Las Vegas

how do i
Consigliereeeeeee 8025 reads

paste a picture of a beautiful lady here????

Find the picture of her on a web site.  Move your mouse cursor over that picture.  RIGHT click when the curser is over the picture.  A small window will open.  Move your mouse cursor over "Properties" in that small window, then LEFT click.  Another window will open up.  Look for "Address (URL)" in that window, it will start with "http" and end with "jpg" or other photo format abbreviation.  Enter that address into the "Picture URL" space at the bottom of this posting form.  If you did it correctly, the photo will appear when your message posts.

Presuming you have the ladies permission to do so, the picture must first already be posted somewhere on the internet.

All you need do is enter the URL of the picture at the bottom of the message, where is says "Picture URL".

It should then appear in the message.

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