Las Vegas

The only reason I let this be posted was so that we could kick down a vicious rumor [eom]
MichaelCA 12 Reviews 4808 reads


racer6995 reads

Heads up - Contracted HSV from Anna of Pretty Maids.  No question about it.

Considering how long from initial comntact until break could have had it for YEARS first.

DocInTheBox4548 reads

Unless he had fever, enlarged lymph nodes, and other generalized symptoms often associated with initial illness. Also, did he see vesicles on her skin?

Would like to hear more details before forming any opinion.

-- Modified on 8/15/2004 9:38:14 AM

CelticLass6309 reads

No question huh? So this means that you are ABSOLUTELY positive Anna has given you this. Well before we believe, you we need some more information, and be totally honest if you can.

1. Has you or your wife, girlfriend or whomever you spend extended periods of time with ever been infected or been tested?

2. Are you positive that your wife, girlfriend or whomever you spend extended periods of time with doesn't play around like you do and if so is she playing it safe?

3. Have you spoken to a dr. and has he explained to you that the incubation period for HSV can be months to years and if you haven't seen a Dr. where are you getting your diagnosis?

and finally 4. What happened REALLY with Anna? Did she refuse to see you? Did she not cut you a good rate? Did she not perform some service that you feel, as a client, that you should be entitled to? Or are you just hell bent on coming up here, starting a rumor and waiting to see her business crash and burn just for the hell of it? Because we all know that whether it is fact or not, and I am leaning towards not considering the medical facts to back it up, what we DO KNOW is that you have blemished her image, caused doubt in the minds of some of those who read this board and are generally the worst of the worst to hit this board.

Honestly, it is people like you, who have no regard for others or the damage caused by pettiness, that make this hobby the sordid, underground society the rest of the world snarls at.

You are so pathetic it stinks.

I find it interesting Lass, that you speak about this as if you are the one who is ABSOLUTELY positive that this could not possibly be true. Sure, there are many possiblilties and maybe he should have looked into them further before posting here, but Anna isn't working at one of the brothels where they test regularly.
I am not saying he is right...but based on the vindictive way you replied to this post, I will certainly be expecting a long apologetic letter from you on this board if it turns out that he was correct.

CelticLass5758 reads

you will never find an apology from me to him based on his post, even if it turns out to be true. The whole point is HOW is anyone going to KNOW if it is true or not. He makes a post, blasting this woman and has absolutely nothing to back it up. It was meant to HARM her, NOT INFORM the community. That is what makes the whole thing stink to high heaven.

I was not anymore vindictive in my reply to him, than he was in his very short post. He has caused more harm in one or two sentences than I ever could with my short novellas that I write.

If you will re-read my post it was not to support Anna because I have any information contrary to what racer posted. I don't even know Anna. My post was about how devious and ruthless some who claim to be a part of this community behave. If he has proof...then by all means SHOW US~! Prove she gave it to him. Hell I am sure there are many people who would run her out of town on a rail with PROOF she is infecting people. But first he must Prove he has been celibate for years until her. Prove there is no one else around within this hobby or his private life who could have infected him. If you are going to accuse someone of giving you an STD, at least make it one with a very short incubation period, where you can at least pinpoint a date within a week or so......

So no milesteg, you won't find an apology from me, just more posts of indignation as this community continues to screw one another over...and I don't mean in the FUN sense.

-- Modified on 8/15/2004 3:00:22 PM

touchmethere4167 reads

I have seen Anna twice with one review. I don't believe this claim for a minute. Sounds like someone with an ax to grind. Why would anyone want to bury sweet Anna? To just throw this claim out there with no medical proof is insane. I think all of the other providers in this city should think twice about seeing this guy. As you say Lass, Anna must have rebuffed him in some way. Why else would he want to ruin this sweet girls career?

I am surprised this does not happen more often.  Something like 1 in 4 American adults have the virus.  Even though there is a potentially long incubation period with herpes, it is possible to find out almost immediately.  Hopefully, Racer is honest and not trying to ruin someones reputation.  Anyway, the leason here is "Caveot Emptor."

