Las Vegas

Re:Getting Stood Up
revn 186 Reviews 10173 reads
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Spent 4 days in Las Vegas last week.  Several weeks before leaving I booked 2 appointments each/4 total with two well known local providers that I researched extensively.  One had to cancel both appointments for health reasons and was very good about giving me some advance notice.  The other simply stood me up on both appontments with no attempt to give me any consideration or notice.  I invested a fair amount of time in both of these providers by staying in touch every four to five days to make sure they knew I was for real and not going to flake out on them.  I thought they would appreciate being treated with consideration, respect, and dignity.  I talked to the one that stood me up just a few hours before our first appointment and she assured me that we were on and that she would call me 30 minutes before our meeting time.  That call never came so I waited a while and called her only to get her voice mail and no courtesy of a return call.  My point here is not to flame the individual but to ask my TER friends if this is common in Las Vegas and if I should double book in the future to avoid future disappointemnts.  I know this is not fair to the providers but if they don't care about fairness and committment why should I?  TER will not accept a review of a no show so there is really no way that I know of to know if a provider has this tendancy.  Any comments and/or insight into this subject would be appreciated so that my next trip is not ruined by another flake.

Mr. Obvious 8872 reads
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You should really post the ladies name here on the board. The one that stoop you up, the medical excuse is no ones business. TER willnot accept reviews of no shows so our only way of getting the word out is to post it to the regional boards. If she has an excuse she has every right to post a reply. This worked well with the Christina thread earlier in the month and should be the norm.

Double booking is not the answer. This is just going to encourage the ladies to do the same thine and everything will snowball. Sadly, no shows and cancellations are not uncommon in Vegas, even with well reviewed providers. When traveling to Vegas I always bring some back up numbers for other ladies I would like to see. The Vegas ladies are used to same day appointments even though they probably do not prefer them. More hotels are offering internet and DSL services as well, so you can get on to TER if all else fails for more choices.

BigPoppaPumplv 8658 reads
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Sorry that your plans didn't work out as you hoped.  Things do come up and they do get sick and have medical problems that need to be dealt with.   The not returning calls is not a good thing.  

However, we must remeber that far more often it is the guy who flakes on the lady.  I was just talking to one of my friends in Vegas and  she was getting ready to go for an appointment.  Later she e-mails me and say he cancelled her at the last minute, just as she was walking out the door.  Later she told me the whole story of how he cancelled her and then got her to find him someone else.

tba 20 Reviews 8788 reads
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I've met some great ladies in LV, but I must say the cancel/no show rate seems pretty high(compared to my home town).  On one of my visits I had two appointments set up a couple of weeks in advance.  One cancel, one no show.  I knew enough to bring an additional list and made four appointments that week...three of them same day.  All of them showed up, on time.  Makes me wonder why I bother to make appointments down there.

Back at home we have another local board which is very active and no call/no shows are posted along with reviews.  I find the info very useful and avoid scheduling with providers that have habitual reliabilty problems.

EUT 9200 reads
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The policy of not being able to post a review without actually meeting the person in question is a real problem with this site in my opinion.  I have run into the problem a couple of times when the woman in question didn't bother to let me know and a couple of times I have gotten a call with what is going on.  Of course, the second scenario was not a problem but what to do in the first?

My lastest was an extremely well reviewed lady that moved here the beginning of the summer.  After confirming numerous times during the week and the day of the appointment, I got an email about 20 minutes before the time (no call) saying she couldn't make it.  Very appologetic when I contacted her back via email and offered to make it up to me, called her a couple of weeks later when I had some time and, somehow, she didn't remember anything about me.

It so happened that I had decided to take a break from this activity and after responses from a different incidence as well as getting moderated/banned from the board in the past for saying something against a popular provider, I decided to let ignore the situation.

Just remember, reviews don't carry the entire story and this board is not a guarantee.  If you're interested in this "hobby", I would post information of the one who stood you up but beware of the repercussions.

CindySpice See my TER Reviews 10196 reads
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I am sorry to hear you got stood up ;-(
But double booking IS NOT the answer !!

How would you feel if I doubled booked ?? I am sure you would not want that .

Only answer is to have your bookings and be sure to bring back up phone numbers incase this happens .......... of course you are not guaranteed you will find someone last minute ....but maybe you will. Nothing much you can do .

