Las Vegas

Re:I've been infected .... My computer that is ...I have an idea of how you may have got this Virus
spinner39 35 Reviews 9896 reads
1 / 17

Elaina is sending around a note to everyone saying that she may have contracted a virus ... sure enough it was on my hard drive and may be on yours. the file is .. jdbgmgr.exe with a cute little teddy bear in front of it .. if you have it, don't open it, trash it, flame it, just get rid of it .... my good deed for the day ... hobby safe hobby well hobby all you can be ...

-- Modified on 11/21/2003 1:17:20 PM

-- Modified on 11/21/2003 8:12:01 PM

NaturalNine 12 Reviews 12850 reads
2 / 17

That's an internet hoax.  Don't delete the file, that file with the teddy bear is on all computers.  If you already deleted it, go to to see how to put it back.

AQuietGuy 11050 reads
3 / 17


This file is NOT a virus!!!  It is a needed part of Windows!  You erase it your system will die!

This is Bullshit!!!!

sexymegan 10870 reads
4 / 17

now I am happy I did not get your email yesterday.(just kidding) sorry:)

CindySpice See my TER Reviews 9091 reads
5 / 17

It is a hoax email going around ( has been around for a few years ) so you will delete from you computer , Just to cause chaos

check out MS page to find more details .Sorry I couldn't find the direct link to it .

Do not delete this teddy bear !!
xoxo CindySpice

-- Modified on 11/22/2003 12:40:26 PM

FSinIndy 9300 reads
6 / 17

I did some checking and the fact that I had this file on ly computer and a virus scan said it was un-infected..well, I refer you to this information.

nekkid1 5 Reviews 10333 reads
7 / 17

To get rid of this rascal.....
The virus (called jdbg.exe) is not detected by Norton or McAfee Anti-virus systems.  The virus sits quietly for 14 days before damaging the systems.  It is sent automatically by 'messenger' and by 'address book, whether or not you sent e-mail to your contacts.  Basically, that means you will pass it along unknowingly, as I did.  I was sent this
e-mail and am now passing it on to you as to how to check for the virus and how to get rid of it.  

PLEASE DO THIS!  It's very simple to do and takes
about 2 minutes.
l.  Go to start, then click your 'find' or 'search' option.
2.  In the folder option, type the name...jdbgmgr.exe
3.  Be sure to search your C drive and all the sub
folders and any other drives you may have.
4.  Click 'Find Now'
5.  The virus has a teddy bear icon with the name jdbgmgr.exe  Do not open it!
6.  Go to edit (on the menu bar) and choose "Select all" to highlight the file without opening it.
7.  Now go to File (on the menu bar) and select delete.  

It will then go to the recycle bin.

If you find the virus, you must contact all the people in your address book so that they may eradicate the virus from their own address book.
l.  Open a new e-mail message
2  Click the icon address book next to "To.
3.  Highlight every name and add to "BCC"
4.  Copy this message and paste to e-mail.

CindySpice See my TER Reviews 7635 reads
9 / 17

If you deleted files it explains how to restore . good luck !

-- Modified on 11/22/2003 12:41:43 PM

SuperBowlKen 8605 reads
10 / 17

Spinner - Here's some info on the file that you deleted.  As you can see, the file is not really a virus.  The virus is the email that is sent that make the users believe they have a virus and then deletes a perfectly good file.

---  Cut-n-paste from McAfee Website  ---
McAfee AVERT Labs would like to inform you of a new email HOAX.

This email message is just a HOAX. Although, the JDBGMGR.EXE file may become infected by a number of valid viruses (most commonly W32/Magistr@MM), the details of this HOAX message are not based on actual events.

We are advising users who receive the email to delete the message and DO NOT pass it on as this is how an email HOAX propagates.

JDBGMGR.EXE is the Microsoft Debugger Registrar for Java. This application is only useful for Java developers and does not need to be restored on other user's systems. In the event that this file has already been deleted and you need to restore it, see the Removal Instructions for instructions.

