Legal Corner

Misdemeanor VS Felony
Providerinneedofhelp 3221 reads
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Ok so I had seen a gentlemen several times. The last time he had asked me to get another friend to join. I told him he'd have to be comfortable giving donation before the session started he said he wasn't comfortable with that and would pay at the end of the session like we usually do. I let it go ,then at the end of the session he said he forgot his wallet.  
He then said he ended up in the hospital,ect ect. A lot of bs. He swore he would do the right thing and send me the donation. After a week I emailed him stating I would blacklist him if I didn't receive the donation. He's now threading to turn me in to the cops. So basically he isn't going to pay me what he owes.  
I have all of his real info. Real name, job, Facebook ect.
I will obviously blacklist him but is there anything I can do legally?  
I was debating on outing him to his Facebook friends but it's not even worth it,
Do i have legal options?

harborview 10 Reviews 764 reads
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Even if you had a signed contract for the engagement...  you can not enforce a contract for an illegal act.  I understand your anger & frustration...  but you've got to think clearly.  If you out him, making these accusations could easily backfire on you.  

This is a cash business.  I actually did find I'd left my wallet in my car once!  I suggested I go to the car & retrieve it, she declined & after the session we walked out together.  I palmed the cash & we clasped hands & quick kissed good bye...  each went on our way.  
She would have been within her rights to refuse to proceed.  I prefer to re-dress without all my pocket junk so I typically place my stuff on her dresser next to my clothes.  The first thing down in the donation.  When I re-fill my pockets, the donation stays behind.  
But it's your show, your rules.  Many gals request the donation before.  In his case, you had your reasons for making your request in the first place...  you could have cancelled the appointment.  Then he'd have magically found his money.  

I am sorry that you met this slime ball.  I have no respect for someone who would cheat a girl.

JB1982 17 Reviews 903 reads
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YOU want to be REALLY careful about crossing that line into what someone (or some prosecutor) might think constitutes blackmail.  You don't want to be turning a misdemeanor "no-one gives a fuck about" prostitution thing into a felony "lots of people give a shit about" blackmail charge.

Blacklist certainly, but I'd tread pretty lightly about doing much more than that.

natashalynne See my TER Reviews 988 reads
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just do it without telling him if he deserves it.  Not only does it escalate the situation (as you unfortunately discovered), now that he knows he's blacklisted he will "reinvent" himself to try to rip off the next girl.

harborview 10 Reviews 732 reads
5 / 11

I do agree...  do not give him a warning as he'll try to retaliate.  Best to wait a bit so he can't be sure & then Black List him.  

Posted By: natashalynne
just do it without telling him if he deserves it.  Not only does it escalate the situation (as you unfortunately discovered), now that he knows he's blacklisted he will "reinvent" himself to try to rip off the next girl.  

harborview 10 Reviews 778 reads
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I expect to abide by my obligations & I expect her to honor her commitment to me.  We may be only short time lovers but this hobby is built on trust.  I am a bit paranoid that somehow I might forget...  and have to make a multi-hour drive to make the payment.  It has never happened but I feel that strongly about it.

tinhobbyist 45 Reviews 769 reads
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...for the report to be credible he would have to admit he was trying to see you and then he'd be charged with prostitution.  And I doubt the cops would just so easily respond to an anonymous tip if he didn't provide any concrete evidence.  

I could be wrong but that's what I think...

GaGambler 779 reads
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There is nothing to stop him from "dropping a dime" on her.

Her risk is real, cops act on anonymous tips all the time. Usually in these cases it's best not to escalate. Just one more reason prostitution should be legal.

harborview 10 Reviews 763 reads
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A minor violation might be deemed a misdemeanor...  outing & more extreme acts to collect money might be considered blackmail...  a Felony charge!  Expect the other party to twist the facts to suit their position.  Even if they are a scum-bag...  attempting to recoup is dangerous.

harborview 10 Reviews 770 reads
10 / 11

No, he might not go to the cops himself...    but he could tip the cops or the location of her incall...  a quick stake out...  men coming & going at regular intervals...   is enough for further investigation.  I hope the OP isn't using a static incall.  At the very least a heightened sense of awareness is to be recommended until this blows over.  

In an instance I'm aware of, a first time prospective client contacted a young MILF I'd been seeing.  He did a really dumb thing & used an email & his wife found it...  promptly kicked him out.  He blamed the Provider & began a harassment campaign on the ad venue...  claimed to have called the cops & she was under surveillance (He'd never been there so only knew the vague published location), that she had all manner of diseases.  It went on for months.  The gal moved & last I heard had dropped out of sight.  
The point is that however aggravating the circumstances the OP describes are...  that pissing the @ssh@t off can make it worse, not better.  He's not paying & that is that.  Taking revenge is best left for Karma

Nago8 4 Reviews 610 reads
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you could  take him to small claims court.  Escorting is a legal business and the court would not compel you to admit that you were engaged in prostitution.  Simply a matter of him not paying you for a service and small claims court is set-up to redress these issues.  They will deliver notice to appear to his home and you can also charge for time related to pursuing your claim.  I would surmise that he would avoid the public embarrassment and settle up

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