Las Vegas

The "c" word in the demimonde! Don't ask a sociologist! ~eom~
LynetteMarie See my TER Reviews 224 reads


Noun: A set or category of things having some property or attribute in common and differentiated from others by kind, type, or quality.

Verb: Assign or regard as belonging to a particular category: "conduct that is classed as criminal".

Adjective: Showing stylish excellence.

Synonyms: noun. grade - category - kind - sort - rank - genus - type
verb. classify - sort - assort - grade - categorize - range

I have been thinking about this a lot lately. I hear this term "class" or "classy" thrown around a lot.I was curious what people think of this term. What makes a person classy or to have class, or high-class?

Is it how you were born and raised? Is it having money? Is it dressing nicely? Is it wearing heels? Is it spending money extravagantly? Is it something you can eventually grow into? It is how you behave? Is it attitude?

I'm just taking a look at myself, I suppose. I'm thinking about the type of person I am and the type of provider I am. I think having class shows in the things you say, how you act with and toward others, how you treat others, and how you portray yourself.  

I welcome all thoughts and opinions as to how you view someone as being classy or having class

brcforest305 reads

Class is not just having money as money does not buy you class.

Class is:
Behaving appropriately for the situation.
Carrying yourself with pride and dignity.
Is showing respect for others deserving of respect.
Is being generous and unselfish.

Class is far too rare in society these days.

Interesting question and a word that is probably overused in my opinion.
I do describe myself as classy, and I see myself as being such in the following ways:

- I dress appropriately.  Typically elegantly sexy, not trashy or slutty.  Always attention to detail, nice matching lingerie underneath.
- I am polite, well-mannered, and considerate of others.  I strive to always treat others at least as well as I would like to be treated.
- I have had the privilege of an upper middle-class upbringing and am educated, so I can adapt to a variety of social situations with ease and carry on intelligent conversations.
- I am responsible and professional, and always make my best effort to be fully prepared and punctual for my engagements.

These are some qualities I believe contribute to an overall definition of "classy".

movies and music from the mid 30's to early 60's, (all before I was born), when I think of class/classy, timeless traits are what first come to mind.  

How a Gentleman treats a Lady:  
Does he seat her first at the restaurant table?  
Does he rise to great her when she comes in the room?  
Does he position himself closer to the street when they are out walking?  
Does he send a hand-written note when practical?
Does he focus on her fully when she is sharing about her day/experience, and ask follow-up questions to show real interest?  

How a Lady treats a Gentleman:
Does she allow him to be chivalrous?
Does she give him time to really answer her questions, or after a two-second pause she continues on?
Is she confident in being feminine?

For both:
Do they treat others, even if the waiter, cashier, taxi driver, etc. with dignity and respect? Or ignore/look down upon those with less money? (The latter probably being the quickest way I will decide to never see someone again.)
Do they put away the phones at meal time and focus on each other?

I think truly classy people attract others to them not because they themselves are some 'gleaming star', but because people find them genuine and accepting, and comfortable to be around. Truly classy people, in my opinion, appeal to people's higher aspirations.

Classy for me has never been about checking to see if the soles of her shoes were red, or what name is on the tag of her lingerie. I know ladies who are just as classy at a picnic in blouse and shorts and sandals, as they are in an evening gown ballroom dancing with me

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