Legal Corner

Maybe you should expose who she is.
MissAlexaJayde See my TER Reviews 3309 reads
1 / 13

I have been being harassed for over a year. I changed my name and persona to try to escape. Then after the new persona change it begun again so I decided to hire a PI. The PI linked her IP addresses to her phone, her husbands phone and her home address. I've been told from different assistants that she has done this to many other providers as well, but they couldn't prove it. Well I have the proof now and obviously I can't go to LE without bringing attention to myself.  
This woman has sent my ads and website so all my family & friends. & posted that I have Stds and even made a fake twitter pages pretending to be me. I believe she's trying to make me quit, but I love what I do and I refuse to let her get the best of me. Eventually I believe she will get bored or move onto another provider, but as of now I'm number 1 on her list. I've spoke to a lawyer and he gave me some advice as well, but I do not want to bring my issue to the public. Any suggestions???

mrfisher 108 Reviews 560 reads
2 / 13

it seems to me you have two choices:

1.  Ignore her and hope she goes away before she does too much damage.  (It seems that by outing you she has already done the most damage she can do.

2.  Go UTR and take down all your ads, even your TER profile.  (TER often will allow you to put your profile back up later as long as you can verify what's going on.)

In either case, you can also out this gal so that people know to avoid her if she is really that bad.

MissAlexaJayde See my TER Reviews 542 reads
3 / 13

so I took down all my ads when this happened. I kept my TER profile because I def need some way to advertise. However, as I'm sure you probably know the internet keeps everything; therefore, I have random ads that I never made that keep coming up. If you look at my profile you will see them. I emailed both places to get everything removed and of course it wasn't. :/ As of now, Yes I have been outted. I am denying it all, but who knows what they really believe.  
I don't have it in me to do what she did to me back to her. Trust me I want to. It's just a lot of time and energy that I would rather put into other stuff.
She has made fake social media accounts and even ads pretending to be Alexa. It's terribly exhausting trying to get all of it taken down and even to research to find this stuff.  
She has a history of this from what I've been told. I'm still new in the hobby only 2 years so I'm still learning as I go- This can't be a normal thing right?

mrfisher 108 Reviews 507 reads
4 / 13

every few years.

I guess considering all the escorts out there, that would indicate long odds.  On the other hand, how often does it happen but we never hear about it.

MissAlexaJayde See my TER Reviews 528 reads
5 / 13

It's really insane to me. All the other women I have met thru the hobby are very nice and helpful. We are all in this together right? But ya I suppose there are bad people out there everywhere. I shouldn't of been so naive to even allow myself to be able to be stalked. Lesson learned. I will hide better ;)

mrfisher 108 Reviews 481 reads
6 / 13

If it helps just one other person to avoid your problem, then it's well worth it.

MILFCARESSA See my TER Reviews 448 reads
7 / 13

I can imagine that this has been a nightmare.  No one should waste their time doing this to another human being for any reason.  Chin up and consider notifying the site and P411

sasha2cute See my TER Reviews 476 reads
8 / 13

I am very non confrontational in my life, but when someone steps over the edge. They need to understand they don't get to do stuff like this to others. She needs to be exposed. If you had to make an educated guess, what do u think made her start harassing you?  

On a different note, if you wanna get her off your back then you can't do a half ass job hiding and creating a new persona. You would have to move, get rid of ur ter acc and start over with the new name and ads, definitely hide your face and take a ser of completely new pics. If you don't take the necessary steps to really get her off your back, it's almost like begging for her to keep at it when you make it easy for her.  

Good luck sweetie. Hope this person goes away. See my TER Reviews 393 reads
9 / 13

and then show up with him to get in her face.  Don't run and hide as bullies love that.  Definately out her too

hott_brie See my TER Reviews 413 reads
10 / 13

And if you're doing any unsafe sex practices, you deserve whatever you get.  Consider it karma.

GaGambler 399 reads
11 / 13

and a giant piece of mierda as well.


You don't know a fucking thing about her, but you choose to blame the victim without a shred of fucking evidence.

hott_brie See my TER Reviews 388 reads
12 / 13

she was your wife, Mr. White Knight.

harborview 10 Reviews 396 reads
13 / 13

You've sought out legal advise & had a PI identify the person behind this already (my first suggestions).  She's continued for over a year.  She's outted you, rather the nuclear option...  crosses so many lines that can not be uncrossed.  
My suggestion would be to have your lawyer serve her with a Ceace and Desist letter on his letterhead.  It's kind of a bluff since you don't want to raise your public profile... but she left you little choice.      
Harassers generally don't expect to get the tables turned on them... some react badly but most slink away like the scum they are.  THEY don't want to get OUTTED!   It might be a good time to lay low, take a vacaton or make a tour out of area.  
I presume you have upped your security, changed your incall location, changed your phone number...  only give your new "private line" number after verification.   You will have to maintain a high level of security awarness indefinately.        
She's motivated:  She's got a screw or 2 loose OR she feels her business is threatened... or her SO or BF became a your client.  
Best wishes.

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