Legal Corner

Had you asked me...
emsjhs2009 2803 reads
1 / 13

would LE consider this setup prostitution?  ATF and I have discussed situation in which I would pay her rent in return for bi-weekly visit.  rent payment would be made directly to landlord thru property management firm from a third party   no money would be exchanged between ATF and myself.  couldn't this been seen a just one friend helping another ?

mrfisher 108 Reviews 754 reads
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But seriously, a prostitution sting is the least of your worries.

It's more a question of you getting in over your head.

I would just pay her fee directly and let her do what she may with it.

(still not a lawyer)

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 770 reads
3 / 13 that there are other guys traipsing in and out.  If an apartment is being used for an illegal purpose, whether prostitution, drug dealing, gambling, etc., the landlord risks having his property seized by the government for knowingly permitting illegal activity.  

The landlord would want to protect himself so he would report illegal activity to LE.  They may find out that the rent is being paid by John Doe who doesn't live there which would raise suspicion.

But you're right - it's an unnecessary complication.  Many providers don't have the greatest credit because of the cash nature of the biz.  Would he be willing to be a co-signer?  He doesn't want to have a paper trail.  Just give her the cash equivalent of the monthly rent.

maxwell44 23 Reviews 705 reads
4 / 13

Don't ever enter into an arrangement where you are responsible for paying somebody else's rent, unless you are their father.  

You are obviously just trying to help someone out with the best of intentions, but I am telling you straight up that arrangements like the one you are proposing don't ever end well for people like you.  You are only going to commit yourself to see this woman bi-weekly whether or not you want to in the future (so you are now essentially married to her), and if you don't want to see her as promised, or if you need to change your appointment time and she can't accommodate you at that time, you are the one who going to be accused of short changing her, and you will still be expected to pay her rent to top it off.  See how easy this can get turned upside down on you?  

Plus, if there is ever an argument over this (as people will often get into heated arguments over money), the police can now be called to investigate a possible domestic disturbance, then everybody will know what is really going on here, including the cops, the landlord and all the neighbors.  You have absolutely nothing to gain and everything to lose with an arrangement like this.   Remember the saying: "No good deed goes unpunished" because that is exactly what this deed is.

Just pay her fee directly to her, and she can do whatever she wants with the money.  It keeps everybody honest this way, and best of all, you are not obligating yourself to do anything.

PhilAsheo 734 reads
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Pay her rent, buy her stuff, take her to dinner and you have sex with her as much as possible.:)

Wait, what am I saying, lol.

harborview 10 Reviews 621 reads
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What the OP is suggesting sounds much like a Sugar Baby type arrangement...   BUT these are filled with risks.  That performance falls off...  your donation is guaranteed...  she becomes hard to reach.  It's much better to pay as you go.
If she is a trusted & trusting ATF, than you could leave the donation on her dresser as you redress (as I do with such Fav gals).

GaGambler 646 reads
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After you have seen a lady for the first time, your risk of LE shrinks to a number just barely over zero. Your risk at this point from LE regarding an ATF is essentially zero.

So why do you want to complicate things by prepaying for your bi weekly sessions? Unless of course it works out to be a discount from her regular rates, which might make it worth the hassle, not to mention the risk for you. By risk, I don't mean risk from LE, I mean the risk of her flaking out, your schedules not meshing, every one of a thousand things that could prevent you from actually enjoying the sessions that you are paying for in advance.

BeautywithBrains See my TER Reviews 599 reads
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....I would never allow a gentleman to pay my rent directly, as his name/company wop\uld be on the lease, and he could terminate at will.

    I have discussed this with both my accountant, and attorney, and the best option is to give the lady the cash, and she can choose to call it support, or income.  Like I said, there is a fine line, and will be happy to discuss it via pm; not here.

Hugs and Kisses,

SquirterHoney See my TER Reviews 589 reads
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I'm a provider and definitely would give discounts to a client who prepaid. In fact, I  have a  client that takes very good care of me. In fact, if I ever get in a jam and need his help- he is there for me. He has even wired me cash when I had an emergency while he was away on an extended business trip. As soon as he returned, we would  go get our usual jacuzzi room and spend the entire evening together. Providers tend to do things like that for special clients that we know "will have our backs" if we ever need them. Just something to think about......... You just gotta find the right girl for it- thats all.....

Dr Who revived 639 reads
10 / 13

Money paid for sexual services in whatever form is income...PERIOD!!!

But try and use the support argument (assuming you're under audit or investigation)'ll look like a jackass.

There is NO fine line...that is only how you...and your moronic professionals, wish (emphasis on wish) to characterize payment.

Time to find new professionals  LOL
Posted By: BeautywithBrains
....I would never allow a gentleman to pay my rent directly, as his name/company wop\uld be on the lease, and he could terminate at will.  
     I have discussed this with both my accountant, and attorney, and the best option is to give the lady the cash, and she can choose to call it support, or income.  Like I said, there is a fine line, and will be happy to discuss it via pm; not here.  
 Hugs and Kisses,  

Makwa 18 Reviews 635 reads
11 / 13

Yes it would be Prostitution.  Exchanging anything of value for sex is prostitution.  
The question is would you get caught?  Since it's strictly between the two of you, it is not very likely that this arrangement would attract any LE interest.  
I would be more concerned about her seeing other clients in the apartment.  LE could change you with a number of things (many of them felonies) because you are paying the rent.  

-- Modified on 6/8/2013 11:25:45 AM

SquirterHoney See my TER Reviews 569 reads
12 / 13

No...........we would simply call it a "gift".Wtf? Use your brain. Gifts are not legally income..... and you do not work for a gift. PERIOD

GaGambler 593 reads
13 / 13

Not if you don't want to go to jail for tax evasion at least.

The IRS is most definitely going to call your "gifts" income, and trying to argue that your income is not actually income, but gifts from your many admirers will simply turn a case of "failure to file" for which the penalty is only a matter of money, to either tax fraud or tax evasion both of which carry criminal penalties which means jail time.

The good news, for you at least, is that as a low end BP girl, you are unlikely to ever make enough money for the IRS to take notice, but if you don't file your taxes, or if you are living will beyond your legitmate means, even a sub $200hr BP girl could still find herself in very hot water some day.

So I would advise you to take your own advice and use that little brain of your own, and come up with a better plan than one that could end up with you in federal prison some day.

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