Las Vegas

Informative reply....
FSinIndy 6484 reads

Kiana..or do your friends call you "Kina"? :) :)

With what you said, am I correct in assuming then that the preferred "meet and greet" take place down in the lobby or bar as opposed to meeting "him" with a "knock on the door"?

A while back there was a discussion wether or not the MGM runs stings. Well, I can confirm that they do. Over the past year, they have run several sweeps and stings to keep out our "friends" from being at the Casino. They have really tightened up the grip at the MGM. They also, like I mentioned in another thread, check for room keys after 11PM. Also, they will randomly stop people during the day. LeFemme and Zuri bars no longer have as many "friends" as it use to. I saw one of our "friends" get pinched around 3AM for approaching someone at the bar. Just giving you guys the heads up!

Be careful and play safe!!!

Kiana Benz5903 reads

Just so everyone can be enlightened, though, I think it is important, that we all know, that EVERY hotel, in Las Vegas, cooperates with the police department. To say it is mostly or just the MGM Grand, and for us to only expect it there, would be really crazy and dumb.
If there is a casino, in Las Vegas, that Vice, wants to do a sting at they will let them, and they rotate, resorts, when the are active, which they are always, sometimes more activity than, at other times, depending on their own schedule.

The randomly stopping people during the day?? Do you mean randomly stopping girls, who they have seen work over time, and are there every day at the same bar?
Because, NEVER, would they just go up to some guy, or girl, tourist, in the middle of the day and start questioning them, about why they are there, and if they are staying there, and what their agenda is, that is BS. I think someone has told you a story there, and other people reading this are thinking, "I can only get in trouble at MGM"; FALSE
"They will harass me at anytime when I walk though the door"; FALSE; Security is not going to look at 1 person, in the masses, and say, "You over here...what are you doing here...What's your business here?" If they do know you, now there is a problem. Or if they are having a specific problem, at that exact moment when you walk in, and they are right there, maybe they'll ask you something.
"Only certain Hotels, and Casinos, cooperate with LE"; FALSE
Every single one in Las Vegas, does, I am not to sure they even have a choice. I think they only thing that makes it happen more at one than the other, is when they Casino, like maybe MGM does, asks for extra help, says, will you do a sting here more often, than usual?  
The only reason MGM, had a big thread is because it was mentioned, not because it is the only place where trouble will find you. If someone come on and says, "They I had trouble at the RIO", then it will all be about the RIO, right?
Don't just be careful at one place;  but DO EXPECT IT ANYWHERE.

It's really important that girls who are new to town, or
semi-new, realize, that this can happen anywhere, at anytime.

XOXOXO, Kina Benz

When he says "randomly stop people during the day", I'm sure he means those going to use the elevators to go to room floors, not in general throughout the hotel (although they can question someone in the casino if they believe they are under 21).

I suspect that MGM stepped up security in the elevator areas in light of the recent TV news reports of lax hotel security procedures. If I were staying in the hotel, I would prefer they check my key and verify I'm a guest (or a friend of a guest) before I get on the elevator. I have no problem going to the lobby to meet someone.

As far as the hotel bars, I've seen hotel security make sweeps in the past. It seems that the "friends" always return after a while. I've always wondered how much authority the hotels really have. I mean if you have proof of age and your sitting there playing a slot machine and not "bothering" anyone, can they really legally make you leave?

"I mean if you have proof of age and your sitting there playing a slot machine and not "bothering" anyone, can they really legally make you leave?"

Qwerty, the answer to your question is yes they can.  The casinos have the power to deny access to anyone for pretty much any reason except those involving civil rights (racism, etc.).   Case in point:  If you're winning too much at the blackjack tables, and they suspect you're counting cards (something that is LEGAL!) they will ask you to leave.

BTW, I was told, a few years back, by a head of security at a major Strip hotel, that by and large the gals that work the bars are usually tolerated so long as they don't make any trouble or bother gamblers.  That doesn't mean that LVPD doesn't conduct sweeps, or otherwise don't do their jobs.

Just my .02

FSinIndy6485 reads

Kiana..or do your friends call you "Kina"? :) :)

With what you said, am I correct in assuming then that the preferred "meet and greet" take place down in the lobby or bar as opposed to meeting "him" with a "knock on the door"?

Wow, I wonder if it could have anything to do with it being posted on this board that the LaFemme Bar is crawling with call girls.

I will be in L. V. in July on vacation.  I was planning on staying at the MGM and getting together with an Independent (or two) during the time I was there.  After reading this I'm wondering if maybe I should consider staying at a different hotel?  Any advice would be well appreciated.



Look, do you realize that you're under some kind of surveillance while you're here in Vegas?  If you're concerned for your privacy, you're better off playing around somewhere other than near a casino (Vegas or anywhere else for that matter).

With that said, who gives a rat's ass what hotel security is like.  They really don't care whose going up to the rooms in the attached hotel provided it's a registered guest and not some yahoo checking out the inclinators or trying to sneak into a suite.

That advertising campaign that the LVCVA is running, "What goes on in here, stays here", pretty much covers a lot of questionable behavior.  Whose to say that your messing around with two or three different sets of partners everyday behind closed doors?  Why do you think most providers are outcall only in this town?  How are you suppose to weed out the sexually loose from the working girls in this town when all you see is what goes up and down the elevators?

Please, if you're going to argue which fucking hotel has security at the guest elevators and what this means, please ask yourself if you care about the "eye in the sky" constantly recording your movements on the casino floor.


Hyman Roth6060 reads

A Mirage Resorts senior marketing exec once told me, with a straight face, "we really don't want [the girls] here, but we tolerate it because the players want them." Since the girls a) have to play; b) take care of security, among other casino employees; and c) not get into trouble, it's hard to take that sort of thing seriously. You can guess why these "stings" are run. Gaming doesn't do anything the casinos don't want them to do, and you can take that to the bank.

There was once a well known marketing exec (read "Superhost") who changed properties while under contract, which pissed off his former employer, coincidentally MGM. MGM complained to Gaming that he had knowledge of a Metro sting at MGM and tipped off the madam. Gaming went after his licence, but this was in retaliation for him leaving the company while under contract, nothing else.

A friend of mine (since retired and married) worked for a high-end LV escort service, and named several senior MGM executives as clients (to them, I say, excellent choice, monseuir). You'd recognize many of the names.

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