Las Vegas

CindySpice See my TER Reviews 4051 reads

I say seeing a provider is like coming to an amusement park ;-)
You pay some money , you have fun and you go home happy !! *wink wink*

Yeah ok I am sure the wife won't see it like that . But that is the same debate as if you ask . Is looking at porn cheating ? Is having internet sex ( i.e. chat room sex with a stranger, pay sites with live porn  ;) ?
Some will say yes , some will say no and the courts may say something different .

Personally I define cheating when emotions get involved . If you had a mistress . The point about an escort is she isn't looking  to break up your marriage and marry her . In fact at times seeing an escort may even help your marriage .................Yeah again of course the wife may not see it that way , but she is being unfair .

Why ? normally the story is - Oh I get sex at home once  or twice a year . If a guy is lucky it is once a month .
Now come on  knowing that guys have a higher sex drive and many hours of the day sex is on their minds ( what can you do it is the nature of men ) does the wife really think that the rest of the time it is just him and his hand ??

Life is too short , enjoy ;-)
xoxo CindySpice

SoCalPDV5793 reads

Hypothetical (of course!), If you are married and pay for a provider is this cheating?  Before you jump down my thought or call me an idiot I have a friend that contends if you pay for services it is not "cheating" it is entertainment just like going out to dinner or to the movies or gambling, etc. He also contends that marriage is outdated.  At first I thought he was crazy and of course if you have sexual relations with anyone other than your wife it is "cheating".  However, the longer I think about it the more it make sense.  Yes, it is entertainment because you are paying for it and yes, marriage is an age old institution that has seen its day because 50% of all marriages end in divorce for a reason.  

Is there much harm in experiencing some of the finer things in life even if you are married?

Any thoughts?

No, there is not much harm in experiencing some of the finer thins in life even if you are married.  I am a married woman, and proud to say that seeing a provider is an interest that my husband and I share.  It is unfortunate that your friend does not have a strong sexual bond with his wife and cannot share his fantasies and desires with her.  We all know the old saying that two heads are better than one; my philosophy is that three bodies are better than two.  That's my .02.

You can put lipstick on a pig but it's still a pig. Rationalize it any way you want if it makes you feel better.


If she thinks it's cheating, then it is and the court will see it the same way when you get your divorce.  You can rationalize it to yourself till the cows come home, but if you can't get her to see it the same way, then you be screwed and better find yourself a good lawyer that can make the court see it your way.  Marriage may be old-fashioned and I agree with that, but it generally takes a generation or so for society as a whole to catch up with changes like that.

Good luck!!!

The hypothetical guy should ask his hypothetical wife if *she* thinks it would be entertainment or cheating. That way, he will know how she will frame her arguments for divorce in court when she wins and gets half of everything he owns. He should also ask himself if he would think it was cheating or just a job if his wife started adding money to the kids' college fund by renting herself out in the afternoons, providing entertainment to guys like his hypothetical friend.

I say seeing a provider is like coming to an amusement park ;-)
You pay some money , you have fun and you go home happy !! *wink wink*

Yeah ok I am sure the wife won't see it like that . But that is the same debate as if you ask . Is looking at porn cheating ? Is having internet sex ( i.e. chat room sex with a stranger, pay sites with live porn  ;) ?
Some will say yes , some will say no and the courts may say something different .

Personally I define cheating when emotions get involved . If you had a mistress . The point about an escort is she isn't looking  to break up your marriage and marry her . In fact at times seeing an escort may even help your marriage .................Yeah again of course the wife may not see it that way , but she is being unfair .

Why ? normally the story is - Oh I get sex at home once  or twice a year . If a guy is lucky it is once a month .
Now come on  knowing that guys have a higher sex drive and many hours of the day sex is on their minds ( what can you do it is the nature of men ) does the wife really think that the rest of the time it is just him and his hand ??

Life is too short , enjoy ;-)
xoxo CindySpice

If you think the courts would consider looking at porn and chatting on the internet the same as a physical sexual encounter with a "provider" then I would suggest that you are living in a dream world.  

You can define cheating anyway you want, however, what you think and what society thinks are apparently entirely different. Look in Webster's Dictionary - one of the definitions of cheating is "to be sexually unfaithful" which is pretty clear.  You argument is pure rationalization.

Don't get me wrong.  I'm not condeming the hobby. I'm just advocating calling it the way it is.  I'm married, and I have chosen for many reasons to participate in the hobby.  I know what it is, and I know what I'm doing ,and I accept full responsibility for my actions.  Yes, I have my reasons but that doesn't mean that I'm not cheating.  I don't try to make up excuses for my behavior.

Well said, SeekingGFE. A better world we'd have if more people accepted responsibility for their actions. "Cheating" presumes that two or more people have an agreement about something, have accepted the rules that they will follow, and one or more parties has violated the agreement. I suspect that 99.9% of married women, in the USA anyway, would consider it cheating if her spouse had sex outside the marriage, paid for or not. CindySpice is way off on this one... unusual for her as IMO she is generally right on the money!

There was a whole show on 20/20 where couples were asked if a  non physical sexual encounter on the internet was considered cheating and the majority said YES  .

Many wives even divorced their husbands because of that or they agreed to stay in the marriage as long as the husband went to sex addiction counseling and promised to never visit porn sites  again .

So don't be so quick to judge what I say .

I didn't say it isn't cheating by Webster definition . I was saying how I FEEL about it .

If I was married and didn't have sex with my husband to fulfill his needs I would prefer he hire an escort then have an affair .
But then again I am an open minded person and I wouldn't expect my husband to go through life only having sex on his birthday and Christmas ;-)

BTW you would be surprised how many married women have affairs . yeah the husband thinks , my wife ?? never .......well little does he know ;-)

I am not trying to make excuses for anyone . The guy asked for opinions , so I gave him mine .
You can except it or not ............. it is my opinion !!!. Free country I can have MY opinion ..........

Did I try slamming your opinion  ?? But as usual someone always gotta  be negative .........geez

f course you should ask yourself who's emotions his or hers.  For I am sure she will ne very emotional when she finds out.  Then he will be very emotional when he has to give up half, plus whatever else her blood sucking lawyer gets out of the court.

SoCalPDV3589 reads

Cindy, you are selling yourself short you are not just an amusement park you are an ADVENTUREDOME!!!  My first and best experience with a provider was with Cindy.  I knew I could count an Cindy for the most poignant response to my posting, thank you.

Cindy is right life is too short and variety is the (no pun intended) SPICE of life.

Tell your friend Bill Clinton its cheating hahahahah

man walkes in bar orders 2 shots of jack and downed it in one shot and asks for another ,guy next to him asked whats wrong and he said he has been maried for a year and cheated on his wife and went to strip  joint.second guy asked did you get lap dance?first guy said no,seconed guy said that is not cheating i have been married for five years unless you get lap dance it is not cheating.thired guy said no no no unless you kiss her and take her out for dinner after she is off work it is not cheating ,i have been maried ten years.forth guy an older man said as long as you were wearing a condom and there was no fluid exchange it is not cheating ,i should know i have been maried over 20 years.
now there you have it ,how long you been maried?

Of course it's cheating, unless your wife is aware of your activities.  Hell, just having a romantic dinner with someone who is not your wife, without her knowledge, is cheating.  There are many ways to justify the hobby, but "it's not cheating" probably isn't one of them.

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