Las Vegas

Re:Brothel vs. Provider
JackSawyer 2829 reads
1 / 12

Hoping someone can point me to a previous thread that might shed some light on my question, or just answer it here.

I'm going to be doing a Vegas trip, and was considering a brothel instead of the in-city provider route.  Anyone have enough experience that can tell me what to expect?  Is my money better spent with an independent provider, or a Pretty Maid?

If you do recommend a brothel, any recommendations on specifics and/or women there?  I've seen an occasional review of someone from a brothel, is there a way to specifically search for those?

goeers090909 2017 reads
2 / 12

I can't find a review of Brandi at Sheri's anywhere...Anybody seen here? Sure don't want to drop a steep price tag and then regret it.

devildogtoo 9 Reviews 2565 reads
3 / 12

You can't go wrong with a pretty maid. Bruce runs a tight ship and knows what we want.

beer316 2481 reads
4 / 12

brothel is a lot more expensive as they charge by the act it is very safe but there are many great independents just become a vip and do your research on the expanded search never failed me when i was traveling

TheSpeedRacer 10 Reviews 2453 reads
5 / 12


There are several distinct differences between seeing an indie (or agency) escort and visiting a courtesan at a legal Nevada brothel. While I have addressed this question here before, I will gladly summarize once again.

Escorts have up-front pricing with information available from tehir ads, websites, and/or direct contact (phone or e-mail). They rarely, if ever, negotiate their rates in person or by any other means. Since they have no "house cut" (unless they're an agency escort) to pay, their prices thend to be anywhere from a little to significantly lower than those of "equivilent" (in terms of looks, experience, and skill) brothel courtesans.

LPIN (Legal Prostitution In Nevada) courtesans are prohibited by state statute from discussing pricing of their services anywhere outside of their rooms at their legal brothel. You must "take a tour" (i.e., go to her room) to discuss prices and services. She will most likely first quote a "menu" price (or even show you a printed list), but these prices are only paid by high-rollers and the naive or inexperienced customer. You are expected to negotiate for her services, and she's just giving you an (inflated) starting point. She must cover her expenses to work there, and that includes the "house cut" (usually 50%), plus room and board (and "driver cut", if you used a taxi or arrive via the house's "free" limo service to get there), so keep this in mind. Also, you must negotiate all activities - and be sure to be specific here - and unlike escorts you're paying for her specific services more than her time.

All escorts (indies or agency) who engage in sexual activities on paid "dates" are skirting the law. While they claim that your "donation" (i.e., fee) is merely to compensate them for their time and that any and all activities of a sexual nature are purely voluntary between two (or more) conscenting adults, we all know the truth here.

LPIN courtesans are free to ply the world's oldest profession within the walls of any of the legal bordellos, which are only located in those Nevada counties that are premitted to license such establishments.

Safety and Annonymity
There are no guarantees of either with escorts, though the top indies more often than not maintain quite high standards in both areas. However, many escorts do allow relatively "riskier" sexual practices, anywhere from relatively low-risk such as BBBJ (uncovered fellatio) to high-risk practices such as CIM (with a few even going as far as to swallow). Their decision to perform such activities is often made on a client-by-client basis, but sometimes a published review may somtimes state that a given lady offers such a service that she NEVER provides, so the only way to know for sure is when you're alone with her (most ladies will not discuss specific sexual activities over the phone or e-mail unless you're someone she's seen before). And there's always the risk that if she's arrested, your name and other information might end up on some holier-than-thou prosecutors' public "shame" list (remember Heidi Fleiss' "little black book"?).

LPIN courtesans are tested weekly for STDs and are required (by law) to use condoms during intercourse and (by brothel practice) to use them during fellatio as well. A few courtesans may also require use of a barrier during cunnilingus. Brothel ladies usually do not offer anal intercourse (many citing "house rules"), but that activity can be found within LPIN. Unless you pay with a credit card (which is discreetly billed), or appear to be underage, you can maintain complete anonyminity.

Selection, Availability, and Facilities
For escorts, you must do some research first and hope that your schedules allow you to get together with the lady or ladies you choose. Most escorts require at least some advance notice, so if for any reason she's a no-show, you're stuck (though most top ladies will at least try and find a friend to see you if they can't make it at the last minute).

At LPIN brothels, you will get a "lineup" of courtesans (unless you've made an appointment ahead of time, which is permissible) to choose from - all of whom are ready, willing, and able (if the negotiated price is right). An additional advantage the brothels have is the availability of "themed" rooms, BDSM facilities (if you're into that), jacuzzis, and other luxuries not often found in a standard hotel room.

Transportation & "Outdates"
Unless she only offers incall, most escorts (and almost all in Las Vegas) will come to you (outcall). You're free to take her "out on the town" and have fun together out of the bedroom.

The LPIN brothels in southern Nevada are all so-called "lockdown houses" in that their courtesans cannot leave the premises while "on duty". This is not necessarily true elsewhere in the state (and especially in the Reno / Carson City area) where their courtesans can accompany you on off-site "outdates", but with the restriction that any/all sexual activities are required to take place within the brothels. So you must first get out to one of the cathouses, the closest of which to Las Vegas are about a 45-minute drive away. Taking a cab or one of the "free" limo services offered by the brothels will increase the cost of your party, since the courtesan will have to pay the driver. So your best option, if possible, is to drive out yourself. If you need directions, I have a comprehensive guide on another website (please e-mail me at [email protected] to obtain the URL).

