Las Vegas

Re: Because I can read, Gilligan
jc316 87 Reviews 743 reads

I don't agree with at least one of the names you mentioned and without having left a review unless this is your alias, group leader you are FOS and interpreting FICTION

justaguy234563276 reads

Since truth about "the group" come out, what is next?
Is ter knows what is going on? It should be at least investigated
for community safety. I just read a post about cameras (see posts below). WTF!
P411 should be notifyed too. If ter keeping these girls's reviews everybody
should know about what's happening (pimp situation).  
Manipulation of reviews, switching girls in a last moment, cameras and ect.
Don't you think it should be stopped?

If you agree press "like"

The camera thing is really fucked up. People use incall for discretion. Now your business is probably on some porn site. This is why we can't have nice things.

justaguy234561131 reads

Just hope for the best, remember, girl is upset right now...
It might be not THAT bad!  

Posted By: angrybird13
The camera thing is really fucked up. People use incall for discretion. Now your business is probably on some porn site. This is why we can't have nice things.

I don't think she brought up the cameras because she's upset. This only affects their incall. If she wanted to f with their business out of anger she would have said all the girls have AIDS or some shit like that. Please don't tell me that's the next post coming.

Posted By: justaguy23456
Just hope for the best, remember, girl is upset right now...  
 It might be not THAT bad!

justaguy23456975 reads

I agree, but she might be smarter then you think,
she figureed out how to get out and got hold of reviews and photos (good for her).
Anyway, do not panic, its been going on for 4-5 years, if photos/videos
was used (made) we would know by now.

Which one of the girls offers incall? AFAIK I was only able to see those girls strictly outcall. How the hell do they take photos of a client at an incall when they don't even offer an incall?  
Looks like the accusations are going really far fetched now.

LV is pretty much outcall only, so WTF? There is a major credibility issue here.

Major credibility issue with the camera story:THEY DON'T OFFER INCALLS!!!  

If they did, I would have gone to see them instead of having to call front desk to ask them to do my bed again and again. rofl


-- Modified on 4/13/2015 10:51:28 PM

GaGambler730 reads

at the end of "her" post she says to "like" her post if you agree. There is only one "male" poster with that much estrogen running through his veins, and he is on "time out" Can anyone believe a man wrote to "like" his post??? Not fucking likley.

bahamas1112 reads

I don't see girls in "the group" but every thing this "group" is allegedly doing has been done many times over and over again and often by escorts who you likely think are above board. Cameras, recordings, bait and switch, sharing your supposed confidential information and so on.

More girls in vegas have "pimps" than those who don't have pimps.  Whether it's the owner of an agency, a casino host, an assistant or some other relationship.  Very few girls in this business have the smarts and ability to become truly independent and those that do have often followed the path above at least in the beginning.

Pimps are successful because guys like you actually think this is a reputable business and trust everything you hear.  Let's face it, you don't even know whose on the other end of the email.

If pimping was eliminated in vegas the town would become a bible camp.

"Very few girls in this business have the smarts and ability to become truly independent and those that do have often followed the path above at least in the beginning."

Where in the world do you get your information? That is a pretty pathetic opinion. Personally I have only met very smart and successful independent women in this business. None of the women I know have ever worked for an agency or a pimp. But I am smart enough to know that the few dozen women whom I have met does not make a large enough sample of the total p4p population to be able to make it a case study. So 100% of the women I have polled are independent. I am not stupid enough to believe that that means 100% of all sex workers are independent. How have you had the privilege to have contact with such a wide sampling of the escort community to know how smart or able most of us are?  

Be very careful with your very wide paint brush.

After all this stuff on the boards I wanted to say I see no problem with this conversation.  I think in my own humble opinion that this is what TER is for.  I poster made a remark about Madison Malone (I have seen her before) and he was incorrect but others and Madison straighten it out as it should have been.  My problem now is that when I come out again-maybe in the fall, what should I do.  I had a situation a few years ago in NYC.   She was a porn star (no longer working) and when I paid for the hour she starts getting dressed after 20 minutes.  I requested my money back-at least half and in rushed some guys.  I handle myself well and take martial arts but it never came to that.  I don't want to risk my safety if I am at a room with no lobby security and something happens. Not just for my safety but who wants to start drama at a major hotel.  This may be going to far but something I thought about. I want to stick with the lovely ladies I have seen but I like variety.  Another hobbyists-actually a few (in private mail) told me that they have seen these girls before but stopped because of the games. I'll have to think about this one but damn I like coming out to vegas with the fellas for some fun....

i'm in the same boat and i go out to vegas like every month from the east coast.

here's a tip. never give out your room number. meet them at the hotel lobby or by the elevator bay. then go up together. this way you don't have to worry about unexpected visitors. providers should be okay with this assuming proper screening and you're in a big lv hotel, not some pay by the hour fleabag motel. and if they're not, tell them to go kick rocks.

