Las Vegas

Re:I hear you loud and clear...
444play 20 Reviews 2096 reads

acidom thanks for the reply..... but i have
a ? for all how often does a ter member
identify them self as so before things get
going..... ?

citizenwayne2756 reads

A while back a provider posted an ad that included the following offer: "The 2 hour pamper special is usually 500 but for TER members I am dropping it to 450 and if you are a VIP with reviews, let me know and I may even go a little lower! *wink*."  I've seen this kind of ad before and i'm sure that the provider meant no harm.  By identifying TER members she can verify more easily and in a sense keep it all in the community.  Nevertheless, it seems dubious to me: any review (of an escort, a restaurant, a book, etc) depends on candor and thus on initial anonymity.  While I'm sure this provider would never intentionally pressure a client into a positive review, it seems obvious that a client could feel less comfortable producing a negative review once he has identified himself to her.  Further, once anonymity is lost not only is the review compromised but the client may be as well.  In the case of a negative review it is possible that the provider may be inclined to respond or, worse, retaliate.  I say this not because i think that many providers would do so, but I've read some angry posts from providers steamed about an unfair review, etc.  (It's worth noting that the provider who posted the above ad ended up in a board-dispute with a displeased would-be client, scolding him for airing dirty laundry.)  I recognize that sometimes hobbyists use reviews unfairly: to denigrate providers for personal reasons.  Still, that seems to me the tradeoff for having candid reviews.  
  If reviewers want to identify themselves to providers after the fact, usually in a thanksful, celebratory review, that's fine.  But don't give up so much freedom in advance.
   I repeat that I do NOT mean to suggest that providers regularly attempt to monitor, influence, or "out" reviewers, and certainly not that they would use personal information against their critics.  I mean only that TER reviewers should maintain their anonymity, for their own sake and for the sake of their reviews.

I'm the guy that added to that thread.  I saw the provider you're referring to.  It was a pleasant visit.  She did not refer to the review process at all during the date.  I think you're correct in saying that she meant no harm.  She's mainly a CL girl, and the TER reviews seem to separate her from the rest of the countless ads there.

You are indeed correct IMHO, that it can be a cause for concern.  I just think in her case it's something else.  Or maybe I'm a fool...

acidom thanks for the reply..... but i have
a ? for all how often does a ter member
identify them self as so before things get
going..... ?

about reviews....... my .02

-- Modified on 7/13/2005 9:59:44 AM

citizenwayne2040 reads

you may be right--but if that's the only method of screening it's iffy since it would be fairly easy for LE or some wacko to become a member, even to be VIP, certainly easier than creating a phony worknumber, license, etc.  And, of course, if the TER information is in addition to the usual screening process, then anonymity is lost for reviewing.  
  I don't mean to make a big deal about this--people can do what they want.  I am just an advocate of impartial, candid reviews done with appropriate anonymity.

Spinner is correct, and there's more to her screening than requiring you to be a TER member.  In fact, so goes into significant detail on her website.

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