Las Vegas

Re:Here's a Reasonable One
man_in@mac 7684 reads
1 / 7

I was interested in the various donation rates quoted on web sites and wonder, more thinking out loud really, why some providers have rates for dinner dates and companionship whereas others just have one rate whether you play footsie in a bar, go for a slap up meal and a show, or just get "down and dirty" in private somewhereo(or all three).

I found the following details on a site for a Vegas beauty which seems to make a lot of sense to me.

Requested Time Amount
1 Hour $400
Each Additional Hour $300

Dinner Date Rates
2 Hour Dinner / 1 Hour  Personal $700
2 Hour Dinner / 2 Hours Personal  $1,000
2 Hour Dinner / 3 Hours Personal  $1,300  

The implication of this is that the lady in question values the fact that we "the punter" are spending our money entertaining her and she takes that into account when calcualting the overall cost.

It is contentious I know but it might provoke some thoughts and comments and apologies if it has been kicked to death previously..


BigPoppaPumplv 9306 reads
2 / 7

Hmmmm, I dont'recall seeing the a 1 hour dinner 1 hour personal time thing.   The ladies I've seen either have the this for this rate, or for the longer dates they might let you know that they expect dinner and a show or such during that time period.

fortitude 9881 reads
3 / 7

I will typically make a 4 hour date with LV providers, said date being a 2 hour dinner/2 hour "dessert" type of thing.  It does seem that some provider's rates reflect a difference between social time and private time, and I believe that this is a correct thing to do.

There are, however, others who, simply stated, feel that an hour is an hour, regardless of what you chose, as a client, to do with that hour, and their rates are the same, dinner or no dinner.

I actually look at this difference as one of many defining elements in the decision making process for chosing a date.  The attitude of a provider, IMHO, that has special dinner/date rates, is one that I feel promotes a better atmosphere for the date.  It shows, to me, that she's not out to take advantage of a hobbyist, realizes that he is going to expense of a nice dinner (I've never had a dinner check that was under $160.00, and usually lots more, and essentially she's kicking back and not actually performing her horizontal duties.  Sort of like a paid dinner break, if she were employed by some company somewhere.

jacksonlips 56 Reviews 7382 reads
4 / 7
spinner39 35 Reviews 10094 reads
5 / 7

Now I seldom take a lady to dinner, but when I have I paid for dinner or lunch, but not for their time also .......

InspectorMorse 206 Reviews 10203 reads
6 / 7

Roxanne has it right.  The Donations page of her web site quotes $100 per hour for a dinner/show date if it's in conjunction with a regular appointment.  According my math that means you can get 2 hours for dinner and 2 hours of play time for $750!

I just experienced Roxanne very recently (review to be posted soon) and I can definitely recommend her.  As a matter of fact that 2 hour dinner and 2 hour play time sounds like such a bargin I might try that next time!

man_in@mac 7396 reads
7 / 7

Just curious, do you turn up in a wine red MKII Jag??

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