I thought it was time for me to speak for myself. First, I truly am independent. With that being said, do I have friends I enjoy working with? Yes, and I think most of us do.  I have never given anyone 100% of what I make and do not answer to anyone, but myself. I've never offered incall nor will I. I have used bookers at different times in the past, but even then it was the same rate as agencies, never more. I am not a part of the "group" and have never met any girl that has given 100% to anyone. I appreciate those who are concerned for my safety, but I assure you I am safe, I am independent and love what I do.

crallo1027 reads

for a non believer you saw a lot of them

Posted By: hpygolky

Out of 113 reviews, I saw 3 of the "girls" from that group. One is now an indie, so that now makes it 2. So is that considered alot?  
Dude, don't be a pussy and hide behide a alias. Put you name on it. For all we know you may have seen a few and didn't even know it. Yes you're probably that naive.

-- Modified on 4/13/2015 6:00:19 AM

justaguy23456907 reads

The funny thing is you do not know if any of these top girls from "the group"
even still active, lol. I had p.m. from a guy who was contantly trying to book
with one of them and they was keep offering "girlfriends" in a last minute.

If "booker" post for them on bords, doing ads for them, take care of "constant 10-10"  
reviews how you know if girl is still there? I remember 's ads and boards post
was still active after she was long gone (back to Texas).  
The game is to keep "gosts" look active and pushing the rest of the group along.

well you have reviewed another one just today so that makes it 3...

Posted By: hpygolky
Out of 113 reviews, I saw 3 of the "girls" from that group. One is now an indie, so that now makes it 2. So is that considered alot?  
 Dude, don't be a pussy and hide behide a alias. Put you name on it. For all we know you may have seen a few and didn't even know it. Yes you're probably that naive.

-- Modified on 4/13/2015 6:00:19 AM

And it's 3 but you don't know the history so I woudn't jump to anything. And if you want the low down PM me and I'll set you straight.

-- Modified on 4/13/2015 2:17:40 PM

While I don't know you... It seems to me that while your pics and website are similar to those "thought" to be in "the group", your review history is very different.  It is long, and it has a variety of reviewers that have reviewed MANY from MANY locations throughout the nation/world.  That is COMPLETELY different from "The Group"" that has few reviewers, and those they have have reviewed very few (or only that one) , or reviews of ONLY those in "the Group".  

 I don't think I'd hesitate to contact you on the basis that you might be part of "the group"  

stay safe.....

justaguy234561072 reads

I found it hard to beleive, since you were part of "previos group" too (before pimp get arrested).
The reason your reviews was not taken down then along with everybody else that you just started
and had less the 20 reviews. After posting pictures of you and Madison Cruise together and
promoting doubles I think it is pretty obvious. I noticed you taked them down from your website,
but people remember.  

Posted By: harmonytaylor91
I thought it was time for me to speak for myself. First, I truly am independent. With that being said, do I have friends I enjoy working with? Yes, and I think most of us do.  I have never given anyone 100% of what I make and do not answer to anyone, but myself. I've never offered incall nor will I. I have used bookers at different times in the past, but even then it was the same rate as agencies, never more. I am not a part of the "group" and have never met any girl that has given 100% to anyone. I appreciate those who are concerned for my safety, but I assure you I am safe, I am independent and love what I do.

GaGambler1096 reads

but seriously dude (if you even are a man) you need to get a fucking  clue before running a one person crusade and trying to ruin the livelihoods of some pretty great women.

So just who the fuck are you anyhow?It appears you invented this alias just to run this crusade against these ladies. I can't speak for all the ladies supposedly in this "group" but I can fucking assure you that Harmony is NOT.  She just spent a couple of hours once again with a very good buddy of mine who assures me that not only will he be coming back for more and more, but that he is 1,000% positive that she is independent.

Which brings me back to my original question, just who the fuck are you anyhow, and why don't you have the balls to call out these ladies under your "real" fake name? Why don't you just spare us all some grief and just admit your a fucking pussy without the balls to identify yourself. Now please go fuck off, and do it NOW!!!

and one other thing fuckwad, Thanks a lot for turning the infamous GaGambler into a fucking White Knight for a hooker.  I HATE White Knights, but what I hate worse are cowardly little fuckers like you taking cheap shots at women who are just trying to make a living from behind the safety of an alias, what a cowardly little liar you are.

Or sipping a mojito in some hooch in Costa Rica? And you're right, being a white knight isn't you, you're not good at it.
So your friend saw her and she rocked his world, great... well someone has to see her cause she does have to do her 3-4 clients a day. So I'm not disputing that. Plus it helped that he booked her for a couple of hours, see how a one hour date works and let me know how that works out. And I know that once these girl do show up, that you will have a good time with them. I know, I've seen a couple and I have to admit, they are very good looking but I even got a same day cancel by one. But to call them indies, I mean what do you expect her to say and how do you even ask, I rather ask her her real age.
But the problem isn't with the girls themselves, it's with their booker who over books for these girls and then the NCNS, that's the shits. It's the "fake reviews" that are manufactured at some ridiculous scores per the "groups" lackeys. See if the next time your friends books if there isn't a cancel, it might happen but then again it might not. It' also all the overrated scores that is given out, some true, some not so but that's not my concern, it's that beauty in the eye of the beholder shit.  
No doubt Harmony is real, and she may be great but it's the actual seeing her that's the coin toss, will she show up, or have "car problems". and say "I have a friend" or.....It's Vegas and it's a gamble. You don't have that shit in Costa Rica or wherever the fuck you're at.
When are you going to post your reviews.....just curious as you do talk a good game.

