Legal Corner

Arrest = No; Embarrassment = Quite Likely
Zangari 954 reads

Posted By: Jack_Inhoff
How legal is it to approach someone about a possible sugar baby arrangement?  The person I have in mind is NOT an escort or other kind of sex worker.  
 Be careful, Jack.  You & I and everyone here live in the P4P bubble.  And we often underestimate the powerful social stigma of P4P.  After having lots of success in the sugarbowl, I made the big mistake of busting a move on the girl who had cut my hair for several years.  She's amazingly beautiful, very sweet, and has a boyfriend. I'd been thinking about her for a long time...  

 She cuts my hair one day.  A few hours later she sends me a text out-of-the-blue about a vacation spot she really loves.  I'd been waiting for something like that.  Read the text exchange below, where I crash & burn:  

  Z:  If you can get away for a weekend, I'll take you there & give you $1000, which should cover any losses from appts.

  Stylist:  I don't think I could get away right now.  

  Z:  Would you consider just getting together for a couple of hours a week--I could give you $300 a week.
  Stylist:  What exactly are you asking me to do???  


 I realized immediately that I had overreached.  I dropped all communication with her right there, and never saw her again.  Luckily, my current SB knows how to cut hair, lol.  --z

Jack_Inhoff2347 reads

How legal is it to approach someone about a possible sugar baby arrangement?  The person I have in mind is NOT an escort or other kind of sex worker.  Any feedback or info would be helpful. Thank you.

doing what you suggest, but on a very technical plane, if you discuss money for sex acts and for whatever reason LE learns of this fact, then yes, you could be busted provided they get some kind of proof.

That said, I think you should worry less about getting busted by LE versus getting a bust in the mouth from the gal if she feels offended.

still not a lawyer

As usual, mrfisher, I concur with your analysis but would be even more emphatic about the lack of risk. Before any statement one makes can be used against them, an independent corpus of the crime needs to be shown. In a scenario such as this, the only way that could happen would be if the woman reports it to the police. Such a report is not only unlikely (what civilian would want to be involved in that?), it is even more unlikely that that they would pursue it without some independent corroboration that what she said is true. Now, the getting popped in head thing? A very reasonable concern.

set up stings using decoys on SD sites much like they do now on BP.

Let's hope they don't.

In any case, if this gal in question is someone you met in RL, even that remote possibility is moot.

Zangari782 reads

t's important to frame your arrangement offer so that it's not just sex for money.   You're also going to restaurants, shopping, cinema, trips, etc.  

 My layman's understanding of the law:  money for sex  = prostitution.   Money for 'companionship' (which may include sex) = legal.  Has any SD ever been arrested for banging his SB?  That's rare, if ever.  This is just another way that relatively wealthy men can skirt around the law. It's not *fair*, but I don't make the rules.  --z

Zangari955 reads

Posted By: Jack_Inhoff
How legal is it to approach someone about a possible sugar baby arrangement?  The person I have in mind is NOT an escort or other kind of sex worker.  
 Be careful, Jack.  You & I and everyone here live in the P4P bubble.  And we often underestimate the powerful social stigma of P4P.  After having lots of success in the sugarbowl, I made the big mistake of busting a move on the girl who had cut my hair for several years.  She's amazingly beautiful, very sweet, and has a boyfriend. I'd been thinking about her for a long time...  

 She cuts my hair one day.  A few hours later she sends me a text out-of-the-blue about a vacation spot she really loves.  I'd been waiting for something like that.  Read the text exchange below, where I crash & burn:  

  Z:  If you can get away for a weekend, I'll take you there & give you $1000, which should cover any losses from appts.

  Stylist:  I don't think I could get away right now.  

  Z:  Would you consider just getting together for a couple of hours a week--I could give you $300 a week.
  Stylist:  What exactly are you asking me to do???  


 I realized immediately that I had overreached.  I dropped all communication with her right there, and never saw her again.  Luckily, my current SB knows how to cut hair, lol.  --z

but she was so excellent at cutting my hair, I decided against making any move, and she continued to cut my hair for the next 25 years until she retired.

I told her of my crush many years later, and she told me that she knew I had a crush on her, but that I would never make the move.  I guess that's her way of telling me that I did the right thing.

Pretty gals are not that hard to find.  A good hairstylist however is worth their weight in gold.

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