Las Vegas

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PokerGent 1925 reads

I did not make any accusation toward Number 6---I did send him a very nice PM message and posted a very positive statement asking for clarification---now that you know what I did jump back on my ass for not knowing what I said or did!

Nikki *Number* Sixx6400 reads

I have a lot of anger about this, but for those who don't understand, I'll explain later.

The music sector and hobby sector have some crossover. However, not all of us are familiar with the jargon or vernacular  of one or the other.

That being said.  The paramount priority here is safety and security. If there is a communication that is perceived by anyone as a possible threat, it will be pulled and the poster moderated until the intent is determined.

With the recent security issues that have blown up, there also may be some over reaction. I hope everyone can be patient and understanding.

TMT Bulletless in Seattle

This started as a misunderstanding. The moderator clearly has sufficient resources to a) ably define the meaning of the term, and b) make determination of the intent of the term. Just in case both fail, the moderator just could have asked me. I do not consider PMs or e-mails from other members here to be sufficient; the moderator could have simply googles the term, or asked me. All the other members did (and I will deal with that below), is further inflame the situation.

What is utterly remarkable about all of this is that I think I should have, at the very least, been given the benefit of the doubt. There was a time, at the beginning of TER, where I didn't have a lot of love for the board, but those differences have been resolved for quite some time now. We're talking 4-5 years. I don't believe the moderator had any knowledge of this, nor, based on my posting history, had any reasonable belief I would want to do harm to Victoria. To my mind, this is irresponsible.

As for those e-mails and PMs, you White Knights have outdone yourselves this time. You want to know why I won't come out and play and otherwise be associated with you (there are a couple of exceptions, and you know who you are)? Take a good look in the mirror, boys-you've out WK'd yourself this time. By "protecting" a beloved provider, you have made it pretty much impossible for me to secure a date with her. Congratulations on successfully marking your territory.

I have a presence on three other major boards, and have never had anything so much as a problem on them. Then again, there's a lot less ego displayed  on those other sites as well.

As for the "Backchannel" issue, I know nothing about it. I didn't get invited to that party, and from what little I know, don't feel like I was missing anything. I can tell you that as cuckoo as some of you guys are, you can't, on your best day, touch the LA crowd. I mean, when I'm out there defending providers I dislike, you know they have issues.

Believe me, I don't need to join a group to get someone's private info. I've had to do this exactly once, with one high end provider who was harrassing me. As for Vegas, I was a regular on the party scene here while I was playing high-limit at Bellagio. It was fun for a while, but I gradually reverted to adulthood. I've met a lot of providers, with their "husbands", while on the town. Having seen some of them in action, there's no way I'm letting them within 3 ZIP codes of my house.

While I agree with the moderator that safety and security are paramount, anonymous as we may appear to be, we are still dealing with reputations. Since mine was the one being maligned, you might appreciate that I may be less patient and understanding than usual. There was a remarkable lack of common sense displayed here. Frankly, many of you owe me a very large apology.

PokerGent1855 reads

It was only a simple question---what did you mean you had a bullet for her!!!

Maybe you should have just given us an simple answer rather than start giving us a lot of shit and making accusations as to our character!!

I think you should grow up and then give us an apology!!

WebTerrorist1766 reads

I know what the term "with a bullet" means, and it is a good thing, NOT a threat.

I know "Number 6", he is one of the few people that know where I live and has been to my house...he does have the distiction of being the only person that has sat in the "comfy chair" in my den and not fallen asleep that could mean he's an alien.

I know that he isn't a danger or a threat.  

I know that before anyone makes an accusation as serious as saying someone is threatening another's life or well being, one should be damn sure they are right.

I'll leave the issues of moderation and such to Mr TMT, but for emails and PMs maligning "Number 6"  in the name of "protection" is irresponsible.  

Mr PokerGent, you recently made a post to Miss Maze saying you wanted a "Rolls Royce for the price of a Ford", would you have liked someone to read that not as a bit of a smartassed joke, but instead wrote her claiming you were another of the price trading, haggling for reviews guys?  just because they didn't get it?  

I would guess it would have bothered you had she been told that...and that is a much less serious accusation than what was made about "Number 6".

To go from "I don't understand what he is saying"  to "he is a threat" is a large leap, to then level the accusation with any level of certainty was wrong.  To not understand something but then, potray that misunderstanding as absolute worse case scenario fact?!?

I fully understand the want to help, and protect the ladies...Hell, I am always being told how I am biased in favor of the ladies (Estrogen Solidarity), but I would be remiss to tell anyone that someone was a threat simply because I misunderstood something, especially something I knew I didn't understand.

So, now a lady is protected from a guy that basically said she was "hot"...and a guy now has a reputation as a "threat" based on ignorance of a phrase that has been around since the 50's or 60's...and he is supposed to now apologise for it?
I don't think he will saying , "Thank you for mischaracterising me as a danger to a lady...I am sorry for not being grateful for that." any time soon.