I have met harmony, tess, kimmy, krystal, madison, and demi.  

Not a single one of them were NCNS. Some were early to the appointment too.  All of them looked like their photos. Granted they have glamored up pictures but they were pretty accurate representations of the real girl.  

There's a lot of accusations being thrown around about a manager answering emails and taking a huge cut but I felt even if there was a 3rd party answering emails, it would be pretty difficult to have a 3rd party intercept the conversations and remember all the conversation we were talking about earlier during the session. Another thing is when I called some of the girls, they answered directly and called me directly. Same female voice when we met so it wasn't a voice from a different girl. This strongly contradicts what some have said that there's a manager who answers every email and calls.  

It appears that either some people are spreading false rumors and have a strong dislike for this group or they are digging up info from that past that may not be relevant to this group. I have no idea who is telling the truth but just wanted to chip in something factual from my end. The girls that I called answered their own calls when I called and there's no denying that, despite the accusations I've been hearing even from credible people claiming that some 3rd party answers.  

I didn't notice any cameras on any of them taking photos of me either and I am seriously doubting they want take photos of a middle aged man.  

I'd see them again next chance I get cuz I know how good looking they are, acted very professionally, and all my sessions with them went without problems

I was with her for a second time in late January and she's great.  I don't know what affiliations she may have and don't care.  What I know is she's insanely hot, sexy as hell and loads of fun.  She's also smart and funny. One of my ATFs for sure.  I don't think she's being used by anyone. I can understand older hookers being jealous of her.  She's one of the most gorgeous creatures I've ever been with

GaGambler815 reads

I think I should start a new thread for people to make their guesses as to which old fat broad is posting under the alias "justaguy" and then set a betting line in the morning?

Maybe Harmony, or one of the other hotties being disparaged here would be willing to offer a free or discounted date to the winner of the "Which old fat broad is behind the Justaguy alias" pool??? lmao

TD77951 reads

It has been brought up that you may not have control of your account, by someone who has credibility in my eyes since her information makes sense and fills in the gaps of my own questioning about the "group".  What especially makes me skeptical is that your ads are always in the exact same format as others who are thought to be part of the "group", and these "group" ads are usually posted together closely timewise, making me think there is someone else pulling the strings.  The same goes for any posts you've made answering ISO's.  Also, knowing that you went UTR for several months (website down, reviews pulled, changed name) at the exact nanosecond the bust happened and several others went UTR, makes my skeptical that you are actually the one who wrote that post. Sorry.

due to flaking first and foremost and given you and other bisexuals double with the group girls your comments leave plenty of wiggle room. Ok so xoxo doesn't give up 100% but does 80% count?
Not according to your comment. And the booker situation is intolerable UNLESS INFORMED THAT COMMUNICATION IS THROUGH A BOOKER or "HELPER"
Even texts were invaded. Who needs it? Not me for one

I would very much enjoy the company of a fine companion when in town but have never indulged in Sin City because of stories like these.  I think there are as many horror stories as there are successes and those odds aren't good enough for me so I feel bad for those real professionals in LV because I think they lose a lot of business because of this type of crap!

I've been very happily hobbying throughout CA for almost a year and have had the best of experiences by carefully investigating any and all providers before I see them.  I have become a regular with several and plan to enjoy this hobby for years to come and I would love to be able to hobby in LV but I've always been a little bit afraid of LV since it is the big league.

I enjoy regular trips to LV and enjoy hours on the craps tables, love the shows and some of the best food in the world but I have never indulged in the hobby in LV because of these types of stories.  As I read these postings about the "group" it only reinforces my concerns

i am really sorry you feel this way...please do not give up on us

It just continues . . . only confirming what I said.  You guys are only hurting the hobby in LV.  I have a trip in May and I am bringing a provider with me so I avoid this drama and potential risk.  I still feel bad for the providers in LV that are truly professional!

cannot blame ya...hope you enjoy the rest of vegas and safe travels to you and your companion :) that it would never end! One of the most bizarre threads I've witnessed here in a long time. I think we've been taken over by the Jerry Springer crowd! Wow, guys come out of the woodwork and brag, wag their weinies, call each other names and used veiled threats to elbow their way to the Top Stud position! :D They're even fantasizing about Hillary!!!  WTF!!!  Too fucking bizarre!!!!  At least Hillary is a half step above Rosie!  :D   Too fucking funny! Why are guys fantasizing about Hillary?! Pretty fuckin' sick if you ask me but, who am I to judge?!  :D

-- Modified on 4/14/2015 4:14:08 AM

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