Las Vegas

Oh Yea...
Ol_Desperado 59 Reviews 350 reads

Recently I was walking back from Dinner with my lady/slut....when she was "hit on" by a dirt bag.  The asswipe even referred to me as her "Daddy"!  Whatever!!  She snapped right back at him and he went moping off like the slimeball he was

So my best friend and his GF and her best friends come in from Chicago. We are at the best place to be in Vegas on Sunday night and as always... it didn't flipping fail... as normal... that as soon as we turn our backs for one minute... there are cheesy guys all over the girls we are with.

I'm used to it... been in Vegas off and on for so long that I expect it but my BF (and best man in my first wedding) that is a former hockey player isn't so cool with it and had an issue. You can pretty much figure out the rest of the story when some Douche@#$ got a little too friendly and put his hands on his GF's a$$. Pretty sure that DoucheB@& lost a tooth or two before we got thrown out.

The joys of Vegas as I had to explain to him as we were laughing our arses off and getting thrown out of the property. Luckily the bouncers sided with us because his GF explained to them that the D*Bag put his hands on her arse.

WTF with the guys here in Vegas that think that as soon as guys leave ladies to hit the restroom that they think the ladies are open game??

Ladies... how many times when you go out just to have some fun in Las Vegas do you get hit up on by cheeseballs?

I'm guessing that the survey results will say at least 5+ times a night....

WTF... ladies in Vegas seem to get no respect and the guys here think that all ladies are hookers. Chicago, Dallas, Atlanta, Nashville.... Can't think of any city I've lived in where the men are such D*Bags like they are in Las Vegas.

What say you

Recently I was walking back from Dinner with my lady/slut....when she was "hit on" by a dirt bag.  The asswipe even referred to me as her "Daddy"!  Whatever!!  She snapped right back at him and he went moping off like the slimeball he was

these asshole tourist think anything goes in Vegas. So include a few drinks to build up stupidity level and they have no respect for anyone, because they are here for a few days on vacation. But then you have local assholes who think they can hit on any ladies thnking they are tourist and will never see them again. Basically asshole are assholes regardless of the surroundings, but a few drinks make them bigger assholes with liquid courage.

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