If a lady doesn't want to see him, or any potential client, based on his words, actions, etc. and what he has done, that makes sense, but for her to be scared of him, to be told she is in danger from him,(as if it were fact) because someone else lacks knowlwedge of a colloquialism?  That's wrong.  He shouldn't have to apologise for being wronged.

PokerGent1926 reads

I did not make any accusation toward Number 6---I did send him a very nice PM message and posted a very positive statement asking for clarification---now that you know what I did jump back on my ass for not knowing what I said or did!

WebTerrorist1562 reads

"Number 6" siad,
"As for those e-mails and PMs, you White Knights have outdone yourselves this time. You want to know why I won't come out and play and otherwise be associated with you (there are a couple of exceptions, and you know who you are)? Take a good look in the mirror, boys-you've out WK'd yourself this time. By "protecting" a beloved provider, you have made it pretty much impossible for me to secure a date with her. Congratulations on successfully marking your territory."

That was what I was refering to...he didn't say you specifically and neither did I.

You were the one that demanded an apology from him though, so that was why I chose your post to reply to, and why I stated he shouldn't have to apologise for being wronged...not that you were specifically the one that wronged him (actually his mention of "PMs and Emails" implies it was from many not one.)

I used your post as an example to simply ask if you would want to apologise to anyone that may have done what I mentioned in my example, of mischaracterising your post.

Sorry, I really must remember in the future to make the disclaimer in my posts that they are to the thread, but instead of posting each bit of a post to each individual post I make one post, in reply to a single post that has a point I do have a some reply to.  That not everything mentioned in any given post is entirely about the post  replied to and should not be read as such.

An aside to your point though, I wasn't speaking of people PMing him accusing him...I was speaking to people contacting her making accusations about him.

I will apologise for making you think I was jumping on your ass, I obviously was not clear in that, and I am sorry.

Now that you know what I meant, keep being defensive and asuming it's all about you. :)

PokerGent2285 reads

I thought you were talking about me but you did say Mr. PokerGent---and I am only PokerGent and only tried to get Number 6 to give clarification to a post----if he wants to rant and rave let him do so but I refuse to kiss his ass or yours or anyone else on this board!!!

I am so sorry!!!

WebTerrorist2059 reads

you don't have nearly enough estrogen for me to enjoy it.  :D

Webbies evil twin1638 reads

Jeez, that's twice in a couple days that you tell me that others have been to the Web-cave.  I'm getting that left-out feeling, and we're freakin TWINS.  Holy web-shit, Batman.

WebTerrorist2122 reads

that admits you are "evil"...
Why would I invite evil people to my cave, even if they are my twin?  ;)

Webbies evil twin1459 reads

Because I'd feed the dog, of course.  LOL

First, I want to thank LJ and Webbie for playing White Lady, or whatever the equivalent is. Next session y'all book with me, it's on the house!

Which reminds me, if I remember correctly, trading favours for reviews is a bannable offense here.

While I think I can make a compelling case for PG being a very bad boy, he's doing an even better job himself. So, I think I'm going to let him be. He did send me the nice, polite PM, but apparently after he sent the warning e-mails to the moderator, and to VM. In this context, if he couldn't wait for a response, such said nicety/politeness is irrelevant.

My last point, is something I really need to stress. Because of the transient nature of Las Vegas, the city does not attract the most cultured and educated. It is in very many ways the Wild West, and to invite someone into your home is a Very Big Deal here. I know LJ's reasons, and Webbie's reasons, mine were because the nature of my business required me having a lot of cash available to me 24/7. Anyone who comes on to my property, whether it be the cleaning lady or landscaper, is vetted. I don't expect PG to understand this as he isn't a local. But if he lived here, he'd catch on right away, or maybe after someone follows him home after winning big at the casino. Then again, he wants me to apologize for telling a provider on a hooker board I found her desirable and would like to do some business.

While the conduct here is clearly sanctionable, and really should be, if not for anything to restore order to the board, I'm not going to bother Staff and ask for it. This incident has left a bad taste in my mouth and I'm taking a hard look at continuing to post here. I know if this happened on ASPD or TBP, sanctions already would have been issued. Pornstar0, Diamond John, Desperado, they don't fuck around and have little tolerance for stuff like this.

PokerGent2100 reads

really says a lot about your class---and with regard to my understanding Las Vegas shows your lack of education---so go smoke on that!

I think alittle   PARANOIA has taken form..???? OMG.. if you only KNEW him..?? he is the nicest  neighbor I have. !!!!

PokerGent2160 reads

I cannot image being your neighbor---I would turn into "Voyer" " "Peeking Tom" "Nosy Bastard" and most likely would have to resort to playing with myself on a regular basis!!!

-- Modified on 5/21/2006 11:17:17 AM

Isn't my first language , I have never heard this expression before . But reading it , it read to me as a positive thing ……… so I don’t get what is the problem here ? anger about what ?

Or maybe positive people will read it as positive and negative people will read it as negative .

Well, I'm totally lost! Did a post get deleted before I could see it?


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