a policy of just banning opposing viewpoints I think it makes us look weak and like we fear what the person is saying because we have no legitimate rebuttal to it.

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