Las Vegas

Re: Test Drive!
taylormae702 See my TER Reviews 539 reads

Just send me a request, Love!

All this talk about weather or not you are talking to the person you think you are has got me thinking. I have an idea that I think would work wonderfully and I would love to here some feed back as I feel like this would help a lot of truly independent providers like myself. What do you guys out there think about snapchat? If you are not familiar with it let me try and explain. It is a free app for your phone that allows you to send picture and video msgs that only let the receiver view it for a set amount of time like 10 seconds, etc. This would keep privacy for both involved and the ease of mine that you are talking to the real provider and not some random guy! lol Can't wait to hear what you all have to say!! Thx!
Taylor Mae

However folks need to know that you can screen shot snaps and even more important is the fact that they need to use the actual app.  Third party apps can potentially store that data.  

Something else to consider.  This doesn't really alter the fact those who aren't totally legitimate can be running a bait and switch routine. Another woman can be doing the snaps and sending them.

Thx for the input! As for the screenshot. Why would a provider do anything for free. I'm not talking about sending sexy pics or long draw out talks. Hell we as provider are very busy. It would probably be pretty slow responses. I mean to treat this as a means of IDing both client and provider to eachother. Think of it as a small part of the screening process. Except this doesnt only help the provider. Think of it being used a lot like info on TER w/o VIP details. And if you ever think for a minute that you are not talking to that girl you could msg her on snapchat to confirm. Even if it's a quick "Hi". Let me know what you think of the idea from that understanding. :)
Taylor Mae

Also, as for the bate-and-switch. TER reviews and profile data take care of that just fine I think. Think of all the girls that are in "the group". Their was huge debate about which girls were or weren't in it. If any of those providers want to clear their name, this will do it real quickly if they add this option to their website! I already see ones that have facebooks or twitter accounts on their websites so I can't imagine using snapchat this way would leave any larger privacy gaps then what already exist. Plus, it will quickly clear up a problem that is heavily debated here on TER.
Taylor Mae

Your experiment has valid points. I'm just indicating that others who have alternate agendas may see this as something to add to their tool bag.  

Personally, I'm over this whole "group" thing discussion.  If I'm interested in meeting a lady, then I know the routine.

BTW - You are one of the women I would enjoy meeting.

Couldn't agree more, Love! You should just see how many emails I got asking this same questions so it was only natural for me to start thinking of a solution. As for meeting, I would love to! just let me know! ;)
Taylor Mae

You will always have the pic collectors to contend with.  Wouldn't surprise me if your photos are being used by someone else.  

I give you credit for thinking outside the box.  Hopefully it doesn't become unmanageable.  Here is another thought, great way to send out a different form of a newsletter or special announcements.  You can do little snaps here and there.  Take advantage of it as a marketing tool

I understand your intent, but it is a different than what was originally discussed.  I personally would not be keen on sending a Snap to validate.  I don't see a lot of others who will do so either. My opinion

What I would be concerned about is the unintended consequences.  You may now be the recipient of a whole lot of snaps that are inappropriate.  Snaps work both ways.

And for the verification, I meant it as a choice not made by the provider but the client. If someone feels like the aren't sure my pics are real or it wasn't me talking to them, they could look me up on my snapchat and settle that very quickly! I have been emailed the same question by enough hobbyist to clearly see that not only does it need a solution but is a wanted solution. You may not have an interest in it but the TER community as a whole has made it very clear to me that it is a worthwhile cause to find a solution to this even if snapchap is not that answer. :)
Taylor Mae

Facetime and skype have to be done as it is happening and with a providers schedule it just won't work. Snapchat can be received or sent at whatever time works best for you! Thanks for the input though, Love! :)
Taylor Mae

I'm gonna go ahead a try it out as I have not yet been given a good reason not too. I created an account under the name "taylormae702". Add me now!! ;)
Taylor Mae

OK fire away.  I don't mind being your personal experiment

Im a little rusty with this app.  Hopefully my message was received.

Well your stated objective of backing up your photos should work.  You're very attractive.  Cute way to start your Snap validation.

I'll be a guinea pig

Posted By: taylormae702
I'm gonna go ahead a try it out as I have not yet been given a good reason not too. I created an account under the name "taylormae702". Add me now!! ;)  
 Taylor Mae

Send me a request in snapchat, Love! ;

ere are other ways to verify you are talking/emailing/texting the real person in the photos
I would not recommend Snap Chat - you can screen shot images and I wouldn't recommend ladies or gents sending "verification" video over social media.

If someone wants me to prove I am me I will send a pic with their email/handle/name written on it with a drawing (or shape) they request and I send it to prove. Or just choose someone who posts on the forums. That is usually a good indicator if someone is solo or not. Managed ladies don't typically know about the forums and if their bookers do it would be quite a job posting consistently for each of them.

Hope this helps

Well believe it. Because this group is posting for easily 15-20 girls on here at this very moment! They use a lot of the same formats so I think they do a lot of copy/pasting. And I'm sry but if your method worked then I wouldn't have received about 40 emails from clients asking about different girls. Any picture on the internet as we speak can be screenshotted. Hell someone could screenshot the VIP sections too. Doesn't mean that it means anything. I think you lost focus of what I said this would be good for. I never said this was safer than anything else but just that it solves a current problem faced on TER. Plus it does erase the pics after which works for common snoopers like wives, girlfriends, etc. So far it is working fabulous for me. You can keep doing what your doing if you waant but by all means give it a try before you judge it. :)
Taylor Mae

I see you working it,and it's cool. you being an ex so I get it. But I have to say for being 19 you're pretty polished. Fuck when I was 19 the words out of my mouth were, "And da","Ya know", "Oh wow","Duh, I guess", and last was "Holy fucking shit"

I'm glad you see the usefulness, Love! And I'm still pretty fresh out of school so it's pretty easy to still look polished. lol Grammar is still pretty fresh in my mind. Besides, you gentlemen are paying to see ladies, not street trash you find on the strip! Age is just a number. I know young girls with old souls and grown women that sit and gossip all day like they are in high school. Ask anyone who has seen me and I'm sure the will tell you that I am the definition of a young lady. Even when I'm being naughty! ;)
Taylor Mae

Posted By: hpygolky
I see you working it,and it's cool. you being an ex so I get it. But I have to say for being 19 you're pretty polished. Fuck when I was 19 the words out of my mouth were, "And da","Ya know", "Oh wow","Duh, I guess", and last was "Holy fucking shit"

That regardless of your age, you come across as being polished and you carry yourself well. Those are traits that will serve you well in any endeavor.

Are you serious?
Not all of us went to high school in some valley in LA..
When I was 19 I was running three snowball stands. Sold them at 20. Traveled Europe. Fell in love with traveling. Came home and found a way to live as a free spirit.

Like, totally ... Duh.

C'mon. Don't be ridiculous. Children learn how to navigate the Internet in grade school now and many of us learn our "street smarts" at the same time.

If I was the OP I would be doing the same thing.

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