Las Vegas

Review Hellconfused_smile
sorrynotmyname 1300 reads

First, apologies for using an alias but want both myself and the lady to remain anonymous.  I think that you'll understand why after reading the rest and would especially appreciate any feedback from the ladies.

Submitted a review where I indicated that I had no issues with her service but that she was not my type and I would probably not repeat.  Well, she immediately sent me an e-mail stating that, by writing that I would not repeat, it would put her out of business and that I was taking food out of her mouth.  Note that she has lots of good reviews on TER.

I was going to write it off as someone having a bad day but then she sent a second e-mail asking if another girl on TER put me up to it (the answer is no), wanted me to apologize to her, and to also revise my review.

As if that wasn't enough, she sent a third one (all were within 24 hours) stating that someone has been out get her on TER and demanding once again that I revise my review.  There's more but I think you get the gist of it.

In the review, I wrote that she seemed obsessed by TER and her reviews.  Apparently, I didn't know just how much.

first of all, if she already has good reviews, she won't get put out of business...your review should just be factual...i'm not sure about the "out to get me" part...i think most of us are too busy to do that...this town has a lot of different flavors and i don't believe there should be competition, but hey i could be what you feel is the right thing to do...i hope some of this helped

I think this paranoid crazy behavior that she is exhibiting should be the real reason she goes out of business. One bad review is not putting anyone out of business. Any savvy client will throw out the highest and the lowest score anyway. Since I am only able to judge based on the limited information you have given I may have a one sided view of the situation. But my opinion is that you didn't write a malicious review, just an honest one. I think you should revise the review to include the fact that she is BSC and that anyone who scores her lower than she feels she deserves will feel her wrath. Personally I would drop her performance score by one more point because service and performance encompases the entirety of the encounter including the post coital correspondence.  
This is why guys complain that you cannot trust the reviews because the ladies manipulate them.

expertiamator790 reads

should I go on?
We have them here too. One pro offers  
a free session in exchange for 10s.
Whack jobs then they come back after giving
you crap with oh I wasn't myself or someone is
stalking me or some bull shit. Either trash her
or don't write anything. No looking back.

Posted By: sorrynotmyname
First, apologies for using an alias but want both myself and the lady to remain anonymous.  I think that you'll understand why after reading the rest and would especially appreciate any feedback from the ladies.  
 Submitted a review where I indicated that I had no issues with her service but that she was not my type and I would probably not repeat.  Well, she immediately sent me an e-mail stating that, by writing that I would not repeat, it would put her out of business and that I was taking food out of her mouth.  Note that she has lots of good reviews on TER.  
 I was going to write it off as someone having a bad day but then she sent a second e-mail asking if another girl on TER put me up to it (the answer is no), wanted me to apologize to her, and to also revise my review.  
 As if that wasn't enough, she sent a third one (all were within 24 hours) stating that someone has been out get her on TER and demanding once again that I revise my review.  There's more but I think you get the gist of it.  
 In the review, I wrote that she seemed obsessed by TER and her reviews.  Apparently, I didn't know just how much.

I rely on TER reviews to find the perfect lady that I think is a match fior my tastes so I think it is very important they be accurat

i agree with radio....not only does your accurate review help out your fellow hobbyist but also keeps us in check...we should always bring our "a" game even when we see a regular over and over again...if i do not keep someone happy they will find it somewhere else...hell, that is why most of us are in me and possibly a lot of us, the reviews are our bread and butter, but it is our responsibility to earn the score and good review, not for you just to hand it out because you feel sorry for us

If it's so much trouble, why not just revise your review. If she delivered, take care of her. Or maybe elaborate more to make it sound more positive. Girl is clearly desperate from the sounds of it.

TER can make it difficult to score a lady high if you don't include "all the dirty details"  that I feel can lead to exposing the reviewer to others judging him for his "predilections".... but they have no issues with all the easy 10/10's that some reviewer throw out like pez.

I'm sorry that you are in this boat.  You have three choices

1) out her here.. out her now
2) edit your review (per her request) and include a diminished score and the details of her begging for review
3) bite your tongue/keyboard and let it go and be done.

There has been a lot of drama here recently.  I am very leery of contacting someone I have not seen before, and I am considering going back to bringing my own provider in to me when I travel to Vegas.....  

The Group.... the 10/10's...unless TER gets a handle on those reviewers who give "once in a lifetime" scores over and over and over and over get the drift, the Vegas scene will continue to drive hobbiest to other venues.

Best of luck to you and to all.. be safe and hopefully be happy...

But Radio programs has a good point too.

Posted By: sorrynotmyname
First, apologies for using an alias but want both myself and the lady to remain anonymous.  I think that you'll understand why after reading the rest and would especially appreciate any feedback from the ladies.  
 Submitted a review where I indicated that I had no issues with her service but that she was not my type and I would probably not repeat.  Well, she immediately sent me an e-mail stating that, by writing that I would not repeat, it would put her out of business and that I was taking food out of her mouth.  Note that she has lots of good reviews on TER.  
 I was going to write it off as someone having a bad day but then she sent a second e-mail asking if another girl on TER put me up to it (the answer is no), wanted me to apologize to her, and to also revise my review.  
 As if that wasn't enough, she sent a third one (all were within 24 hours) stating that someone has been out get her on TER and demanding once again that I revise my review.  There's more but I think you get the gist of it.  
 In the review, I wrote that she seemed obsessed by TER and her reviews.  Apparently, I didn't know just how much.

so the provider cannot know who post the review and harass the hobbyst

Posted By: 702touch

valid point, but i do my homework too...when i can of course...i see what is written, how it is written plus who he wrote me an over all sense of what he likes and don't like...if you have someone harassing you over the review, report them to ter

But many of us use it as part of verification.
Also I like to give my dates a referral.

I don't know about other ladies but each session I do is unique to the hobbyist... guys all have different needs wants and tastes.
I could tell who wrote a review by the description of what happened would be a very vague review for me not to know.  

But anyhow in response to the OP I'd just report it to TER that the provider is acting BBC and trying to skew her reviews
If shes doing it to OP you have to wonder how many of those good reviews she actually earned and how many she harassed guys into

sorrynotmyname468 reads

Appreciate the feedback.  As mentioned, several people sent PM's asking to tell them her name.  Decided to stick to my guns and not reveal her identity although I was tempted to do it to see if I was out of line.  Also figured it was best to leave the review as is.  Did go back and found others giving her similar scores but not mentioning that they would not repeat.

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