Las Vegas

Re:Jackpot, Nev.
hunter44 5175 reads
1 / 6

Hey guys, and gals, can anyone tell me if there are any providers in the Jackpot, Nev. area? I can't find anything at all on any sites.  Thanks

Consigliereeeeeee 6529 reads
2 / 6

where is jackpot?
never heard of it?
is that near goldmine or searchlight?
or silver?

BigPoppaPumplv 30 Reviews 5410 reads
3 / 6

I was wondeing the same myself.  I think it was a small town the Grisome went to on one of the CSI this year.

FSinIndy 6106 reads
4 / 6
hunter44 7562 reads
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Jackpot is about 45 miles south of Twin Falls, Id. There are several casinos in that area. The largest one is Cactus Petes, and then the 93 Club. Just a small town, but thought there may be a provider or two.

fyreman 17 Reviews 6528 reads
6 / 6

Northeast corner of the state, and yes, Poppa, Grisom went there, but it doesn't look anything like the CSI showed it.

The closest you can get to ladies in Jackpot may be those working the truckers passing through, or Donna's and Hacienda's brothels in Wells, NV.

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