Legal Corner

It's a total scam...
frankie2003a 8469 reads

How many envelopes can you stuff in a day.  You could
easily do 100 (probably in just a few hours).  That
would be $400/day which is $2000/week which is
$100,000/year.  There's just no way.

They have carefully figured that the high pay versus the
low up-front fee would make it easier to scam people.


-- Modified on 3/21/2004 10:46:17 AM

miracle13415187 reads

I have a job offer to work at home stuffing envelopes. The company will provide me with the envelopes already addressed and with postage affixed. All I have to do is stuff the envelopes, seal them and deliver them to the post office.  The company will pay me $4.00 for every envelope I complete.  They are asking for a one time fee of $40.00 which they say is refundable if I don't like the job.  What's the problem you say?  It seems to good to be true.  Anyone have any experience with these work at home schemes?  Is there anyway to check out the company before I give them $40.00?

jzyman2213515 reads

Is it a real company that you can check out through a web site, the local licensing authority or visit its headquarters? Will they give you a contract or a written agreement?

Sounds to me like it's a ripoff -- they'll take your $40 and you'll never see them again.

marybeth17389 reads

okay ,, first it is soo easy for bogus companies to get away with fraud,,here is how it works,
 1)bogus company uses Mail drop
 2) place ad
 3) suckers respond- pay small fee
 4) about 6 weeks go by they collect cash
   5) they split
repeat;;; use different name for bogus  company and different  mail drop different ad.

many folks don't complain,, more trouble than its worth to  try to get a refund (small amount of cash ripped off) ( because the company was bogus to begin with)
these types of cons are hard for LE to trackdown plus; it is more important for cops to go after real crime like prostitution
here goes; how much free and clear cash can these crooks collect if they can fraud   10000 suckers to pay even 2 or 3 bucks in a few weeks??
2 full page ad in fashion magazine for a "cute outfit" i sent $65. allowed for 6 weeks delevery.. never got outfit, called magazine they explained the scam,i was furious that they knowingly sold a 2 page ad in a major fashion mag. allowing thousands of readers to get scammed,they made $65/a pop

121111203 reads

dumb is dumb no company would ask there people to pay them for the job first. Lets say you give the money then what do think would happen.

JCinNYC9732 reads

I have a nagging suspicion you are a troll.

But for the enlightenment of other who may salivate over offers like this:

Use your head.

Why would a company spend money on labour to buy envelopes, acquire a mailing list, address and stamp them, ship them to you, but not stuff and mail it themselves?

Why pay someone $4.00 to do this when they can hire people at min wage who can do hundreds per hour or even offshore it then bulk the mail back here and out in in the USPS system (though I think the PO has sued and won against many remailers.)?

What are you expected to stuff the envelope with?

Who is paying them the $4.00 to pay you?

Where do you think they are making their money?

Besides, don't send your $40 to them. I have an envelope stuffing opportunity I need stuffers for too! But I pay $4.25 per envelope, all you have to do is stuff them and take them to the PO Just send me $35 and I'll tell you what you need to know!

frankie2003a8470 reads

How many envelopes can you stuff in a day.  You could
easily do 100 (probably in just a few hours).  That
would be $400/day which is $2000/week which is
$100,000/year.  There's just no way.

They have carefully figured that the high pay versus the
low up-front fee would make it easier to scam people.


-- Modified on 3/21/2004 10:46:17 AM

sexxygirrl11360 reads

There was an ad in Cosmopolitan magazine, for the exact same deal, except at that time the "fee" was about $25 or $30 .

I duly sent in the money but did not hear back from them. I wrote again, heard nothing, then wrote a letter asking for the money back...Nada.

It was too small of an amount to go to any further trouble, but it did teach me at an early age that if it seems too good to be true......

marybeth12007 reads

hi sexxy cosmo girl, wow i was also scammed by an ad in cosmo, i called Cosmopolitan and they explained about scam ads , i said "you ran a full 2 page  ad selling clothing and just let this knowingly go on" cosmo could care less that their readers get ripped off,,the scam was that "i was purchasing an outfit" by a fraudulent company that did not exsist

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