Las Vegas

Re:Las Vegas Update
qwertyuiop12000 3731 reads

It would help to tell us what your budget and length of encouter would be. The typical indy lady in Vegas charges $300 - $500/hr, and you'll know what you can expect before you ever meet. I'd be very surprised if a lady in the bar will be any less.

I have nothing against ladies that work the bars. The issue is you don't know anything about the lady accept what she looks like (even then, looks can be deceiving) and what she says she will do. I guess if you willing to discuss graphic detail while in the hotel bar, then you might not get any surprises later.

But why take the chance.......?

sherlock525498 reads

I am going to LV for a weekend Nov. 19/20, staying at Mandalay.
So many reviews I have seen, e.g. WSA and elsewhere, suggest that the pro action is ridiculously expensive, and that the semi-pro is hard to find, with street action deemed just plain "scary".  Moreover, it sounds like FBI and vice sweeps have shut down much of the club action.

Where are things now? I prefer to interact in a bar, see what I am getting, rather than phoning for the unknown, whatever the reviews. Where is the best bar action, casino action, strip club action, what should I look for, and what will I need to spend (realistically). I am not going to lay out cash that would fund a trip to Cuba or S. America.

In the best of all possible worlds I would like to find GFE, but it sounds like this is not the LV scene.  Please advise!!

IMHO,  you have come to the right place.  Well-reviewed independents who are honest, legit GFEs are all over this board--tall, short, buxom, petite, soft, loud (L.J.), they're all in Vegas.  There are a lot of things to gamble on in Vegas, why gamble with your hard-earned pooning dollar$?  If you cannot find what you're looking for on this site, it just doesn't exist!Here's a link to a wonderful lady, and there are other great, honest ladies that you can contact first, also.

Not funny. I live near Akron. With the way the local scene is, other than traveling girls, I look forward to my Las Vegas trips. The prices are worth it.

A lot of the srtip casinos have bars with providers at work. Mandaly,Ceasars,Flamingo. $300-$500 would be a realistic amount. I like to do it this way also. A drink and a  little small talk and you can usually figure out what kind of action you're gonna get.

It would help to tell us what your budget and length of encouter would be. The typical indy lady in Vegas charges $300 - $500/hr, and you'll know what you can expect before you ever meet. I'd be very surprised if a lady in the bar will be any less.

I have nothing against ladies that work the bars. The issue is you don't know anything about the lady accept what she looks like (even then, looks can be deceiving) and what she says she will do. I guess if you willing to discuss graphic detail while in the hotel bar, then you might not get any surprises later.

But why take the chance.......?

while i stayed at the Mirage had talked with a bartender at the Baccarrat bar.  We joked about the bar girls coming and going.  She seemed to think the bar girl rate was 500.00.  Usually a bartenders are a good source of information.  So you might as well get an idy of your choice. Not like a bar girl is any cheaper if that is what you are looking at

there are a ton of very classy ladies who are well reviewed here on TER... cruising the bars for a little sightseeing can be fun..BUT.. why gamable on an unknown... i've already lined up my " dates" for my next Las Vegas trip

Exactly, And with bar girls you're running a huge risk of LE.

There seems to be an unwritten agreement btn the casinos and LE that they don't run stings in the bars themselves. Think about it:

- The casinos are the largest employers in Vegas
- The casino/hotels hire huge numbers of off duty LE officers for paid details on their properties, like concerts, prize fights, trade shows, award shows, etc.
- The casinos don't want one run the risk of their "high rollers" possibly getting arrested after talking to LE in one of their bars
- The casinos don't want a scene made during an arrest in one of their bars
- LE would not send an UC officer back to a suspects room, even with backup. To dangerous.

Metro (Vegas LE) concetrates primariy of ladies who "walk the streets" and those who work for escort services. In exchange for LE not working the bars, the casino hotels provide rooms for Escort Service stings.

All of that said, it is common for casino/hotel security to hassle the ladies working the bars, primarily in an attempt to appear they don't condone the activity, when they really do.

Put it this way, LE will not bother you (the male patron) of the casino/hotel at the bar.  On the other hand, casino/hotel security might take umbrage if you're out of hand (loud/drunk/high/nuisance/angry/etc).  Getting kicked out of a place (for the guy) is probably not as big a deal as it is for the working girl (since she lives/frequents here).  But don't think it won't happen to you if you cross the line.

As for casino/hotel security, they do random sweeps of the common areas where you might find the bar girls.  They do 86 a few of them.  It's all a matter of perception.  While it might seem like the casino condone them, they really don't.  Face it, they don't get money (not enough at least) if you spend it on a bar girl.  The county/state doesn't see any increase in tax revenue (at least directly).  So unless you're going to leave the property and spend your money at a brothel or a strip club, the casinos would rather have you lose/spend your money with them.  You'll notice the increase in burlesque-type entertainment opening on property so you won't be tempted to head for the strip clubs.

LE will run stings.  Not usually targeting the guys but it's been known to happen.

Getting back to the original question, bar scene has it's advantages (no referrals/verification required, check out the girls in person, can be done last minute/no prep) and we can pretty much count on some disadvantages (almost never GFE, negotiate for services, usually single shot, bar girls generally don't care for rep so they'll be tempted to upsell/ripoff/theft or worse).  For a bar girl, expect $300-500 for a single shot (vs the same price for an hour with an indie).  If you're just looking for a BJ, you might be able to get it down to less, but the upsell tends to occur more often in those cases.

Good luck,

If you refer back to this board awhile back there were some issues going on at the MGM.  As far as the high rollers I am sure they are taken care of way in advance and not stuck trolling the casino bar.

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