Las Vegas

Re:OK, but which bar is best?
cheesewiz 1 Reviews 6302 reads

It varies from hotel and can change without notice (security sweeps, stings, etc.). Best times are around 10pm-3am sometimes later.

Best places I've seen action:

Mandalay Bay - Island Bar (located in the middle of the casino)
Luxor - Nile Bar (located next to RA)
Caesars Palace - Bar at the Barge
Rio - Shutters Bar (AKA Hooker Bar)
Venetian - Bar located near the front near the escalators casino level.
Mirage - Baccarat Bar
Aladdin - Bar at the casino level - It's been a good hunting ground this last year.

I wonder what the groups feelings are about the providers you can come across in the casino bars. I've experienced some good times and a one real bad time. It's nice to have the ladies around when you get the urge, instead of the whole appointment routine.

The age old question. You get the urge - they are there for the choosing. Of course, you know nothing about them. No reviews, no database, no rate info, nothing.

As they saying goes, you pays your money, you takes your chances. You might get a real winner or a real loser.

You summed it up your self. It's all pot luck.   One night on my last trip Jackie Jewel and I were hanging out having a drink.  We had some real good laughs at the ladies working the bar.  They were so obvious it was not even funny.  Give me a qulaity indie any time.

I've had more mediocre experiences than good experiences.  I too hate the appointment routine as it removes the spontaneity from the experience, but on the other hand, you know what you’re getting by scheduling a well-known independent.

Geroge W9452 reads

Good view points on both sides of this discussion.
However, assuming someone wants to the roll the dice (hey its Vegas!) and go with the immediate urge, what bars and times are best for "shopping".

It varies from hotel and can change without notice (security sweeps, stings, etc.). Best times are around 10pm-3am sometimes later.

Best places I've seen action:

Mandalay Bay - Island Bar (located in the middle of the casino)
Luxor - Nile Bar (located next to RA)
Caesars Palace - Bar at the Barge
Rio - Shutters Bar (AKA Hooker Bar)
Venetian - Bar located near the front near the escalators casino level.
Mirage - Baccarat Bar
Aladdin - Bar at the casino level - It's been a good hunting ground this last year.

You can look anytime but it starts to pick up around 10pm and some will work into daybreak.

FYI: If it seems dead, it may be because hotel/casino security has just done a sweep (got them all to run away).  You basically have a couple choices at that point, wait an hour or so for others to wander by or go somewhere else and try your luck there.

Also, be careful of what you say.  While vice might be a bit stretched, it doesn't mean they aren't trying.  There have been sting operations where they have gone after the johns instead of the girls.

One final tip, eye contact is important if you're interested.  Playing the video poker machine at the bar isn't conducive to talking business.  If you're aggresive, you can get up and talk to them, otherwise, they will come to you.  Other hints are they walk away with someone but come back alone after a few minutes (cause the other guy couldn't pay their freight).  As cheesewiz has infamously done on Dateline NBC last fall, he did get one to say to a hidden camera: "2 hours for $800".  If they're desparate, you might be able to talk them down for less but on most nights (esp when it's still young), they'll walk.


I still want to know what info you have about johns getting busted inside the hotel?

As for the night being young...

I've gotten some of my best dates after 4am, however, most of the ripoff artist are out in full force as well. These girls will prey upon the guys who are drunk and easily robbed.

I've had luck at the sports bar in the LV Hilton a couple of times.  The girls are attractive, but certain things are off-limits.  Both experiences cost me around $500 each when all was said and "done".  You know what I mean... extras.

I've also had some luck in Rio by the "Hooker Bar" or Shutter Bar.  At 2:00 AM, they'll approach you if they catch you looking, and many aren't very discreet.  They can be like Piranha at times.  I've managed to luck out in the $300 range for single cups of coffee on two separate occasions.

The bar in Luxor near the walkway to Excalibur is interesting.  It's a great show in itself.  Some of the ladies are very aggressive, and a few will hang out with you as they're shopping for Johns.  Prices are all over the place regardless of their appearance.  Some quote around $200...  most try for $500.  

I've also been approached at the Aladdin bar a few times, but I haven't followed through.  

Cleopatra's Barge in Caesars is an aggressive spot.  At times, they won't leave you alone.  Be forewarned....

There was a post on another board that suggested the Flamingo as a hot spot, but I've never tried.

Good luck!

Depends on what time of day you want to get ripped off or robbed!

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