Legal Corner

Is the IRS a greater threat to escorts than the FBI?
photo4 6 Reviews 2636 reads

Potentially and actually.  Escorts generally don't pay taxes on their earnings, does the IRS go after them more than the FBI?  They violate the tax law more than any other law next to drugs.  Is it so hard to count the men, the condoms they buy, the towels they clean?   Certainly, high price escorts who don't file is worth following.  or do they bother?

-- Modified on 10/13/2013 8:09:46 AM buy homes, rent upscale apartments, invest in our future, or obtain credit without a paper trail, and bank accounts?

   You appear to be quite jaded, as you have many misconceptions about the ladies in this profession.  I have never touched a drug in my life, I pay taxes, engage in another profession, and volunteer in my community.  FBI?  Where did that comment come from?  The feds are not interested in this community unless they believe a lady is being trafficked, or a man/woman is a pimp.  Yes, the FBI will target agency's if they feel that they are laundering money, and or trafficking.

   I would love to hear how you came the conclusion you did.

Hugs and Kisses,

-- Modified on 10/13/2013 3:40:22 PM

Me too. I am wondering where the FBI would come into play at all in this type of business?  
FBI is to my knowledge a agency for huge organized crime schemes and overseas money laundering, fraud scams that attack large numbers of people and as you say trafficking people.
I like you am a regular person, have another profession I try to do that does not produce much income these days so I took up this to keep any kind of life together as I was used to a "normal decent life" with a good place to live, nice vehicles and bills.  A charge for working in this job is ridiculous but it it is a regular thing we must battle and look out for daily and we take that risk anyway as maybe some of us need to and we weigh the risks or some just chose to as it is asinine. I think many ladies are upstanding citizens and creative self employed people

DAVEPHX593 reads

Couple times a year FBI/Phoenix joint operations going after prostitution.  If have boyfriend that helps or gets money. a phone operator etc its trafficking under Federal law even if consenting adults.

Thoracicsurgeon664 reads

Last thing you want is to be arrested for tax evasion

I've prepared tax returns for, and represented, several providers. Generally, I've found anyone who has the intelligence and initiative to be listed on TER to be perfectly willing to pay what's due. It's the pimps for low-end women who are the tax cheats, definitely not the high-quality providers that one meets on here.


OldCodger530 reads

I'm curious about what "business" your clients use to justify their income, as I suspect not all 0f them will list their income as coming from being an escort?

One lady I have seen several times has discussed this with me and she is currently reporting about a fourth to a third of her actual income from her escort work, saying the is a "homecare" provider - does grocery shopping, light cleaning, etc.  She has a sizeable cash stash in a safety deposit box and wanted my input on how she could "mainstream" that.  Having no experience, my only suggestion was to gradually increase her taxable income or develop another "occupation" which could justify a higher income stream.  Any ideas I could share with her would be appreciated.
Reminds me I need to write a VERY complimentary review for her.

The providers I work with list "massage therapist" generally. I have one who is a "lifestyle consultant." Have to be careful that the chosen occupation justifies the often high travel expenses deductions.

OldCodger479 reads

Thanks for info - "Massage Therapist" sounds good!  My friend doesn't tour, so really limited expenses for her to deduct.

Thoracicsurgeon509 reads

Or you just run it like a business and pay the expenses from the cash pile you have , and then report what is left over at the end as income with no deductions.

If you wanted to avoid taxes and investigation, then you would just use the cash pile to pay for day to day cash living expenses (groceries, fuel for the car, etc), and pretend that you were very very frugal.! You could also invest in physical gold and store that in a safety deposit box.

They are more likely to go after agencies than individuals. Also they would prefer to go after individuals and businesses where there is a paper trail or financial records.

The IRS hits everyone lol. I know many women who have never paid a dime in taxes, but they are also the same women who can't buy a home or anything else. They have to lease their entire lives, and who wants to keep throwing money away? Where I am from, you need only 2 years of a taxable income to apply for a home loan and that's for 200-250K depending on income. After 5 years, you are generally approved for over 300k if you have kept the same job and your salary has increased. In New Orleans, that buys you, on average, 2000-2500 sq. ft. in the lakefront.  Why would we not strive for that as opposed to some crappy apartment with people on all sides of us? No thanks.

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