Las Vegas

The funny part is
Elaina See my TER Reviews 6427 reads

This very same man set up an appointment a long time ago and no call-no showed.  And the only review he has posted is of an encounter that never happened...what's really comical is he is making another attempt...Lol...and probably forgot all about the review.

A gent who posted a review of me last year has sent an email stating "I saw your review on the erotic review and have to meet you."
I still just don't get it.

SuperBowlKen7234 reads

Do you remember seeing him??   I agree it is kinda weird.  If you do remember seeing him and he doesn't, then it even gets weirder.

Hope you are doing well,


-- Modified on 4/27/2004 11:31:21 AM

Very strange, maybe he has a memory problem??

I can't even begin to count how many times you've changed your website ... you've done away with all your old pics ... and let's face it there were a few that were pretty scary just kidding ... you've come along way in a year sweetie ... new hair style, new makeup, sexy alluring poises ... then again he may also be very near sighted or have a new seeing eye dog .... if it feels good run with it ........

-- Modified on 4/27/2004 2:37:59 PM

SirPrize5617 reads

Maybe you are just not that memorable.

Just joking honey.

This very same man set up an appointment a long time ago and no call-no showed.  And the only review he has posted is of an encounter that never happened...what's really comical is he is making another attempt...Lol...and probably forgot all about the review.

pilot77418 reads

Trust me.  If he had met you, he would remember.  --- "Denny's Grand Slam with juice", dancing with ear phones and the kook on the balcony.  :-)

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