Las Vegas

TAD MOROSE 2635 reads

What's everyone think of the old Ho going under. Last Day is November 17th. I stayed tere once, and NEVER again so I'm greatful or this move. The plave is a dump and it smells like someone or something died in their casino. Definetly not a place  to see a provider. I've never felt so unsafe there. As a matter of fact. I was up for 48 hours that weekend.


Not sure what "going under" means. It was sold to a Dallas developer who plans to tear down the buildings and build condos on the site. Its following a trend happening more and more in Vegas.

As reported in Sunday's Review-Journal, the Sahara is the next property rumored to be on the sales block so it can be demolished and replaced with a high rise mega resort.

I can't believe that the Crapicana is still standing.  That's been on the demo rumor for at least five years, and the owners went as far as restructuring their deal to make it easier to pull off.  But it still stands, and currently houses the Titanic exhibition.  Just think, maybe it can be the first ship to sink twice.

Jim Healy1527 reads

the HOOTERS CASINO?  Man, I'm there!  And what's up with the Aladdin?  Why doesn't that evil shithole lie down; we've been hearing it's dead for years!!

puretwist2987 reads

Man, imagine taking Hooters Air if you happen to be one of its destinations and eating chicken wings and getting liquor from scantily clad flight attendants then catching a shuttle and seeing more scantily clad women at the Hooters Hotel, then winning some money at Roulette and paying to get a scantily clad woman to do you in the old San Remo.  Then going across to the MGM and getting scantily clad....and so on and so on and so on.... lol Spring 2006

The Aladdin is scheduled to be turned into "Planet Hollywood" soon*S*

Have you been reading your threads? I think you need a new keyboard. Everytime you hit the period key we get *S*, which makes reading difficult. Just a suggestion.

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