Did Bruce refuse you service because you could not pass his strict screening? Why else would you make that claim without any proof? Go to another board with your bull crap and cry wolf! Eveyone will see right through your false claim. What's next chicken little? The sky is falling? You made a statement, so where's the proof? We're all waiting with baited breath.

lovelyanna5212 reads

hey racer, its anna.hi so you are really saying that i gave you something .herpes! wow that is so un cool. what would posses a person to bash another like this is just beyond me. first off do you really think that if i" knowingly" had herpes that i would make myself available to you guys. that would be a horrid mean thing to do. in this profession, we must frequent the obgyn. as A MATTER OF FACT my last visit was approx. 21/2 weeks ago !!!!!!!!!!!!! um hi, completely clean . want a freakin copy racer??????????? and did you read the little medical insert someone so graciously posted[thank you whoever you are]. ok seriously this has got to be one of the meanest things that anyone has ever done to me. it is not true, i do not, do not, have herpes ,to the best of my knowledge. im am truly sorry that this happend to you, but you seriously shouldnt do this to people, why ,how, i just dont understand, why did you said this about me and why this way , on the ter disscussion board, why ? what are you thinking? im just seriously blown away. its got to be smething else,did i do or say something wrong to you?[if infact we have met on a call or somewhere else.] if you do know me even if it was for just the hour, you'd know that i am a very nice girl and would never be mean in any way on purpose, that is 100% gauranteed.and why didnt you contact bruce with your situation, like a decent human being? i dont really know what to do or say about this so i guess ill go now ,thank you everyone for standing up for me,you guys rockin roll,and you can still call me I DONT HAVE HERPES , I FREAKIN PROMISE .K. LOVE YOU ALL ANNA

squirtfan14649 reads

Sounds like someone is trying to ruin Anna or Bruce's reputation.  Given Bruce's strict filters for quality service, I would believe the claim would most likely be false unless racer can give further proof.  I recommend the thread be deleted.

Guy with no reviews, and likely very few logins (Staff/Michael would know for sure) comes in and swings away at Anna, who I don't know, but gets excellent reviews and is employed by perhaps the only legitimate (at least for those wishing to pay less than $1K/hr) agency in town. I thought we only saw this shit on TBD.

1) Frankly, and this is going to be a shock to you, you'd be surprised who carries the HSV-2 virus. Pretty much everyone in porn, and it doesn't seem to hurt demand all that much. If you are promiscuous, like most people are here (it's not called the Convent Review), chances are overwhelmingly likely you've already been exposed to it.

1a) Dr. Drew Pinsky, of Loveline fame, notes "it's just a skin rash", and moves on to the next call shortly thereafter. That's good enough for me.

1b) If I were to slime someone like this, I'd suggest chlamydia. It's a very insiduous microbe, you could have it for years and not know it, and pass it on to others. THe HSV accusation is really rather pedestrian.

2) Even if you're right, which I doubt, this is a public forum owned by a private company, and as such, we are subject to certain rules and decorum. Part of that decorum is not randomly accusing others of transmitting loathsome diseases, even with substantial documentation to back it up. TER simply cannot work if we cannot retain our anonymity, and making posts which could create a libel action is detrimental to that goal.

3) I have a firm rule that I don't play here. The reasons are personal, but if you live here, then you'd understand. I have bent this rule on occasion with people whose discretion I trust 100%. At the same time, the Maids are an important part of the community here, and I support their goal of providing quality escort services locally. Sure as hell beats ordering from Rocco and Guido.

4) I'm 100% with Lass on the rest (long time no see, love).

I can promise it will be deleted.


lovelyanna3859 reads

hey,thanxs for defending me. i really appreciate everyones help,you guys are the best!!!!!!!!!!                                                                         love anna

at the same time, I wonder if certain topics are really not suitable for discussion here. The issue to me is whether TER should, so to speak, exercise its "jurisdiction" in adjudicating the matter.

The accusation by its facial nature is a scurillious one. To give an audience to such an accusation, without any evidence to back it up, may not be the best idea, even to demonstrate its deficiencies.

Unfortunately for those of us who care about the industry, the business of prostitution is socially and politically disfavoured, and attracts many who are socially and/or psychologically deviant. Should someone who is demonstrated to be mentally deficient be granted access here? I realize moderating is not an easy task, but at the same time, we owe a duty to those who are trying to offer legitimate services and provide an asset to our community. I'm not 100% sure that this is the best way to achieve that goal, but I'll support whatever you think is best.

I've been on TER and reading messages on several different city boards in the last 2 years and I have never seen such a malicious posting before.

Get a life buddy!!!  I saw Anna personally about 2 months ago and she was a sexy classy lady!

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