Now  with no names hard to say what is norm or not .
Yes there are certain girls that cancel more then others ............but we only find out about this stuff when you say who it was .

We are humans too and things can happen . We get sick , period comes unexpected , family issues ect ect .
But if the lady lets you know as soon as she could by phone (not email  ,because maybe you don't have internet access while away from home ) then you deal with it . Just as we have to deal with clients who call to cancel last minute .

Flaking or no showing isn't very nice . A Top provider has no excuses to do this ....unless she is in jail .
If she does this , well then maybe she really isn't a top provider .

BUT how many times has it happened that a client flakes and no shows and I have to deal with it ......... because I don't double book .

Or how many times I find a client lying to me ........ oh sorry I have to cancel I don't feel good ........later to  find out he saw another lady !!

Guys we sooner or later find out stuff with out even trying ..... so just be honest and upfront about a cancellation and yes I expect the same from the ladies .

What I expect from others,  I do myself .

So what to do ??? ......well that is just like if I have a nail appointment , nail lady calls , she is sick and has to cancel ......well now it is my choice do I want to wait for her and reschedule or do I need to find someone else because I need my nails done now .

I do very much care about fairness and commitment .  so do I deserve you take it out on me because someone didn't treat you right ?
two wrongs do not make a right .;-)

Posting names will help to see if maybe the provider has this tendency of flaking .Posting the name doesn't  mean you are bashing her name . You are just saying who stood you up and wasn't professional about it .....maybe next time she will learn not to do stuff like that because it is not professional .

The lady that called to cancel ......well that isn't called being "stood up" . She called to let you know she can't make it .
Just as clients call us all the time to cancel.

I don't think it is the end of the world , if a lady was being professional about it . Also IF I have to cancel ( although doesn't happen often )  I always try to offer the client one of my friends so he isn't left with nothing .

So see some girls do CARE !!!
Hope next trip goes better for you . xoxo CindySpice

Dreamer42 10184 reads
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I think you need to post this provider's name and this is why. Obviously we only know your side of the story but if events occurred as you describe them; I would like to know as I would steer clear from such a provider. If you called same day, last minute, that's one thing and to me still a concern but no big deal if she stood me up. Her loss....literally... not yours. However, you booked weeks ahead of time and not just for an hour...4 hours with each if I read your post correctly; so let's assume you are spending 1K-1.5K with each- a significant amount of change. Plus most providers I assume would prefer a 4 hour date with one client versus 4 one hour dates with 4 different clients (a lot of running around). Plus you followed up and received a call back within hours of the scheduled appointment saying everything was a "go." So what happened? Now if the provider got in a major car accident, etc.....understandable....obviously. A sick family member emergency.Ok but STILL you deserved a phone call!!! It takes 30 seconds! I'm sure if the situation were reversed every provider would have appreciated, no EXPECTED a call from you cancelling the date. My guess is that last minute she got a better offer. MAybe from a regular and you being a "new client" got blown off. Totally unacceptable! You deserved better. So post her name. And what's this about repurcussions as EUT wrote in another post in this thread?? I dont get it! ISn't the purpose of this forum for hobbyist to post truthful  events. Sure if time after time a poster keeps posting negative comments I would be suspicious but it seems to me that everyone is so petrified to post a negative review of a provider because of subsequent flames, etc. I say post and let the reader's decide. If I am going to make a decision about something I want to know as much as I can ...good and bad...then I'll make up my own mind.

NaturalNine 12 Reviews 10141 reads
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Did you think Christina had some sort of plausible excuse? It sounded to me like she just ran out on the guy.  And did he ever get his money back, even the half that she said she would refund?

NaturalNine 12 Reviews 10998 reads
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Why would you post the story without naming her? You tell the other guy to post who stood him up, but you don't post who stood you up!  Alluding to the fact that she moved here this summer implicates a couple of girls, and it isn't fair to leave that bad impression.

Why is everyone so afraid to name a name when they get stood up? If the girls started getting emails saying "I'm not going to make an appt with you because you are unreliable", then maybe they would stop doing it.

