Las Vegas

alessia.jordan 466 reads

Posted By: samanthasommers
My email account was hacked.  I do not need surgery on my kidney, and I am not selling my pictures, and I am not trying to help family members make it over from Europe....  Please ignore the jerk who is spamming all of my provider and hobbyist friends.  I have changed my password.  Thanks!  Smiles for Miles...
My yahoo account was acting funny today too.  I couldn't log in for a while and it was saying the server or something wasn't available.  Hope you were not inconvenienced too bad from it.


My email account was hacked.  I do not need surgery on my kidney, and I am not selling my pictures, and I am not trying to help family members make it over from Europe....  Please ignore the jerk who is spamming all of my provider and hobbyist friends.  I have changed my password.  Thanks!  Smiles for Miles...

Please take my kidney I sent you and repack it in fresh ice and return it since you don't need it after all. Would you mind including photos of you (nude) when you send it back for the inconvenience?

hahah!  Funny...once you receive it, keep it on ice in case I should need it in the future..

Thanks for the kidney loan, anyway!

Keep your eyes peeled for the pics...xo

Posted By: CornellPear
Please take my kidney I sent you and repack it in fresh ice and return it since you don't need it after all. Would you mind including photos of you (nude) when you send it back for the inconvenience?

i actually replied that i could help you set up an online fundraiser for your sisters transplant. LOL  


and yes i changed my password after this lol

Posted By: samanthasommers
My email account was hacked.  I do not need surgery on my kidney, and I am not selling my pictures, and I am not trying to help family members make it over from Europe....  Please ignore the jerk who is spamming all of my provider and hobbyist friends.  I have changed my password.  Thanks!  Smiles for Miles...
My yahoo account was acting funny today too.  I couldn't log in for a while and it was saying the server or something wasn't available.  Hope you were not inconvenienced too bad from it.


I changed my password, then realized ALL of my email was going to an outlook account.  My email is Ymail.  I hope no one sent money.  It seems a few people had fun with the hackers; some had back and forth conversations, stumping them by asking info that there's no possible way they could know.  Total Jerks.  I hate scammers and spammers.

When you get the Fed Ex package addressed to your Ukraine PO Box, just tear up the copies of my social security card, passport  and bank deposit slip.    I'm glad to hear your kidney is fine!!

hahah!!  Silly!  

I have no tales of woe...and if I did, I'd contact my own family, not a hobbyist!
I'm busy living the dream, with better things to do than hack other's emails and try to extort money from people....

Keep on Smiling!


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