Las Vegas

Providers, kick client out of bed?
Spudnick 1008 reads

I like to find a great provider and stick with her.  My previous provider moved and I found a fantastic new provider.  She's just fantastic at what she does. Gorgeous and I though we got along great.  We have been on 5 dates.  She has always been prompt in responses.  She went dark for 6 days and I though I was kicked out of bed.  On the 7th day, she responded to the 3rd text.  I try not to over communicate.  Back to the question, I you need to kick a client out of bed, how do you do it?  Go dark, text, ??

she went dark does not mean that it was about you...a lot of us have private lives, that you are probably not a part of, require our attention too...personally for me, if i no longer want to see someone i would just tell them...but hey that is me and i do not speak for others

For me it's one text , on rare occasions I might send a second text. But sending a third text after  the first two went unanswered is over doing it.

if this is the first time u have kicked to the curb? learn from it!!! like 702 staid the lades have a life and other jobs etc

With respect, the question was to providers about their actions.

I have been in the unenviable position of having to ask a client not to contact me again.  I wrote a carefully worded email explaining my decision that was polite yet direct.  I can't see a situation where I would simply "go dark" on someone.

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