NicoleLasVegas 8223 reads
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"Double book in the future to avoid future disappointments" ??? I'm sorry, But I don't believe that's a good way to handle it.  I don' t blame you for being disappointed.  If you Double book your appointments in the future, Does that mean that you'll be a no call/no show for one of the Ladies???

I agree with the guys, post her Name.  I'm sure she will call or email you real fast and think twice before doing this to another Gentleman.... I know several providers and we stand by commitments. I would never  be a no call /no show

MOTORMIKE 7 Reviews 10361 reads
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I was in Vegas first part on Nov, Had "set-up" several dates with local well reviewed ladies about a month prior. I also spent time confirming and even went as far as making dinner/show reservations in advance. Every single lady cancelled with almost no notice, several after many e mails stating that would not happen. I find it interesting the ladies complain about "no shows" and cancellations then do the same. At this point I have also "taken a break" from the hobby, It's become very depressing as of late

Mr. Obvious 10612 reads
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Cristina handled it extrememly badly and should have given all the money back. My point was that getting her name out there let everyone know what the situation was and we heard both sides fo the story.

spinner39 35 Reviews 9655 reads
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Excellent points Cindy ... but I have to disagree on one ... it is not the same for a provider being a no show as it is for a client.  The reason being the client is the buyer in this case and the provider is in sales.
  I make 20 to 30 sales calls a day, many with set appointments and many are cancelled for no reason or become no shows. It the nature of the beast, yes I get upset, but nothing I can do if I want to get their business.
  Because we are dealing with "feelings" here the nature of the beast changes, but it shouldn't. providing can be a high profit business with high risks. A provider isn't going to make a sale everytime becasue of client issues and changes in his plans.  
  The client on the other hand has X amount of dollars, X amount of time to complete all of his tasks.  If the client feels that something may go astray he will hedge his bets and cover his ass by double booking maybe.
  When a provider no shows for any reason and makes no effort to cancel in advance the client is sent reeling to find an option to fill his need, thus he needs a backup plan (double booking) or a very thick little black book because time is always working against him.
   I have never double booked and I am very much against it, but, a client with time issues and needs to be filled  must have a means to his end... as always it comes down to being polite, understanding, and treating others as you would like to be treated.

-- Modified on 11/20/2003 8:16:54 AM

sexymegan 10851 reads
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i wanted to say usual:) I get over 150 emails aday..not an exaggeration..some are for apt in I try ..i really try to keep up..but I have had a few people say " what are you rates..I will be in vegas in a few weeks" thats all they second confrimation call except a call from them when they are in there hotel saying "iam here" well who are you I ask? bob.."bob who"? I am expected to know that the email they sent me..without any of the stuff I request for verification..was an apt to them..not to me..not till I say its a go.,and your dentists calls a day or two before a scheduled apt to confirm..I try to to..if I dont hear back I assume they've made other plans...mabye this hapened?

sexymegan 9864 reads
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I feel the same way you do after last night...

heatherbarronxxx See my TER Reviews 9144 reads
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If I were you I would give it a week or two and then email her and ask her what happened. Don't yell at her. Don't bitch and moan. Just ask. If you bitch and moan, she's not going to respond.

This is a scary profession and if someone rubs us the wrong way with explicit talk or a gruff attitude, our "inner voice" is going to tell us not to keep the appointment. Right, we should let you know and most of the time we do unless we get really freaked out because of something you said or did. But if we don't or can't inform, there might be a reason. Be pleasant and put yourself in our shoes. We are not all 300 lb wrestlers so again, we are at the mercy of a stranger and we best be careful. We are not perfect and this can be a dangerous business.


CindySpice See my TER Reviews 11640 reads
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"client is the buyer in this case and the provider is in sales."

Well yes and no . because I am not exactly selling a product .
Lets say you are selling TV's . Someone promised they will come  in and buy a TV . The day they do  come to buy the TV , you get sick . Now you may still go to work even though you are not feeling good . ( if I don't feel good it is very hard to work )  Or someone else may do the sell for you .....since you are working for salary you still get your money and if you called in sick  you get paid a sick day .

