Legal Corner

Find someone who practrices frequently in the court in which you...
FreedomRider225 13005 reads
1 / 7

48 years old and I suddenly find myself with a DUI. I'm terrified & overwhelmed. Please PM me!

oates 10 Reviews 8523 reads
2 / 7

Call Miles Berman.  He really is the best.

trek 43 Reviews 9486 reads
3 / 7

Contact Michael Norris 310-376-0922

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 10856 reads
4 / 7

are to appear. They have a relationship w/ the asst. D.A.s in those courts and can often work out a better deal.

Myles L. Berman advertises a lot which makes me a little leery of him.

hobyist4344 9635 reads
5 / 7

miles berman is the way to go to a google search on him,
he will charge alot so your hobbying might be limited for the time being...

seaver41 1 Reviews 10400 reads
6 / 7

I have someone I regularly refer clients to who is the best. He has worked miracles for two of my clients. His offices are in Woodland Hills. Send me a private message so I can give you the information.

process server 8727 reads
7 / 7

how did it turn out?
it has been a month did you find a good lawyer?

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