Las Vegas

Truth be told...
always_bereal 7 Reviews 1465 reads

I heard a female say some not so nice things about the hobby eluding to sex with multiple people being "dangerous" and/or sinful. I didn't say anything to her about it but in my opinion dealing with females in the hobby is safer than that so called "wholesome" female that had 5 boyfriends all of which have fucked her bareback thousands of times throughout their "relationship" least the female is the hobby uses protection on a regular basis.  

At the end of the day escorts can be competition for the housewife and/or girlfriend but just say it like it is rather than trying to paint some dirty picture that just ain't true.

Just my two cents, what's you're thoughts?

Testing is really the thing that sets providers apart honestly. The average girl you'd bring home from wherever likely hasn't been tested regularly, and even less likely since the last time she was barebacked.

That said, not everyone on either side of this bothers with testing and just waits till they feel something's different. A provider that doesn't test but always uses protection is going to be mathematically more risky than your average tinder-ella/bar pickup that always uses protection.  

You have to remember that jimmy hats aren't anywhere near 100% effective and that it doesn't take an obvious hole to transfer a virus or bacterium from person to person. It's not magic or chance or Russian roulette, it's statistics. To say that there's no risk here is a gross under representation of the risks involved in hobbying.  

Soon enough we'll have FDA approved HIV protection, and there are a few HSV vaccines in trials right now that look promising. We already have an HPV vaccine that works great against the dangerous stuff. If we can solve HIV and HSV all we have to worry about are the old timey bacterial diseases that are all curable and harmless if you catch them early-ish.

Just how it is and in spite of all the publications, shows, documentaries, etc those still exist.  Will it ever change?  If it hasn't changed since the beginning of time, I doubt it will change anytime soon.

That at least most escorts take precautions ... The random girl next door probably fucked any number of guys BB... Possibly after a drunken night out!

Porn stars are generally the safest bet as they have bi weekly databased health checks

GaGambler289 reads

There is no comparison, I will take a hooker over one of those "wholesome" women any day.  

sheesh, where do you think you are posting and just what kind of answer did you really expect from the likes of us?

and of course sexually repressed "wholesome" woman can't stand hookers. If all men knew they could just call a hooker when their wife/GF cut them off from sex, then how would "wholesome" women keep their men under control?

Then you'll have a better idea of what your dealing with.

Why is it when men refer to being at risk in this hobby, they always put blame on the provider for putting them at risk.

Geez, like your dick has never been in a vagina without a condom.

Us girls in this hobby or in the civvie world do not put YOU at risk, only YOU can put yourself at risk.

And if you hobby in this industry then it's YOU and only YOU that is putting yourself at risk.

Please stop blaming us girls, no one forces you to see providers, infact no one forces you to have sex, period.

The default state of the human body is disease free. Providers generally see many more customers than said customers see providers, therefore are at a higher risk of being out of the natural disease free state. That's simple math.

If I ride a motorcycle that I own, I know it's state of repair and am responsible for that state of repair. If I rent someone else's motorcycle and it was advertised to me as in good repair then I am no longer liable for what happens due to the false advertisement of said motorcycle. The fact that I wear a helmet has nothing do to with the liability I incur from riding, if that motorcycle has its wheel fall off and I get injured the liability still falls on the rental provider of said motorcycle.

And sure, I don't have to ride a motorcycle, and by doing so I'm inuring some inherent risk, but then, if a motorcycle was advertised as being HIV positive, I would probably steer clear. Granted, I've never seen one advertised as such.

See, sex doesn't have some magical logic-exempt set of rules. Perhaps you learned something different in Sunday school, but I assure you, that's not the case.

A high percentage of clients are having unprotected sex, you don't see us girls blaming them for putting us at risk, because it's a risk WE take.

Like it's a risk YOU take when you have protected/unprotected sex with a partner or provider.

Don't think for one second that just because you're putting the dollars in our pockets that this leaves you or any client blame free and allows you to put all the blame on us providers.

This is a SEX INDUSTRY, yes we see a higher percentage of clients than clients see providers, but i can assure you that most of us providers have regular check ups and practice safe sex.  The same can not be said about most clients.

I didn't go to Sunday school, i have lived and read the book of life a thousand times and i can assure you that i don't live life with blinkers on and blame others for the shit that happens, unlike some.

You are missing the point i was making.  YOU CANNOT BLAME someone else for something you choose to be involved in or with, regardless of the risks you know or don't know.

Unlike a motorcycle, which clearly is a piece of metal and has no idea what you are talking about :-)

"I heard a female say some not so nice things about the hobby eluding to sex with multiple people being "dangerous" and/or sinful."

I do believe this statement to be true (in civvie life, and as a provider) but as far as I'm concerned...the consequence of my actions are handled by my doctor, and God.

"Judge Not Lest Ye Be Judged" and "Let Him Who is Without Sin Cast the First Stone." ;)

GaGambler156 reads

but not at sinners, I am much more likely to cast stones, great big stones at that, at the overly pious fuckers trying to ruin our fun.

As the saying goes, everything i like is either illegal, immoral, or fattening. lol

"I am much more likely to cast stones, great big stones at that, at the overly pious fuckers trying to ruin our fun."

Who are these overly pious fuckers?

GaGambler158 reads

There are all sorts of examples of people who come on the board where it's obvious they either hate hookers or johns, or both. I am just too lazy to hunt for a better example

This was about 6 months ago. She was raising hell all over the place. I recall dozens of ladies having to make their social media accounts private. Talk about going 100% BSC!

What is the difference sucking a dick for money vs sucking a dick for designer purse or fridge? Not a damn thing.

Posted By: NaughtyMaddy
What is the difference sucking a dick for money vs sucking a dick for designer purse or fridge? Not a damn thing.
But for some reason, I hate to think of my mother (who was a housewife, and is now deceased) as being a whore. I guess it's like never wanting to walk in on your parents when they're having sex...I just don't want to go 'there.'

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