Legal Corner

How many times were you told about Santa Clause before
DC. 51 Reviews 7670 reads

you stopped believing?  Not only can cops lie, but they are encouraged to in order to obtain evidence.  The theory is that although a lot of criminals are stupid (the drug dealer that calls the cops because someone stole the stash), not all of them are.  Think about it: just posing as a provider is a lie unto itself, right?  Or telling someone they will feel better if they confess? (that's Santa, the Easter Bunny, and the tooth fairy all rolled up into one.)

Use TER.  I don't think LE has figured out how to give a decoy good reviews from reputable reviewers; and, if somehow they have co-opted a provider to snag a bunch of hobbyists, then you might as well give it up because Karma itself was looking to get you.

For the providers, screen better than Coppertone.  I know it's hard, but don't see anyone that hasn't been screened.  Also, please don't advertise what town you are in - its just an invitation to cops with too much time on their hands. (see the link)

-- Modified on 1/14/2008 1:37:12 PM

Tiny_Bubbles9687 reads

one thing i have always been told was "if you ask "are you a cop?" they have to tell you if they are"

now, is this myth or fact? does it matter what juristction you are in? and finnaly, if a LE "provider" wants to bust you, does the conversation have to be recorded?

This is one of the biggest myths around.  They do not have to tell you the truth in any form.

before you get upset, think about it in other contexts.

Someone is suspected of selling drugs near a school, and to kid at the school.  If this was all it took, he could never be busted.  All he would have to ask this client is, "Are you a cop?"

Also, I have seen cases where weak cases against child molestors and murders are corroborated after the cop lies in the interrogation of the suspect.  

No they don't have to answer truthfully. Laws have been passed that allow police officers to lie in order to make arrests.

No it doesn't have to be recorded, but it most likely will be. A recording (audio or video) will make it so very easy for prosecution.


You obviously intend to commit a crime if you are asking that-geesh.
Talk to an attorney.
Find one that represents strip clubs and escorts.
Call law offices and tell them that you want to take a walk on the wild side and you want to know your rights and liabilities.
Find what kind of cases are going through the courts. Ask what kind of stings are being done and they will refer you until you can find the local attorney that handles these type of cases.
Go in for a consult and retain him.
It cost about what you will spend with a girl or much ,much less.
He will give you his number to call if you happen to get into a conversation with LE. You call him right away if anyone attempts to question you.
Going to an escort is not illegal in itself. So showing up is not enough for a bust-they can detain you but they cannot charge you most of the time.
Some places will charge you but it gets thrown out and is basically harassment.
Get a lawyer.
Anything worth doing is worth doing well.
If you are telling yourself that you don't do this that often-well it only takes one mistake -and won't you enjoy the rare occasion that you hobby if you are properly prepared?

Your advice is absolutely correct!  Have a lawyer on retainer and don't say anything other than your name and address, if requested.  Follow Shiloh's instructions and, while it may be a little uncomfortable, it's a lot less uncomfortable than having your picture put up on a billboard as a john (in some jurisdictions, that really happens).

I know everybody hates lawyers.  Until you need one.

you stopped believing?  Not only can cops lie, but they are encouraged to in order to obtain evidence.  The theory is that although a lot of criminals are stupid (the drug dealer that calls the cops because someone stole the stash), not all of them are.  Think about it: just posing as a provider is a lie unto itself, right?  Or telling someone they will feel better if they confess? (that's Santa, the Easter Bunny, and the tooth fairy all rolled up into one.)

Use TER.  I don't think LE has figured out how to give a decoy good reviews from reputable reviewers; and, if somehow they have co-opted a provider to snag a bunch of hobbyists, then you might as well give it up because Karma itself was looking to get you.

For the providers, screen better than Coppertone.  I know it's hard, but don't see anyone that hasn't been screened.  Also, please don't advertise what town you are in - its just an invitation to cops with too much time on their hands. (see the link)

-- Modified on 1/14/2008 1:37:12 PM

sidone6003 reads

This question shows up on this board more often then any other, and the answer is always the same.  Police are allowed to lie and do not have to admit they are police when asked.  Undercover work would otherwise be impossible.

Final word on "can cops lie."

I have a friend who was involved in the Heidi Fleiss appeal.  She said in one of the transcripts one of the cops was testifying about his meeting with one of Heidi's girls, a very attractive young lady.

He described her getting undressed.  He was asked where he was looking.  He replied he was focused on her hands to make sure she wasn't armed.  

That is exactly where I would have looked the whole time.

Question - How many times have "her hands" been mentioned as part of a thread on this forum?

I think he was lying.

Are you for real? Seriously. The cops can and will lie through their teeth to get a confession of anything. Trust me. I know. They absolutely do not have to tell you that they are police officers.

And...another thing I heard, that may be a myth, was to ask a provider to show you some tit before you discuss services or leave money. If she refuses...walk away.  

I've never had to ask this as I only go with well reviewed providers.

that a female LE Decoy who is undercover will NEVER, EVER, show you her tits.  There are many reasons for this, but none of them have to do with the legality of doing it.  Women in a traditionally male profession like LE have worked too hard to get where they are by destroying it that way. If you don't get the reasons for this, I don't have time to explain, but trust me (or watch any episode of the View or Oprah).

I will tell you though, that if you ask a female undercover LE Decoy to show you her tits, she will find some way to bust you; and we all know that it is the arrest (and the accompanying public exposure) that matters in this case, not whether you eventually get the case thrown out.  Use TER and never put yourself in the situation.

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