But us providers who count on an appointment , now it is canceled last minute so there is no chance I can rebook another appointment I am out of money . 5 cancellations in one week (clients were double booking and now because of that flaking  , the client got sick , Company cancelled the trip ,  the client lost his money gambling , the cat ate his homework  LOL LOL  I have heard every excuse in the book .....just wanted you guys to know I do know when you are lying to me , If you have to cancel , all I ask for is please call and let me know ad BE HONEST  I don't think that is too much to ask for ......and YES I give that same respect in return  ;) sorry I got side tracked on my thoughts ......anyways my point is  , now I am out of money I was counting on , and I didn't get to have fun ;-)

and of course no one pays me for "sick days"

So a provider cancelled on you for a very good reason ....... ok so now your left for a night a bit horny ....but at least you still have money to pay your bills ;-)

The provider should be responsible to call the client and let him know if she can not make it the client should do the same .
It is part of what can happen from both ends , and both ends just have to deal with it .

when a client calls to cancel on me I do not get upset . I understand things happen , I expect the client to understand if things happened to me .
Now if a client flakes , or no show I get upset . as the client has the right to get upset if I would flake or no show , no phone call ....but I would never do such a thing !!!

I also get upset when a client calls to cancel , but lies to me about his reason ......... I will more respect the client that is upfront and honest with me about his reasons for  canceling .

If I find out a client cancels on me because he doubled booked ....he probably won't get to see me next time he does want to be spiced . I don't double book clients , so my client better not be double booking me !!

In any type of service industry business this is a touchy subject . It just comes down to what type of person you are .
My nail lady , My Hair dresser all count on my money to pay there bills . and I know if I flake on them it is money that now they will not have . So I am always sure to keep my appointments and if I can't I have a VERY good reason ..but I am sure to cancel ( maybe they can rebook someone else ) and then reschedule my appointment . They know they can always count on me ! ;-)

Treat people how you want to be treated . xoxo CindySpice

diapositive 1 Reviews 8816 reads
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150 e-mails a day!  It must be the beads.

quzi 84 Reviews 9271 reads
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Booking the appointments several weeks in advance: Good.

Keeping in contact with them every 4-5 days: Bad.

I believe it was sexymegan that said she gets 150 emails a day, so if you take that as typical for providers in Vegas, they have a lot of emails to go through.  You didn't have to keep in touch with them.  There's just too much contact, bordering on stalking, if you're dropping them a line that often.  If the provider schedules the appointment, confirms it weeks in advance, I don't think you need to stay in contact with them until a few days beforehand to let them know you're still coming to town.  If their plans change, they'll let you know.

While a lot of providers would frown on double booking, you might at least consider getting past any verification/referrals ahead of time so you at least have an option there of getting something last minute from someone that cleared you.  Unless it's a busy time of the year, you can get away with a days notice.


sexymegan 9121 reads
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I do get that many..half are full of obsene language..I delete those..a few more are from other states asking if I will ever visit.. a few more that think I am still in Boston. a few more just plain weird..and that leaves the one I answer and end up seeing:)

revn 186 Reviews 8419 reads
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The reason that I stayed in contact this much is because I asked the provider what her preference was in realtion to contact and this is what she requested to assure her that I was for real and would keep the appointment.  My contact was by phone not email.

As for the person in question. I was not going to mention her name, but because she has chimed in on this post several times I guess I will.  It was Sexy Megan.  As I said before, I booked two two hour appointments several weeks in advance after careful research.  We had several great phone converations before hand and I was really looking forward to our time together.  I did everything that she asked me to do reagrding contact and follow up.  A few days before our appointment I had a little accident which left me with a very minor fat lip.  I called Megan to ask her if she would be available the following day instead of our origianl time so that my lip would have another day to unswell.  She said that would work better for her because she was doing incall on our original day, was getting a lot of response, and had nothing planned the next day at our appointed time.  So by mutual agreement we moved the date one day.  On the day of the appointment, with a now normal lip, I talked to her about 3-4 hours before our scheduled time and she said everything was fine and would call me 1/2 hour before.  However, in hindsight, I probably should have been wary because the tone of her voice was different and rather curt and she told me she had some regulars from out of town bugging her for time and she was trying to juggle her busy schedule.  But I took her for her word and eagerly awaited her arrival.  Obvioulsy this never happened and obvioulsy someone else outbid me or took precedance.  A simple call or other explanation sure would have been nice so that I did not sit around twiddling my thumbs all night.  I did bring some backup numbers with me and was able to reschedule the following night but it was not with my first choice.

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