Las Vegas

First timer needs to know if this is normalsad_smile
bummed out 4088 reads

I was in Vegas last week on a business trip.  I had done my research on TER and decided to setup an appointment with a well reviewed and popular lady on TER.  I was very nervous, excited and anxious to see her as this was my first time ever.  We had setup an appointment and agreed to meet the next day.  On the day of the meeting she called to confirm our appointment.  The time of the appountment came and went.  I called her a few times and finally an hour later I got a hold of her and she had told me that she was getting in a cab and on her way to my hotel.  I decided to grab a drink to calm my nerves since I figured she was 15 - 30 minutes away from arriving at my hotel.  Well another hour went by and she still did not show.  I called her several more times to see what was up and got nothing but her voicemail.  At that point I was getting tired and was just more worried about her safety than our date.  So I decided to go downstairs and see if maybe I could spot her, not that I had a clue what she looked like since I did not see any pics of her face.  I went to all of the bars in the casino area, decided that she was going to be a no show and headed up to my room to call it a night.  I went to bed and left my cell on next to my bed in case she called.  The next day I tried calling her just to see if she was okay and to try to figure out what happened.  When I called I could barely hear her mumble something over the phone and she hung up on me.  So my question is, was I wrong to call it a night even though my date didn't show and two and a half hours went by?  Was I suppose to leave ten more messages on her voicemail?  I was starting to feel like Mikey from the movie Swingers from all the messages I was leaving for her.  I was also surprised to be treated rather rudely from such a well-reviewed and popular provider.  What do you guys think?  I would love to try and see her again the next time I am in town but I don't know if that's going to be a possibility.

One of the few things that TER is missing is a way to formally report "no shows". Maybe there should be a category for this in the review form?

bummed out2397 reads

I agree, although it would be kinda dick to post a no show review on a consistent and superb provider.  I think there needs to be an explaination and discussion type forum where amends can be made and the no show review can be lifted given that both parties agree.

touchmethere2779 reads

Without you saying who she is, the face no showing in her pics kind of narrows the fieild. You should really drop a name.

While I would like to see this also, in the past providers have argued that it would only be fair also to list the hobbyiests who no show and don't call to cancel.  I have never done that to a provider (although I did cancel once a few hours before an appointment when I got food poisoning).  

I have only experienced a no show once, however, it is extremely frustrating and rude when a simple phone call or email would just be common courtesy.

LasVegasGambler3593 reads

I would suggest finding someone else to entertain you. I don't know who was the provider but it sounds like she wasn't doing her job. As a "professional", the least she could have done was call you back and inform you of her inability to see you, instead of leaving you hanging like that. There are others out there that will make your stay in Vegas a memorable one and others who will steal you blind, at least she didn't do that unless she had you pay up front. At any rate, there are others out there who will step up to the plate or you can always go the brothels outside the county line. Hope all goes well on your next trip.

You should let everyone know who this provider was and give her the fair chance to openly respond if this is exactly what happend.

If things went as you  described ( sometimes guys tend to leave out some details of their story ) then you did nothing wrong at all .

Of course you can call it a night , you don't have to wait up for her all night long .
No you don't have to leave ten more messages .

This is very simple , date was set . appointment was confirmed . Provider should show up on time , if she is running late she should call client to let him know . If she can't make it - she should call to cancel .

Same goes for the client,  if he is running late or can't keep the appointment he should call the provider and let her know .

Why were you treated rudely ?? Maybe it was something you said
or maybe she was .............well never mind figure it out .

Beyond me why would you want to see someone who stood you up ?
If a client stands me up ( that means no show , no call )in future he has no chance to see me . Why would I want to see someone that has no respect for my time ??

Sorry to hear you got bummed out . Hope next time things work out better for you . All the best , xoxo CindySpice

It happens. I had an experience very similar to yours recently. Well reviewed, very popular. Talked to her a few hours before the appointment and all was well. It was a rainy night in Vegas and when she didn't show, I became concerned for her safety. I called and left a message to that effect but never heard from her again. I know now that she is OK, but I guess I'll never find out what happened that night. The irony - on her web site she states that any customer who no-shows will not get a second chance. There are many considerate indies in Vegas. Why you would consider trying to see this one again is beyond me.

Squirrelly Jones3026 reads

I too had a similar experience on my last visit.

I'd set up an appointment with a VERY well known provider one month before my trip.

I called her the day before and left voicemail. Didn't hear back.

30 minutes after my appt time I left to go do something else. I would have at least expected a phone call (I'm running late), etc. Nothing.

90 minutes later I get a call from the person, at my hotel, wondering where I was. Well, I said, I've gone out. I didn't hear from you. No confirmation.

Then I get lip about how the email I received one month ago was confirmation enough and how I didn't need any more. Really, she bitched me out and was pissed.

