Las Vegas

new to this...difference between independent and agencies
hitthedust 1754 reads

I know that independents work for themselves and agencies have a group of providers.  Any agencies worthwhile?  If so which?  From what I have seen most people are againist agencies.
I am heading out that way this coming weekend and would like to meet with someone.  At the same time I don't want to break the bank or run into LE.

indies (you don't want to say indys cause some IN people will jump on you for that) work for themselves.  They vary.  If you look through the review database here, there's quite a few that have a lot of great reviews.  The main issue is that you need to make arrangements with indies in advance since they usually require some personal information to make them feel comfortable meeting you (read they don't like to get busted).

Agencies are a different breed.  In this town, most, if not all, work this way: 24/7 phone answering service.  You tell them where you're staying and what room and a phone number.  You get calls from nearby girls that can get to you quickly (for hours).  You pay the agency fee.  The girl that shows up at your door works for tips only.  Tips vary, upselling is common, assault/theft is not unheard of.  Usually the little head says $2k cash? sure why not? when you have a half naked girl in your room when the big head is saying kick the girl to the curb.  To most of us who troll the boards here, we think it's a ripoff.  But to each his/her own.

Vice? Unless your looking at streetwalkers, bar girls, or craigslist, not really an issue.  Of course, to be 100% safe, you could drive to one of the legit brothels outside of the county where exchanging money for sex is legal.  There's a premium for that over indies (which I think most would agree are the price/performance leaders in town).

As for not breaking the bank, spend $20 for a 1 month VIP membership and get an idea of how much gets charged here in town.  You'll find that the rates here tend to be higher than most parts of the US.  If your pocketbook can't afford that, best bet is to skip the idea of a seeing provider while you're in town.


I nominate you for one of the best posts of the year !!!!

I couldn't have said it better myself !!
Great Great advise !!!

What do you do about cancellations and no shows? In the case of indies, as they are independent, you are making and appt with one lady.  At least with other options (and I add the Nevada Brothels to this list), there are alternatives available?

In the past year, on every trip to vegas, I have had at least one provider either cancel or no show on me. And that is after doing due diligence of this board. Frankly, I don't blame the guys who are double booking, as maybe under those plans, at least they can get one to show up.

Because when that happens, you are put in a virtually impossible situation. Are you going to try and book an indie last minute? First you have to have internet access. Then you have to find a lady who happens to be available last minute who will take you with minimal screening.

As much as I like the variety of seeing different ladies, I've pulled back on my next trip in a couple of weeks. I am seeing a lady I have known for years and know I can trust, and headed back out to the brothels for a 2nd night.

One of the Asian places in town with multiple girls available at all hours.

Well, if you don't want to break the bank, stay away from all agencies as they are complete upsells.  Do a little homework on TER and you should be able to find a great provider here that is within price range and won't try to take you for more than what she has listed as her donation.  Happy huntings.

Hugs and Smooches,

I totally agree with my sister on that one, agencies are complete upsells; never believe the cab driver.  There are many quality providers here on TER with acurate reviews.
Good luck!

One agency that is 110% reliable is Pretty Maids. I've used them three times and always been pleased with the girls, the price, and the performance.

banpei11488 reads

I'm new too, so I'm no expert, but from looking at a lot of the agency girl's websites, it looks like they take a lot of pictures from external sources, esp the asian places.  (at least, the ones I've seen have...)  The reviews all generally seem to be less than great when compared to independents... (5-8 avg versus 7-10 avg)  Since this upcoming time will be my first, I've looked through *a lot* of the reviews trying to pick the right girl and indies seem to be better...  

On a similar note, I appreciate this site.

hitthedust1381 reads

I appreciate the help you guys gave me.  I am sure I will pickout someone worth while

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