If you wish more information, there are several websites and message boards specifically devoted to LPIN, again, please e-mail me for that information. Personally, I highly recommend the Chicken Ranch in Pahrump, which also happens to be the closest legal brothel to Las Vegas. Their next-door competitor, Sheri's Ranch, is also a good choice (while they have a reputation for higher prices, they often have a wider selection of ladies). Your best bet would be to check out both before deciding to party. You are under no obligation when "taking a tour", but it's best to not do so more than 2-3 times on any given visit, or you tend to "wear out your welcome". Once you've partied in a given establishment, it will be easier to avoid appearing to be a "lookie-loo" - which is all too common at the brothels.

As for the issue of indies versus agency escorts, in Las Vegas agencies are to be avoided at all costs (with the Possible exception of the one you mentioned). I personally feel that there are so many quality, top-notch indies in town that I would not even consider using even them - why pay an agency fee (which would be buried in the party price) when all the money could go directly to your companion?

As for specific ladies to reccommend, I cannot name any without knowing your preferences. You can check out most of the courtesans by visiting their respective brothel's websites.

So brothels or escorts? I have patronized both (and continue to do so) and found that each has its advantages and disadvantages. Only you can decide what is right for your specific situation.

Good luck, have fun, and if you have more questions, please feel free to e-mail me at the address listed above (please do not PM me here at TER since I am not currently able to respond).

Speed Racer

SeekingGFE 10 Reviews 2461 reads
6 / 12

Great comprehensive post.

JackSawyer 2233 reads
7 / 12

Thanks to all who replied, especially Speedracer.

I am a VIP, and have definitely been doing my research... I was just considering the "legal" option.  I have seen a few providers in LA (and reviewed them -- this is an alias btw).

From the information provided, I think I will contact Bruce soon and see about setting my a first time appointment with one of the fine staff there :)

Again, thanks so much to everyone.  Folks are so helpful here!

IMALLIN 82 Reviews 2269 reads
8 / 12

Call Pretty Maids before you come to Vegas and get pre-screened without making a firm appointment. Drive out to Sheri’s Ranch and  hang out with the babes in the bar. It’s kind of fun, you’ll feel like a kid in a candy store. If you’re clicking with one, go to her room. You’re negotiating from a position of strength because you’ve got your ace in the hole, a PM. You’ve read the reviews, you know what you’ll get with a PM for 4 bills. If you can get anything close to that for a comparable amount (unlikely, I might add), go for it. Some of those babes are pretty flexible if they haven't met their personal goal for the tour. Otherwise, you’re out nothing and you’ve had a unique experience. Since you’re already pre-screened, you shouldn’t have a problem getting a PM on short notice. Don’t worry about the skeptics, I was one myself, PM’s deliver the goods. I have too much respect for indies to suggest lining one up as your fallback for a brothel and then possibly no-showing on her.

little phil 37 Reviews 2517 reads
9 / 12

You've got to be OK with a not-so-scenic one hour drive each way, possibly just for the show, but Imal makes a point.  The ladies PAY to work at the brothel, and if the parties aren't hitting their quota, it's possible that deals could be had.  Having a PM backup works because you aren't leading on an independent for an appointment you won't likely fulfill.

Something to consider...Sheri's is in business to get you to open your wallet.  The girls are pretty good at getting the little head to do the thinking.

Good luck

TheSpeedRacer 10 Reviews 2942 reads
10 / 12

...the Chicken Ranch next door to Sheri's. While their bar is smaller and their lineup not quite as extensive, there's some very nice ladies there who (more often than not) are a little more willing to cut you a better deal than their counterparts down the street (at least in my opinion and experience).

While I'm still reluctant to endorse ANY escort agency in Las Vegas, I agree with y'all that PM seems to be the only one to use if you're determined to go that route. And I totally agree with not using indies as a "backup plan" - if you make an appointment with a lady you should do your best to keep it, or at least give her as much advance notice of any cancellation as possible.

Speed Racer

superjafo 9 Reviews 2494 reads
11 / 12

Pre-TER, I would have said go with the brothels to be safe, in a manner of speaking. God, I hated that long ass drive, even when pushing on the accelerator and no guarantees of what awaits you when you get there. Personally I hated the haggling the most, some of their starting prices I was sure I was going to get sex and an auto paint job. Of course, this was a number of years ago.
But after TER, independents and certain agencies are the way to go, no matter what city, home or away. With all that info at your fingertips, you should have no trouble finding an experience to your liking, at a known/reasonable price and without having to drive all over creation. God, I really hated that drive. Of course, it is 100% legal out there....if that is your worry.

Z06Vette 4 Reviews 2167 reads
12 / 12

I used  to maintain Sheri's Ranch website and have shot pictures fo their girls and experienced  the ladies as well. While they have some awesome girls, the experience is  in all honesty that great unless you are prepared to drop a large wad of Benjamins. There are so many  local indies to choose from that I would not take the time to drive all the way out in the middle of nowhere when you can have a truly exquisite experience in your hotel room. Hell I've even managed to  find some hot willing strippers. My advice: go with a recommend local escort.

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