I mean, how long should I wait to hear something? I just think it was incredibly bad on her part to give me shit just because she had to hoof it to my hotel to be late.

Anyway, I considered posting a review about it but I will consider it an isolated incident.

Same thing happened to me  BUT ...........

why not call ??

Client called to confirm appointment . we are set . 5 hours before appointment it starts to rain hard ,
2 hours later  hours still raining . I call client to express my concerns about having to drive in the rain , flash floods are being announced . We both agree that maybe best to cancel appointment but still decide to see maybe rain will die down in the next few hours .........rain gets worst on my side of town so hour before appointment I call client to apologize that I have to cancel due  to weather conditions that I hate to do this but I really don't feel safe driving .
Of course client is a bit bummed ( I am bummed too ) but he understands it is too dangerous to drive .

We are able to reschedule for the next day . Next day was nice and sunny . The first thing the client said when I walked in was - I am so glad we rescheduled . I watched the news last night and it was so bad I would feel awful if something happened to you while driving in that rain ..........

Point of the story , yes sometimes a top provider may need to cancel , Sh*t happens .but the important part is to call and let the client know what is going on . Leaving someone hanging is just irresponsible .

lv2daty3042 reads

Same thing happened to my by the girl with the note that you don't get a second chance.  I talked to her a few times and was pretty shocked that it happened since we seemed to have good conversations.  I finally got a response to an e-mail I sent 3 weeks later.  Good excuse if it is true but don't think i'll be trying again in the future.

I also had it happen to me another time.  This time I talked to her and she said she would be about an hour.  No call no show.  Won't be calling her back again either.  Both very well reviewed indies in Vegas.

To me, I think some of the ladies probably get so many calls that they can pick and choose when they feel like they want to work.  In a way, I can't blame them but to be so inconsiderate is weak.  In my case I thought it was real weak because I had good conversations with both.

Anyway, I wouldn't worry about it and I think in this hobby it will happen from time to time no matter how good the reviews have been.

There is a certain segment of providers that get way too many requests and turn down many appointments because they don't want to be that overworked.  It's common for the indies providers in Vegas to get 80-100 emails a day (probably includes SPAM since they don't want to lose a valid request for a date).  I don't know about you but I have a hard enough time dealing with that kinda load on a daily basis.


Not sure if I understand your statement.   I don't see why getting a lot of emails can be used as an excuse for not showing up for a confirmed date or not to be on time....

-- Modified on 3/10/2005 1:09:25 PM

BUMMED OUT cam  you pm me and let me know
who she is ????????

PokerGent4046 reads

If everything you stated is true---you should post who this wonderful well reviewed provider that did not show---she would then have the right to post her explanation!

Again if what you stated is true she needs to be exposed!!!!

that got a whole bunch of lip service (and not the right kind) for not being able to make the appointment.

I too scheduled with a VERY well and many reviewed provider locally. It was a week to 10 days in advance and we both were in agreement that it was SET. As Murphy's law would have it, I came down with the flue. I really did not want to cancel out on this either, but it got to the day before the day and I just felt this is not right. I should not go over there and subject her and who ever else to the flue. And let me tell you, even if you did not know me or never talked to me on the phone before, you would be able to tell I was sick.

I apologized and told her the above about possibly infecting her, and holy crap! She lights into me about how valuable her time is and that this was so disrespectful etc. Through in a few choice names for good measure none of which were my real name and hung up. I'm like in total shock. I have always considered myself a true gentleman and by the way this was the day before not that night. I guessed you must be obligated to give a 3-day right if recision for christ sake. Although she still gets good reviews I am glad as hell I did not go see her. And unlike the start of this thread I sure would not try again, no matter who she was. Well maybe Halle Barry, LOL.

Guess I was and am just a schmuck. NOT A CHANCE.

The only thing I will fault you for is calling numerous times to figure out WTF.  Calling more than a couple times for tardiness/no show makes you sound more like a stalker and cause the provider to have second thoughts about showing up late.

It's not uncommon for providers to be late.  Some of the best reviewed providers in town are known to be tardy (sometimes more than 2 hours).  If you want promptness, then you should look for that in the reviews.


bummed out2379 reads

Hey guys I just wanted to give you guys an update on the whole thing.  I was finally able to talk it out with the lady and everything was worked out.  I guess I am not suppose to call her after the second call even if she was running late.  That's what got her freaked out and she decided not to show. She's a very sweet lady and I chalk the whole experience up as an unfortunate but understandable incident.  I will not disclose her identity because there is no need to do so.  Thanks for all of the feedback.  It is great to be able to talk about these things and get responses from other people.

I had a date set up with angelina amour and she couldn't make it because of car trouble.  She went out of her  way phoning keeping me up to date and apologizing and even sent a follow up emails apologizing.  I thought that it was very considerate because no one want to sit around vegas waiting.  I am still waiting to meet her but I was very impressed with the way she treats her customers.

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