--- End of Cut-n-paste ---

Here's some links for additional info on this hoax virus from three of the major anti-virus vendors.

Symantec/Norton -

Trend Micro -

McAfee -

Remember, don't shoot the

Take care,

-- Modified on 11/21/2003 7:22:14 PM

spinner39 35 Reviews 8642 reads
11 / 17
Alien 51 8839 reads
12 / 17

Don't take this message as a flame or feel bad you were taken in by this hoax. But I received 3 emails from different people about this virus. I thought it might be helpful to pass along some advice...

The intention of these hoaxers is to create needless panic and possibly destroying data - which you are lucky this didn't happen.

A few minutes of research (see the links below) can save lots of grief and embarrassment:

I advise not only having a good anti-virus program, you should also download latest software update. I recommend that you should check for updates as often as you read email and you should do this BEFORE checking for new email. You would be surprise how many users have anti-virus programs yet fail to check for updates.

You should also virus scan all downloads, incoming/outgoing email(s), floppies, etc. etc... Basically anything written to your hard drive.

Following these simple steps should greatly reduce your chances of getting infected. The last time I got infected was back in 1991 (stoned variant).

I usually block/intercept 3-10 email viruses a day and have received as many as 700+ viruses in a 24 hour period. I'm subscribed to several emails lists and get about 1700 emails daily. And no I don't read every one of them :-).

-- Modified on 11/22/2003 12:17:53 AM

Elaina See my TER Reviews 9120 reads
13 / 17

My sincere apologies to all this has affected. Boy, do I feel stupid. I almost just let it blow over, till my conscience told me I did not want to be responsible for damaging everyones systems because of my failure to warn of a possible virus.
Because I was not sure, I added this to the top of the message I received, full message follows:  

  I am unsure if this is a hoax or not, but to be on the safe side I am passing this along because if it not a hoax, I would hate to be guilty of not informing my contacts. So here goes. This is the message I received:
Unfortunately a virus has been passed on to me by a contact.  My address book was infected.  Since you are in my address book, there is a good chance you will find it in your computer too.  My sincere apologies.  The virus (jbdgmgr.exe) is not detected by Norton or McAfee.  The virus sits quietly for 14 days before damaging the system.  I am not sure how long it was on my computer.    It is sent automatically by messenger and by the address book, whether or not you sent email to your contacts.

Here is how to check for the virus and how to get rid of it.

1.  Go to START on your main screen, FIND, or SEARCH option.
2.  In the file folder option, type the name jdbgmgr.exe
3.  Be sure to search your c drive and all subfolder and any other drives you have.
4.  click "Find Now"
5.  The virus has a teddy bear icon with the name jdbgmgr.exe  DO NOT OPEN THE FILE
6.  go to EDIT on the menu bar and choose "Select All" to highlight the file without opening it.
7. Now go to FILE on the menu bar and select DELETE.  It will then go to the recycle bin.


To do this:
1.  open a new email message
2. click the icon on the address book
3.  highlight every name and add to BBC
4.  Copy this message and past to email

I have followed these directions and was able to easily delete the virus.
Sorry for the inconvenience.

SuperBowlKen 10765 reads
14 / 17

and there is nothing wrong with that.  There is no reason to feel bad about what you did.  Friends care about other friends.  That's what I see.  I can think of worse things that can happen to all of us.  This is nothing in comparison.

Take care,


-- Modified on 11/22/2003 5:35:50 PM

spinner39 35 Reviews 10794 reads
15 / 17
BigPoppaPumplv 10178 reads
16 / 17

That was real nice of you to take the time and let people know.

BIGPOPPA21220 25 Reviews 9599 reads
17 / 17

Sure you didn't get it from BBEM (bare back e mail)?


-- Modified on 11/23/2003 5:53:09 AM

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