Legal Corner

Actually you give legal advice all the time
GaGambler 386 reads

and sometimes you give some very BAD legal advice.

Just sayin...

You are right about one thing, you most definitely are NOT a lawyer. At least fishbro makes that clear on EVERY post he makes, you should do the same.

A word of advice to anyone reading this, "free advice" you get on the internet is worth every penny you pay for it, including mine.

NewbieOne4868 reads

Hypothetically, you have done your due diligence set a date and  are expecting a knock at the door.
You haven't mentioned $$ or specifics. The closest you have come is an outfit request. She pings you few min's before get Location and Room #. She comes up and you have her envelope ready. Then surprise..LEO walks in next.. and starts pressing you...  

What do you say or do.. ?
What if any protocol is there for getting through this without a trip to the station?
Can you just identify yourself and refuse to answer any questions..?
If you did that based on what I described I don't think a crime has been committed.. why cant you just tell them to leave.?

You can request that they leave, but of course they can remain as long as they believe they have business to conduct.

By being non-cooperative they may decide they have bigger fish to fry and leave you alone.  They may decide to take you downtown for some grilling but again, the mantra is to take the Fifth and ask for a lawyer.  Be polite and courteous but firm.

The type of sting you describe is not all that common.   More common is for LE to set up an incall so that they are on their own turf.   Going into a strange room they face the possibility of things like guns, which they sort of dislike.

Still not a lawyer

GaGambler413 reads

Yes, LE conducts stings, but NO, this is not how they conduct them.

When LE conducts a sting they want the lowest risk to their officers combined with the highest chance for conviction. In the scenario you describe all you would have to do is ask them to leave, you have yet to commit a crime and they have no legal reason to hold you. You can "respectfully" refuse to speak to them and if pressed insist on your attorney being present before saying a single word.


The short answer to "why can't you just tell them to leave?" is "Yes, you have EVERY right to ask them to either charge you or leave"

Thanks for the thoughts GAGambler.  You have been here a Long time so I appreciate the insight your experience and longevity offers.  99.9 % of the time when I am enjoying the company of a companion I am out of town. Often in a new place. So I am typically seeing people (added Risk) for the first time and defiantly don't have a local lawyer. So, I was hoping people would have specific things you should do say or act on to avoid arrest.  
Being in a hotel is tricky. Can you throw cops out and say unless I am being arrested please leave?
Or, since it 's hotel property are you at the mercy of management?  
 If they refuse to leave as they are doing an "investigation" can you leave?
What does detained mean? is that the same as arrested ?
 These are the specific nuances I want to work through..  Basically for the 1% chance .. having a plan for what I will do drives the confidence to not mess up and do or say something that would get me deeper into trouble.

Thanks for your thoughts..

GaGambler419 reads

One is to "catch you in the act" IOW get you on tape exchanging money for sex, or offering to exchange money for sex. Having sex itself is not illegal, unless of course she is underage, but that's a whole different matter.

The other is for one or both of you to admit to having committed a crime. Once again having sex is NOT a crime, so lets say they kick the door down right in the middle of your downstroke, unless and until one of you admits to the cops that you are engaging in "sex for money" there still is nothing to charge you with.

Obviously if I/we know this, then so does LE. It simply makes a lot more sense to do incall stings where they can control the environment by having "eyes in the room" than it does to try to get one of you to confess to engaging in prostitution after barging into your room.  

Your 1% chance is really more like .0001% chance, but in the VERY unlikely chance that LE ever comes barging into your room remember you have the right to STFU, USE IT!!!. Don't be Ron White "I had the right to remain silent, but not the ability" lol

Black-Panther391 reads

In my decades of mongering, I've never heard of an oucall to hotel sting. Too much effort for a low level bust. Also, not safe for the officer.

Early on in my mongering career, I would get nervous at outcalls. But, that is what the welcome kiss is for, and never discuss money. I have walked (very rarely) when a provider has mentioned money and sex together. Thats just basic 101 for both sides.

Welcome Kiss?  Meaning a cop won't likely kiss you so Kiss her as soon as you meet?
I might be missing something to add to my 101... I always do a hug.. but if I need to add to the best practice.. will do..

I certainly have heard of outcall-to-hotel stings.  
But stinging providers and their friends/drivers/pimps, not clients.

DAVEPHX401 reads

From decades of reading cases and attending trials in Phoenix when they do any hotel bust they already have probable cause due to something you said in a phone call, email or text.   Undercovers are sadly quite good at getting you to say the wrong thing.  You show up at the hotel and are busted.  It is much rarer for an outcall companion, mostly guys are already busted before they get to the incall (hotel) since they already offered money for some illegal act.

NewbieOne385 reads

Excellent,, so if you request a provider bring "toys" or wear lingerie is that in itself incriminating ? I do a lot of first time meetings since I love the thrill of meeting new people. Therefore, I and emailing "blindly" frequently.  If I were to request such things is that incriminating ?
What are the key things to avoid? Obviously you don't mention act's and Money but what else could incriminate you ?

DAVEPHX411 reads

Bringing toys or asking to wear lingerie is not a sex act under Arizona law for money which equals prostitution.  

Just like I have a Sybian machine and nothing wrong with inviting a lady to use it.  

Disclaimer: I am not a lawyer and do not offer legal advice. However, I have monitored zillions of Phoenix court cases and have been a go to person for decades on views on legal issues and involved in national cases promoting decriminalization.

GaGambler387 reads

and sometimes you give some very BAD legal advice.

Just sayin...

You are right about one thing, you most definitely are NOT a lawyer. At least fishbro makes that clear on EVERY post he makes, you should do the same.

A word of advice to anyone reading this, "free advice" you get on the internet is worth every penny you pay for it, including mine.

First of all,  one of the other things that you should do is find a Hotel/Motel that has a place that you can meet face to face first. and make sure that you know what she looks like & Tell her where to sit or stand in the place. Then when she gets sure of your surroundings & see if you see her.  Don't be a stuck up snob type (Where you are extremely picky).

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