Legal Corner

no, your safe
lexus714 See my TER Reviews 9028 reads

if she asks to to strip down, and its a private location , you dont have to worry.

LE would make you agree to "money in exchange for sex".

I am new to the hobby and been really paranoid my first two times out.

Both times when I met the provider money was never discussed and neither of us mentioned any illegal behavior.

When she asked that I get comfortable I undressed. Now assuming money was not discussed and no mention of sex was made if I strip in front of a cop can I get busted?

Oh by the way things went really smooth.

Sure you could get busted.  She could have sex with you and then bust you.  Just stripping in front of her could get you busted for at least exposing yourself, maybe even lewd conduct.

There is no absolute in this hobby.  Stick with the ladies with multiple good reviews and you'll usually be OK.

ThePeopleRule12418 reads

Your question obviously assumes that you are in a private location, not outside in public view.  Either you have been willingly admitted into her location or she has voluntarily come into yours.  No forced conduct.  No way I can imagine that there has been any lewd conduct.  (In one case I am aware of, a fellow would walk the streets and stick his erect member in mail slots located in the front doors of houses.  THAT would probably be prosecuted successfully as lewd conduct.  To those of you out there asking:  No, this was in the 1970's, long before the now well-known phrase, "You Have Mail.")
   Until you become more comfortable, as you are undressing you might ask the lady if you can undress her at the same time.

The lady says "get comfortable" and you strip naked.  This could be construed as lewd conduct if the lady was a cop looking to arrest you for something.  She never said "take your clothes off."

If they are going to bust you then they'll find something to bust you for, even if it's as simple as vagrancy.  That's all I'm trying to point out.  The OP just needs to relax!

if she asks to to strip down, and its a private location , you dont have to worry.

LE would make you agree to "money in exchange for sex".

Well, let's see.  Can you be busted (arrested) by some
yahoo LE who hasn't a clue about the law?  Of course.

Would the case against you fail?  Yes.  Would you "walk?"
YES.  Assuming, that is, that what the judge or jury
hears is what you describe.  The worst risk would be that
a police officer could "testi-lie" and claim you said things
you never said.  I've never seen a good solution, but I
would recommend finding a way to secretly tape record the
conversation (such as the briefcases that have recorders
built in) so that if a police officer "test-lies" their
next assignment will be selling encyclopedias door-to-door
or perhaps making license plates alongside someone they
busted two years ago.

Now, any woman who is TRYING not to get arrested (since
you might be the cop) is going to play along and be cool
with the subtleties.  Any woman who is trying to pin you
down and get you to say "Is that the money you are paying
me for sex?" is a cop.  It's not only that LE is trying
to get you to say the magic words.  It is also because a
real provider is trying just as hard as you are to AVOID
the magic words.  So any girl who is not subtle and willing
to wink and play along is TROUBLE. Run...!

One can put money down on a table or someplace like that
WITHOUT being asked and without talking about it.  If
the woman asks about money, don't say anything out loud,
or at most say "I think someone left something over
there.  I don't know whose that is."  (LE might not have
video, only audio.)

It would be better if you have never talked about money
but that would require you to guess the going rate, at
least the first time.  Afterwards, of course, you can
talk freely without worry, since after going all the
way she can't be a cop (or could never get a conviction;
no jury would buy a policewoman going all the way).

If I were REALLY not comfortable, I would take out any
money (rubbing it off with a napkin to erase fingerprints)
and drop it in front of the door or just inside or slide
it under the door seconds before knocking and say "Oh
look, someone must have dropped this" and act like it
isn't my money.  Again, a real provider is going to play
right along.  A sting policewoman is going to be difficult
to try to get evidence.

When I was overseas (where it was entirely legal), I met
a lovely woman who would be delightful and then AFTERWARDS
would very pleasantly and enthusiastically tell me about
how she wanted to buy this dress, or get her teeth fixed
or take a computer class, etc.  How could I resist?  Of
course I wanted to see her again, but after a gal has
just make me feel paradise, how can I turn her down?

Someone talked about using posts on Escort Review.  That's
silly.  There is no way that what OTHER people say on an
Internet BBS can be used as evidence in court.  The
prosecution would have to find those actual people and
bring them in to testify live.  Statements by other people
who are not present are HEARSAY and the Internet is filled
with fantasy and unreliable gossip.

However, you might get an idea from places like TER how
much money a girl is likely to want without ever talking
about it with her.

Now, again, can you be arrested?  They can arrest you for
doing absolutely nothing wrong.  Most people (whatever the
charge) plead guilty and don't fight it.  So they may
have no case, but will figure "what the heck?  most people
just pay the fine anyway."

It doesn't matter what the charge is, if you actually
fight it and demand a trial, many charges will fall apart.
That's because they don't need a strong case to arrest you.  
But they do need to prove every element to make it stick.

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